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  1. Y

    New Display Time - I can't keep up

    A sign I'm not the young tech I once was. I have started looking to upgrade my display at home and honestly the market makes my head spin. The last time I did this It was easy. I just bought the biggest LCD I could afford that still received decent feedback on newegg. Ended up with a 28" ASUS...
  2. Y

    Opteron 170 OEM for $351 and in stock
  3. Y

    Yet another guy looking for upgrade advice.

    Hey guys, I'm currently running a 3.0ghz Northwood on a 875 chipset, but I'm looking to upgrade. I'm really torn in the dual core issue. And the Opteron/ or Athlon option. I **DEFINATELY** want to go with AMD. Other hardware that I will be including are: 6800gs video A TV tunrer of some...