jobert's latest activity

  • jobert
    jobert reacted to Armenius's post in the thread Horizon Forbidden West with Like Like.
    It's not, but the subversion is so pervasive now that it's hard for even "normies" to ignore, which is why the discourse has heated up in the past couple years. The reality is that this pot has been slowly boiling for the past 15 years, which is...
  • jobert
    jobert reacted to Furious_Styles's post in the thread Horizon Forbidden West with Like Like.
    I'm still confused how it's going to stop someone from enjoying the game? It's such a minor change. It's like making a male character less muscular in the sequel, is anyone going to complain about that?
  • jobert
    There is nothing wrong with Eneba. I've never had a issue with a key from them, plus I think a lot of things have changed in 4yrs.
  • jobert
    Of course! I usually quote them because no one else really does the testing that they do but that does not mean that they notice or get every single thing correct now does it? And instead of being an asshole why don't you go back and look what...
  • jobert
    Well on the PS5 I didn't see any ray tracing issues, but he If he is blind if he didn't notice issues on PC because they're pretty obvious. I guarantee you I've spent more time playing through that game than he did testing it. I've done two full...
  • jobert
    Ray tracing is garbage in this game and if you don't notice it, then you should never ever be in any type of debate about image quality. It actually has worse shadows in areas and the flickering lights can create these little black lines at...
  • jobert
    I fired up Fort Solis today and my fps was capped at 58 fps but disabling reflex fixed that issue. I knew Witcher 3 had reflex and checked it and sure enough it was capped at 58 fps also. This was not happening before and nothing has changed on...
  • jobert
    jobert replied to the thread Horizon Forbidden West.
  • jobert
    Ray tracing on the PC version is garbage in spots and inconsistent at best. Anyone that thinks it looks good is blind. The shadows look better without ray tracing in some areas and the reflections look like absolute garbage in some spots similar...
  • jobert
    jobert replied to the thread Red Dead Redemption 2.
    Anyone else having trouble updating? First time I tried it just sat there for over 5 minutes on the updating launcher screen. I closed it and restarted and then it went to my games but never started the download. Restarted again and same thing...
  • jobert
    There are architectures that have scaled much better than others. The current architecture scales rather poorly and the only other one I've ever seen that scaled as bad was Kepler. I think what's really holding the 4090 back though is that it's...
  • jobert
    It is still resetting my EA app settings every couple of days. On the EA forums they removed all six of my comments that I had made in two existing threads on the topic saying it was considered spamming. In fact I noticed that some other user's...
  • jobert
    It can't even do that now in every game if you like to max out all the eye candy...
  • jobert
    jobert replied to the thread The Last of Us Part I.
    I wonder why in the hell they never fixed DLSS and DLAA. DLSS has a few little issues and DLAA is complete garbage in this game. I mean did they not even take five seconds to look at its implementation? The game also still has a few other...
  • jobert
    No, the 4090 "literally" has 68% more cores than the 4080 and does not scale worth a shit in most cases. Even at 4k the average performance difference is less than 30% in the latest techpowerup review.