Recent content by Threet3n

  1. T

    Mining ROI or Profitability

    Is GPU mining really still viable? I feel like in comparison to ASIC miners, GPU is very disadvantaged. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
  2. T

    Doge is

    Well, that didn't last long :( Price now is about 58 Satoshi. Wish it had stayed up though. At least it looks to be leveling off pretty nicely, but with crypto-currencies you can't really predict this stuff.
  3. T

    The Eye

    Sweet! I'll be giving this a try, gotta love entertaining mobile games!
  4. T

    What are you nerds playing this weekend?

    Just got ARMA 3 for $30 as part of the Steam daily sale. Definitely going to mess around in that. Planetary Annihilation - so addictive!
  5. T

    time to upgrade soon

    Sorry this doesn't directly answer your question - but I know one reason that the brand new stuff hasn't been adopted by many yet is because it's 1. Super expensive and 2. Still a relatively new thing. As with any new model or series, it is customary to give time for the...
  6. T

    To itx... or not itx... is the question... coming from ATX

    reviving a little bit. I totally love my ITX build. Prodigy, RP 270, H80 CPU cooler. It runs quiet, quick, and is the most easily transported of all my friends rigs when I attend the occasional LAN Party. I haven't had a single issue with it thus far (owned for about 6 months now)
  7. T

    Spend more on cpu or mobo?

    I'd get the 2500k and spring for a better mobo. I see no reason to get the 2600k over the 2500k. Spending an extra $100 for what exactly? It only preforms a step better, if that. I also see no need for a $200 motherboard, $150 seems like a good price. which will keep you well under your $400 budget.
  8. T

    Corsair PSUs and SLI

    I'd go with the tx750. I have it right now and it's more than I need, but like Dan said, better to have too much than not enough.
  9. T

    Help me pick a PSU today by today!

    I'm running a Tx750 right now with a 2500k and gtx 285. It's more than enough power to get me by, I'm sure a tx/hx650 would do the job, I have a friend with a cx600 with an even more power hungry system and it does fine. So I suggest anything corsair around 600w or 650 to be safe.
  10. T

    Hyper 212+ Orientation

    When I clicked on "this" It sent me to something slightly irrelevant. Linked wrong? I might try out North/South configuration with the build I am about to start in a week or two, as long as I have the room for it.
  11. T

    I have successfully replaced the fan in my Corsair TX750

    I have to agree with Falcon on this -.-
  12. T

    Corsair Professional HX650W - 99$

    There seems to be no down side to getting the HX650 even though it's a few years old. It's going to have, I assume, everything you need for your build. Corsair is also very reputable about their PSU's and they offer a 7 year warranty on the thing, so all that is a big plus. As for the price, I...
  13. T

    Anatomy of a Computer Virus

    Did you actually watch that whole thing, I can't even imagine watching it >.< Also, virus's scare me... :(
  14. T

    Nothing shows up in Sent menu

    :D Wow, so simple! Thanks!
  15. T

    Nothing shows up in Sent menu

    I joined the [H]forum recently, mainly because I noticed how good the "For-Sale" thread was, and I am in the midst of upgrading my computer. I have been talking with people via PM about their for sale items, and none of my out going messages have shown up in my Sent section. I would really like...