What are you nerds playing this weekend?

How was re village compared to the other re games?

I think it's probably the 2nd best one behind both versions of RE4. It does a good job of walking the line between "you have no resources and have to sneak around" vs. just mowing everything down like RE5 and RE6. RE7 is good, too. RE8 is a direct sequel to it, although their settings = very different.
It's meh played for 5 mins basically tribes ascend don't see the point... make another game like T1 but modern graphics and im sold
oh i agree. Its getting slammed in the user reviews. The main reason? It had a fun mode called Honorball, and it was even in the trailer. It proved too popular, now the devs have pulled it out of T3 and are making it its own game. For $20, plus cosmetic DLC.

The community has correctly called them out over this. T3 and honorball are basically just cash grabs for cosmetic DLC, which the devs will just pump and dump. Its a bad joke really. You are paying $20 not for a base game, but for game modes
Been playing Tribes 3 Rivals... it is only in Early Access, so not the largest player base, but it has been so much damn fun! Fast paced CTF action!
DCS. Just got the Mirage F1. Nice plane.

Those are one of my go to AI targets these days. I like the plane, but seldom use my Mirage 2000C so I am doubting I will use the Mirage F1. I am looking at F-15E, F-14 or JF-17 next.
I've been addicted to Tribes 3 since Early Access release... Seriously, if you love extremely fast paced CTF action, pick this up!
I've been addicted to Tribes 3 since Early Access release... Seriously, if you love extremely fast paced CTF action, pick this up!
you would be one of the few people playing it. I played the hell out of it in the various alpha/beta tests, but the game gets real shallow real quick. Especially when you consider the absolutley retarded dev descisions:

1. If you have the flag, and you are in the air too long, you die (lol)
2. If you aren't the exact class the devs decided should be a capper, you get air drag by the flag (lol)
3. As a heavy, you can't have the mortar or cg at the same time (lol)
4. Honorball, a game mode that should be free since its a game mode, will now cost its own game, plus dlc (lol)
5. Interacting with Erez, the lead dev, in discord just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. The dude has thin skin, easily offended, and thinks hes gods gift to tribes. The feedback forums are full of good feedback, but they don't listen.
6. Good god, more bots than people. And unlike in Halo Inf when all bots have a 343 [ODST] tag so you know they are bots, T3 purposefully hides them.

There is a reason the early access game has a peak of 890 people, and most times its half that.

But don't just take my word for it. Go to the steam product page and look at the top review, with over 1000 people 'liking it'

Top Steam Tribes 3 review:
TLDR: Wait until the game gets out of Early Access and then wait another few months and reevaluate.

Confused by these reviews? Here's a quick primer:

T1 was released in 1998 and well received.
T2 was released in 2001 and generally well received after some dev and community patching.
TAA was released in 2002 and was T2 on the PS2.
TV is what you watch movies and shows on.
TA was released in 2012 by Hi-rez and abandoned a little more than a year after release for a game called SMITE.
~10 years pass
Starsiege: Raiders (a looter shooter) was demoed at TwitchCon 2022 and then disappeared.
Starsiege: Deadzone (an extraction shooter) seemingly replaced Raiders, but the Steam listing was 'temporarily' removed in Feb 2023. Google it, you can still see the store listing, you just can't buy or wishlist it.
T3 alpha test was announced and opened in Dec 2023.
SMITE 2 was announced in Jan 2024. Interesting pattern here.
T3 early access in Mar 2024.

There appears to have been some form of FPS development going on at Prophecy since at least 2022.

Hi-rez and Prophecy were founded by someone named Erez. Prophecy spun off from Hi-rez at some point and is purportedly independent, but the studios are across the street from each other.

Tribes games, in general, are high skill floor, high skill ceiling games. The Tribes community, in general, is toxic. Not LoL toxic, but close.

Now, on to the game. There are a number of highly polarizing and concerning issues.

First, the game is lacking most of the features that prior Tribes games have had. Features like a server browser and in-game text chat are not currently in, for dubious reasons. There are no community moderation features, like vote kicking, vote skipping, etc. There are other things missing as well, but I need to keep this under a character count. Some things are understandable from a strictly monetary point of view- adding skinning, mapping, modding, and scripting support means that they can't monetize those kind of features.

Others are less so. They seem determined to make this a small, arena style game, like Valorant or CS2, with small maps, lower player counts (at one point as low as 5v5), no vehicles, and no game mode other than CTF. This is counter to some of the fundamentals that are unique to Tribes. Most Tribes players would agree that speed, skiing, jetpacks, and freedom of movement are the hallmarks of what makes Tribes, Tribes. This game does have some of those hallmarks, but they are hamstrung by the box they are trying to fit the game in. Smaller maps mean that speed isn't as important and freedom of movement/jetpacks are restricted. Low player counts means that engagements are few and far between because you can get away fast and there's no defensive or offensive layering. They even had/have a timer that blows you up if you are airborne too long with the flag. No vehicles and no other game modes means there's very little else to do in the game if you get bored with capping/defending.

They've added bots, which is becoming more commonplace in games, but they are unlabeled here and seemingly ever present. Just watch for 'players' that ruin your grab as they walk the flag off the stand or start humping various terrain features. Be ready for a ton of 5-0 cap out games.

They've used generative AI instead of artists to create content for the game. Some assets from TA appear to have been reused in T3 as well.

They added a fun new game mode that was in the release trailer and then decided to remove it completely to monetize it as a separate game. They didn't remove the footage from the trailer until a couple days before early access started.

The game is/was in 'alpha' and is now in 'early access' but according to the CEO, it is largely feature complete and the only things we can expect are bug/balance fixes, a couple new maps, and a couple new weapons. Doesn't really sound 'alpha' or 'early access' to me.

They've locked the two main Tribes skins behind two separate $40 DLCs. Those DLCs can provide daily skins for a year in addition, but only for the first win of the day, so you have to play and win every day, otherwise you miss out on some. The full, undiscounted price that you will pay to unlock some things and then have 365 days of constant play to unlock the rest is $100. Really trying to kick us in the FOMO. There was also a battle pass system (in an alpha test!) so it seems likely that will be added at some point. At least they haven't added virtual currency. Yet.

They switched anti-cheat from EAC to Denuvo during the playtests, but were clueless (or simply careless) enough to not proactively engage with the community before using something with a name as loaded as Denuvo. For the record, Denuvo anti-cheat (not their anti-tamper/DRM) seems to be a well made and flexible option and you shouldn't solely base any purchasing decision (this game or others) just on it being used as the anti-cheat product. I know because I reached out personally to irdeto (maker of Denuvo products) with my concerns after Prophecy made little to no attempt to respond to community concerns about the change. irdeto had a good and constructive response, in sharp contrast with Prophecy's. After I shared irdeto's response with the community on the subreddit and discord, Prophecy then posted that response to their own website without informing, asking, or attributing to me. I posted it publicly and explicitly got the consent of the individual I was interacting at irdeto, so I'm not too worried about it being out there, but given that they didn't inform, ask, or attribute before posting it gives you an idea of the kind of people they are.

On the topic of people, the founder of Hi-rez and Prophecy, Erez, is a large part of the problem. He's out of touch with gamers in general, passive-aggressive, dismissive in his interactions, and seems determined that *he* knows what everyone else wants best, as indicated by the attempts to use the Starsiege IP for a looter shooter that was about 8 years late, an extraction shooter in a saturated market, and a high speed CTF game on small maps where speed is marginalized. He's not like this all the time, but anyone that thin-skinned and closed-minded should not be interacting with any kind of community, especially not one that is already known for being toxic.

So, the reviews are from a toxic fanbase engaging with a toxic CEO over a game in an underused and frequently abandoned IP that hasn't had a new game released in over 10 years. There's a lot of passion and energy and anger. The CEO has a history of starting up games and then abandoning them. This feels like another thing being thrown at the wall and seeing if it sticks. All indicators point to there being little to no support unless the game does really well, but that just makes this a chicken and egg situation.

My recommendation is to wait. This isn't really T3. It's TA with even fewer features. Call it TA -4. The bones, no not even the bones- an x-ray of the bones of a Tribes game are in it, but it's not worth spending any amount of money or time at the moment. Wait for it to emerge from early access see what kind of game they wind up calling complete.
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you would be one of the few people playing it. I played the hell out of it in the various alpha/beta tests, but the game gets real shallow real quick. Especially when you consider the absolutley retarded dev descisions:

1. If you have the flag, and you are in the air too long, you die (lol)
2. If you aren't the exact class the devs decided should be a capper, you get air drag by the flag (lol)
3. As a heavy, you can't have the mortar or cg at the same time (lol)
4. Honorball, a game mode that should be free since its a game mode, will now cost its own game, plus dlc (lol)
5. Interacting with Erez, the lead dev, in discord just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. The dude has thin skin, easily offended, and thinks hes gods gift to tribes. The feedback forums are full of good feedback, but they don't listen.
6. Good god, more bots than people. And unlike in Halo Inf when all bots have a 343 [ODST] tag so you know they are bots, T3 purposefully hides them.

There is a reason the early access game has a peak of 890 people, and most times its half that.

But don't just take my word for it. Go to the steam product page and look at the top review, with over 1000 people 'liking it'

Top Steam Tribes 3 review:
I mean, I loved Tribes 2 back in the day, but I have no illusions about it ever returning. I also enjoyed T:A quite a bit as well. I enjoy this game for the fast-paced movement and CTF action. I can see it probably getting old after a bit, but not before I got my $17 worth out of it. It is one of those games I can pick up and run with for a few matches and it doesn't eat a lot of my time. It's a great change of pace from current FPS games, just something about it strikes a chord of fun with me. Nothing out right now feels that fast or fun unless I play some old school UT99.

I play during peak EST hours though, I have yet to run into a single bot and am always in a match in under 30 seconds. As a matter of fact, most matches are larger than 16v16 it seems, either via a bug or intentional... lol. Also, the getting shot out of the air thing is about capturing the outpost, that does not happen if your team has the outpost.
that 'feature' shouldn't even be in the game to begin with. Hey guys, lets create a new version of an existing game, where people are rewarded for being in the air and being skilled, only lets kill them if they are in the air too long and are good for too long.

that 'feature' shouldn't even be in the game to begin with. Hey guys, lets create a new version of an existing game, where people are rewarded for being in the air and being skilled, only lets kill them if they are in the air too long and are good for too long.

It forces teamwork... but I had no clue what it was about until I was trying to cap and had to ask WTF was going on... lol. Teamwork is also why I recently suggested they put shields around the flag as well if the team generator is online to slow someone to a crawl. Tribes 2 had that, and I believe T:A may have as well (but don't remember for that game specifically).

I remember Tribes always having a focus on bases AND the flag. So you have flag cappers and chasers, but just as important was the heavy's either defending a base or trying to destroy the enemy base.
I think it's probably the 2nd best one behind both versions of RE4. It does a good job of walking the line between "you have no resources and have to sneak around" vs. just mowing everything down like RE5 and RE6. RE7 is good, too. RE8 is a direct sequel to it, although their settings = very different.
Re4 is your favorite? I actually don't care for that one..I really like re2 remake. Not sure if I'll enjoy village..I like the old school re games
you would be one of the few people playing it. I played the hell out of it in the various alpha/beta tests, but the game gets real shallow real quick. Especially when you consider the absolutley retarded dev descisions:

1. If you have the flag, and you are in the air too long, you die (lol)
2. If you aren't the exact class the devs decided should be a capper, you get air drag by the flag (lol)
3. As a heavy, you can't have the mortar or cg at the same time (lol)
4. Honorball, a game mode that should be free since its a game mode, will now cost its own game, plus dlc (lol)
5. Interacting with Erez, the lead dev, in discord just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. The dude has thin skin, easily offended, and thinks hes gods gift to tribes. The feedback forums are full of good feedback, but they don't listen.
6. Good god, more bots than people. And unlike in Halo Inf when all bots have a 343 [ODST] tag so you know they are bots, T3 purposefully hides them.

There is a reason the early access game has a peak of 890 people, and most times its half that.

But don't just take my word for it. Go to the steam product page and look at the top review, with over 1000 people 'liking it'

Top Steam Tribes 3 review:
I wish someone could make a tribes like the original.. nothing after 2 ever felt right or had any depth...
I wish someone could make a tribes like the original.. nothing after 2 ever felt right or had any depth...
That's because they didn't. T:V was meant to appeal to the CS crowd, it reduced the number of weapon slots bc that was deemed too hard to understand. It made the bases smaller/tiny. It got rid of the stealth pack and shocklance. And it tried introducing a new weapon, some dumb frisbee that bounces people away from you :/

T:A was a blatant cash grab, 100% pay2win. It also forced rigid classes on you, told you what guns you could carry and wont you can't, and made the bases even smaller. T3 gameplay wise is significantly better than T:A, but it also is a blatant cash grab. At least Ken Levine (Irrational, dev who made TV) said that they didn't understand the IP and shouldn't have done it. HiRez/Prophecy (HiRez 2.0) still has their head up their ass so hard, well they are never going to let the IP go
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That's because they didn't. T:V was meant to appeal to the CS crowd, it reduced the number of weapon slots bc that was deemed too hard to understand. It made the bases smaller/tiny. It got rid of the stealth pack and shocklance. And it tried introducing a new weapon, some dumb frisbee that bounces people away from you :/

T:A was a blatant cash grab, 100% pay2win. It also forced rigid classes on you, told you what guns you could carry and wont you can't, and made the bases even smaller. T3 gameplay wise is significantly better than T:A, but it also is a blatant cash grab. At least Ken Levine (Irrational, dev who made TV) said that they didn't understand the IP and shouldn't have done it. HiRez/Prophecy (HiRez 2.0) still has their head up their ass so hard, well they are never going to let the IP go
Yeah it's sad.. I've never played anything as good as the first tribes.. with all the graphics and pc power we have now still no game has come close to the.. same goes for rts gaming forged alliance is still the best and that's over decade old..I feel as if games are getting prettier but gameplay suffers
After playing Dragons Dogma 2 I narrowed down my Steam Wish List down to 10 games. The only other game I want for this year is Hellblade 2.
Waiting on Witchfire too be fleshed out along with V-Rising in May.

Coming soon
Added on 12/8/2022 ( remove )

Coming soon
Added on 6/11/2023 ( remove )

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II
MAY 21, 2024
Coming soon
Added on 9/24/2023 ( remove )

ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree
JUN 20, 2024
Add to Cart
Added on 3/6/2024 ( remove )

Titan Quest II
Coming soon
Added on 8/12/2023 ( remove )

Black Myth: Wukong
AUG 19, 2024
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Path of Exile 2
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Added on 12/28/2023 ( remove )

Coming soon
Added on 6/12/2023 ( remove )

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2
SEP 9, 2024
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Added on 8/27/2023 ( remove )

Coming soon
Added on 9/27/2023 ( remove )
Started playing FF7 Rebirth. I'm just not having fun with it, as it feels like a chore playing it.

Just waiting for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.
Thought I would take a break from BF and play Daymare-1998.
Controls are wonky af and the whole movement scheme is janky but I'm liking this RE clone so far, but we'll see what my final verdict is after a couple of hours.
Still ploughing through FF7 Rebirth. Have really gotten into the game now. 37 hours in and on chapter 9. I have tons of unexplored stuff in the regions. Game is massive.
Horizon zero dawn West is coming out soon. The original is one of the few games I've gotten 100% completion on
Right! I always wait a bit for patches.

Relatedly I just bought cyberpunk 2077 and dlc.

Which should I play first? Cyberpunk 2077, lies of p, or horizon zero?
Been a while since I posted but this weekend and probably for the next few is Dragon's Dogma 2. Don't listen to the complaints about micro transactions. They are not required to play the game. Its a good solid game despite all the controversies.
Been a while since I posted but this weekend and probably for the next few is Dragon's Dogma 2. Don't listen to the complaints about micro transactions. They are not required to play the game. Its a good solid game despite all the controversies.
I came here to post this too... I had Asmon's stream on for hours watching/listening to the game while I was working yesterday and it seems pretty good.. I'm for sure very interested.
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Thought I would take a break from BF and play Daymare-1998.
Controls are wonky af and the whole movement scheme is janky but I'm liking this RE clone so far, but we'll see what my final verdict is after a couple of hours.
I thought it sucked
Which one did you pick and how is it?
Bc I already bought it, I picked cyberpunk. I am waiting for horizon to come out with the amd frame Gen patch.

I'm getting irritated by cyberpunk. Between the normal base attributes, the perks, and the cyberware, I feel like it's too much. I am consulting various guides for builds and I only have two hours in the game.

Witcher 3 was never like this. Still, I will keep playing bc everyone supposedly loves it now (unlike launch).
Welp, now that Dragon's Dogma 2 is a no-go, going with Assassin's Creed Mirage. It's phoned-in as hell, but I've mostly enjoyed the others.
Bc I already bought it, I picked cyberpunk. I am waiting for horizon to come out with the amd frame Gen patch.

I'm getting irritated by cyberpunk. Between the normal base attributes, the perks, and the cyberware, I feel like it's too much. I am consulting various guides for builds and I only have two hours in the game.

Witcher 3 was never like this. Still, I will keep playing bc everyone supposedly loves it now (unlike launch).
Forget build guides - drop difficulty if you need to, play how you want. It's taken me almost 40 years to give myself "permission" to play on easy when I don't want the stress. The story is strong over all, worth going through just to see, and there are some very powerful moments, both front and center and hidden away. Don't think of it as "Witcher 3 + future" or whatever and I think you'll be a lot happier with the experience.