need help: 3 x Panasonic phone no longer display Caller ID

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
I have a Panasonic KX-TG9471. Recently, my folks give me 3 x Panasonic KX-TG410C handset, and these 3 phone definitely display caller ID at thier house

When I move these 3 phone here, they function just fine but w/o caller ID. Other than that, the phone sending / receive just found. Can anyone help?
What kind of line is it? I remember I had a MagicJack back in the day that wouldn't display caller ID unless I had a resistor on the line. Might have a similar issue with a VOIP line.

Terrible video but it shows how to make your own.
it's the regular land line.

the strange thing is, eventhough it does NOT display the caller ID when someone calls (when the phone is ringing), the MISS Call list, if I scroll thru it, does show all the callers that did call in the past.
Do you have caller ID on your phone line? believe it or not its an odd on, not guaranteed just because its a land line
yes, I have this the whole time. The other phones does display caller ID just fine, it's these 2 phones that I added just the other day, that does NOT display caller ID
guess those handsets don't work properly with that base model......... KX-TG9471

software/firmware problem ?