Recent content by EXT64

  1. E

    World Community Grid

    What they just installed on your computer! :D
  2. E

    GPUGRID - Really?

    It idles at 86MB (or put another way, there are 86MB of processes that aren't the task python script).
  3. E

    GPUGRID - Really?

    I just mean that specifically on the Titan V, NVIDIA decided to disable one of the four HBM modules because it hurts their soul to give consumers fully functional hardware. On these WUs 16GB memory = zero errors, and 12GB memory = ~15-20% errors.
  4. E

    GPUGRID - Really?

    Yep, if only greedy NVIDIA hadn't disabled one of the memory chips. Thanks a lot NVIDIA...
  5. E

    Boinc Games Sprint starts tonight

    That's definitely a good way to still have fun and focus on projects that you might not run otherwise.
  6. E

    Boinc Games Sprint starts tonight

    Well, no work left now. Have fun DDOSers and Spoofers!
  7. E

    Boinc Games Sprint starts tonight

    I'm running 4 tasks per, but it is on an older CPU that is definitely holding it back. I just tried to start up another VII on a newer CPU, but now they seem to be out of work. Just like old times!
  8. E

    Boinc Games Sprint starts tonight

    So what is good at Einstein these days? I fired up my Radeon VIIs which only seemed to get GW work. They don't seem to be running well however it is too early to tell for sure.
  9. E

    Nomination: DC'er of the Month: July 2023

    WFeather is distinguishing himself!
  10. E

    SETI.Germany's 14th Annual Pentathlon (2023)

    Yes, many of the ECM work units can periodically use a lot of ram. The _ru in particular periodically use 4GB+ each!
  11. E

    Mowing over high PPD folders from yesteryear

    Because of QRB, F@h rarely benefits from running multiple units. How does power consumption look during the "low PPD" events? I do agree with Holdolin's sentiment; after running F@h on Linux, it is really hard to go back to Windows, lol.
  12. E

    Nomination: DC'er of the Month: February 2023

    I second that nomination (y)
  13. E

    Vote: Hard DC'er of the Year: 2022 {part two}

    I can neither confirm nor deny that will happen.
  14. E

    Vote: Hard DC'er of the Year: 2022 {part two}

    I'd like to propose a rules amendment: WFeather - and only WFeather - is still eligible to be nommed for HDCOTM. He can't win of course, but he can be nommed and lose every month!
  15. E

    Folding@Home bigadv EOL 4th Anniversary Challenge: [H] vs TAAT

    Yeah - bunkering is a no-go on F@h. The majority of your points are the QRB.