Microsoft Will Pester Windows 7 Users to Upgrade to W10 with Pop-Up Notifications


Aug 20, 2006
Microsoft has come up with another way to convince users to upgrade to Windows 10: corporate vice president Matt Barlow explained in a blog post this week Windows 7 users would be subjected to regular pop-up messages urging them to update to the latest version of the OS. That may not be the worst idea, as support for W7 officially ends January 14, 2020.

This is a courtesy reminder that you can expect to see a handful of times in 2019. By starting the reminders now, our hope is that you have time to plan and prepare for this transition. These notifications are designed to help provide information only and if you would prefer not to receive them again, you'll be able to select an option for "do not notify me again", and we will not send you any further reminders. Just as software has changed over the years, so has hardware.
Naw. Although Microsoft can force-activate Windows Update from their end (if a person hasn't blocked WU in their hosts file or by one of many other methods), Microsoft isn't going to go that far. Microsoft is a predatory rapist, but probably not that much of one.
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I'll be sure upgrade to the best available option. But will microsoft have Winux ready by then? Probably best to select a better vetted distro anyways.

Will MS will offer Win10 LTSC as a free upgrade for Win7 Pro users? It's the only thing they offer that is almost an upgrade. Win10 UI still sux donkey farts in a flat flatulent wind.
Gotta wonder how long till someone makes a blocker or crack for this.
Gotta wonder how long till someone makes a blocker or crack for this.

I think the crack is to simply uninstall the KB update that adds it, or turn off Windows Update before the update comes through in the first place.

The 2015 'update to Windows 10' notifications could be removed by uninstalling the KB update responsible for them.
Naw. Although Microsoft can force-activate Windows Update from their end (if a person hasn't blocked WU in their hosts file or by one of many other methods), Microsoft isn't going to go that far. Microsoft is a predatory rapist, but probably not that much of one.

The way on windows 10 to perm disable windows update is to set the update service to guest for the login account with the guest account disabled. Because technically the service is still enabled ms can not force it to turn back on. Similar will work on seven is microsoft uses some update to force it to always on.
Because of numerous complaints about Win10, I'd like to upgrade to the next OS (I think it may be called Win12). In any case, I'm actually willing to wait until Ice Lake comes out before buying another OS. (Or it may be AMD since I don't know yet about the Intel security flaw consequences.)
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No i think the free are long gone now, i couldn't find my win 7 i upgraded to 10 when i build new computer, and MS also said though my 7 was retail the 10 upgrade was not, so i had to buy win 10.
So is it FREE again or will it upgrade and Deactivate?

That'll be fun

It has always been free despite their feigned.. "it is no longer free" mantra.

And if you set up a Microsoft account and log in with it, it will bind all licenses to that account AND you can move licenses freely to new/different computers.
Jeez anyone read the article? It will ask you once and you'll have the option to tell it to shove off which will prolly be a reg entry you can edit. Also unlikely you can uninstall the update as they are cumulative nowadays. Its unwise to roll without security updates. You can still upgrade to 10 with a legit 7 key, I did it yesterday on an all in one pc that had a 7pro key on the back. Based on the past its likely the extended updates will leak to the web.
Jeez anyone read the article? It will ask you once and you'll have the option to tell it to shove off which will prolly be a reg entry you can edit. Also unlikely you can uninstall the update as they are cumulative nowadays. Its unwise to roll without security updates. You can still upgrade to 10 with a legit 7 key, I did it yesterday on an all in one pc that had a 7pro key on the back. Based on the past its likely the extended updates will leak to the web.

IKR, it's not like Microsoft has a history of repeatedly harassing users into installing Windows 10 in the dodgiest ways possible...
Staying on 7. Win10 offers zero incentive for me to use it.

The latest and greatest DirectX? Don't care. Other than my 1070 and a couple SSDs, none of my hardware is 'current' or was made with win10 or future DX releases in mind. I have win10 set as part of my dual boot. I haven't fired it up since I installed it. It doesn't do anything for me that I already don't do on 7.
Coincidentally it's nearly time for a major hardware overhaul, and once Ryzen 2 hits I'll give Linux as a main OS a try.

That was the intention, right Microsoft?
I sure hope they are smart enough to only pester users that have computers that can actually RUN Windows 10.
I have an AMD FX-60-based system that CANNOT run Windows 10 64bit due to lack of support for a certain x86-64 opcode, so I run Windows 7 64bit instead.
Ahh so i guess this thread is filled with the tech equivalent of anti-vaxxers.
That would be an apt analogy if getting vaccines also authorized hospital staff to perform open surgery on you at any time for any reason.

Am I going crazy here? Win10 just had an update that degrades graphics performance, so they released an update to fix that which can break sound output. I'm waiting for the non-bugged version of 10 that won't break itself again automatically. Which one is that?

It still blows my mind that technologically oriented people who should know better don't understand how huge a paradigm shift to not being in control of your system Windows 10 is. I don't think staying on 7 forever is a realistic solution, but it's really damned if you do, damned if you don't territory, depending on how you use your system.
It still blows my mind that technologically oriented people who should know better don't understand how huge a paradigm shift to not being in control of your system Windows 10 is. I don't think staying on 7 forever is a realistic solution, but it's really damned if you do, damned if you don't territory, depending on how you use your system.

There's parts of Windows 10 I don't like, but I've upgraded most the systems at the office and at home and have been ok with the switch.

However, I will not be upgrading my HTPC, as I'm still running Windows Media center as my DVR with a cable card tuner.
Don't want the cable companies DVR or the added costs, so hopefully I can keep it running until I can finally cut cable and switch to all streaming.
Windows 7 users would be subjected to regular pop-up messages urging them to update to the latest version of the OS. That may not be the worst idea
Oh, really? Because installing unwanted crap on people's computer and bothering them with popups sounds peachy to me. Who would want their OS to do what they want it to and be under their control, instead of shitting on them at the whim of MS.
So yesterday I went to upgrade the SSD in my brothers works PC. I keep a small 10GB Linux utility partition on it. When I booted it, I realized it was Ubuntu 12.04, EOL since 2 years ago. I only use it for utilities, so don't care. Guess what? If I ASK what updates are available, it tells me the next LTS is available (14.04) but if I DON'T ASK it doesn't bug me, as expected.

Not sure why Microsoft can't do the same? Also: By default it doesn't auto-upgrade itself either.
"win7 will no longer be supported. please upgrade to win10. where we will attempt to make sure your computer is unusable."
Ahh, reminders to work on the linux boxes and fast track final migration, thanks Microsoft!
For every enthusiast that knows 7 support is expiring, there's countless more normal users that have no clue.

As long as you can dismiss the message I don't see a problem with it.