Recent content by enigma97

  1. E

    P8101 is now mainstream -bigadv

    My quad 6176 OC to 2.64 gives consistent tpf of 12:00. Not sure why yours has changed.
  2. E

    P8101 is now mainstream -bigadv

    Interesting indeed. IL folds better than MC on the new WU??
  3. E

    P8101 is now mainstream -bigadv

    I think that the "backward" method should work
  4. E

    P8101 is now mainstream -bigadv

    On my 4P 6903 - tpf~12:30, preferred: 5 days, final deadline: 12 days, credit: 22706, k: 38.05 8101 - tpf~12:00, preferred: 2.4 days, final deadline: 4 days, credit 22607, k: 49.43 If the final deadline of 8101 increases to 8 days then the PPD between the two are more comparable.
  5. E

    BA server b0rkage [?]

    Thanks, tear. It works :)
  6. E

    BA server b0rkage [?]

    I have the same problem. It's causing the client to loop endlessly with this issue. tear have you find the solution? Thanks.
  7. E

    Supermicro H8QGi/6 and H8QGL Next Generation OC BIOS

    Finally the OC BIOS is loaded and my quad 6176SE are humming along nicely at 210. With that I get around 5:54 with 6901. Thanks tears and everyone who make this OC dream a reality :) Will push the limit higher when the folding rig gets a better home.
  8. E

    H8QGi-F and 6176SE - unexpected shutdown

    You are probably right, musky. Could be my Seasonic PSU is faulty?! and not related to rails. Thou it would be informative to know what PSU the 4p folders are using...
  9. E

    H8QGi-F and 6176SE - unexpected shutdown

    Another update: I changed the PSU from Seasonic X-1250 to Antec HCP-850 and board has been folding non-stop since yesterday. I really think the shutdowns were due to the PSU, in particular the difference between single and multi rails. For those who has the SM board (H8QGx), which PSU do you...
  10. E

    H8QGi-F and 6176SE - unexpected shutdown

    Hmm... interesting :) Update: I turned off the computer overnight and switched it on this morning. Everything went ok folding-wise. No shut down. By the time I left for work it's still running fine. Let's see how things unfold... PSU issue? I will swap to another one tonight and check...
  11. E

    H8QGi-F and 6176SE - unexpected shutdown

    This is really frustrating. The issue is back to haunt me again!! I have been folding fine (all a4 cores) with quad 6176SE using ubuntu 12.04 beta and fah v7. I then changed to 10.10 and the problem starts again. I notice every time fah runs for a 10-20 seconds and the computer just shut down...
  12. E

    [Advice] 4P Opteron 6174

    Some 6166he for sale Hi to fellow Aussie Thanossos :)
  13. E

    H8QGi-F and 6176SE - unexpected shutdown

    48hrs without a glitch. Case closed :)
  14. E

    H8QGi-F and 6176SE - unexpected shutdown

    Indeed. Thanks everyone for your help.
  15. E

    H8QGi-F and 6176SE - unexpected shutdown

    Quite right. I am now looking for a PCIe to EPS cable. Any idea where to get one? Can't find it on ebay...