Parents Blame Elementary School's Cell Tower after 4th Student Diagnosed with Cancer


Aug 20, 2006
“It just seems like coincidence is no longer a reason for all this illness”: four students at California’s Weston Elementary have been diagnosed with cancer in the last three years, and San Joaquin County parents are now convinced the cause is a cell phone tower located in its schoolyard. While the district’s tests have shown “the tower is safe and meets federal regulations,” many are fighting to get it removed.

“I wouldn’t send my kids there at all, it absolutely is dangerous,” said Eric Windheim, an electromagnetic radiation specialist. “Children are still developing and their cells are still being divided. It’s the worst possible time in their life to be exposed.” He says it’s not just a cell tower, it also transmits wireless frequencies. “Instead of only going 300 yards like regular Wi-Fi, Y-Max can go 30 miles,” he said.
I don't see where it states it in the article: Is this the new 5G controversy? Or is this an old-school (4G) cell tower?
I don't see where it states it in the article: Is this the new 5G controversy? Or is this an old-school (4G) cell tower?

This goes back to 2016 so it's gotta be a 4G tower.

What sucks is there may be a legit source of carcinogens in the region, but these knuckleheads wanna just blame something that's absolutely safe.

Also, whenever I see the word "specialist", especially next to a scientific term, it's a gigantic red flag.
Sad there are children who are ill in this story but the parents are barking up the wrong tree.
I completely understand that they're worried and scared and looking for something convenient to blame their unfortunate situation on...but it's not the cell tower.

I'm also curious as to what doctor said definitively that the cancer was 100% caused by the environment. That's a pretty bold statement and I'd like to hear how that statement is justified. Until such time, I find the statement to be highly suspect.

EDIT: I bet all students eat McDonald's. Maybe McDonald's caused it. Or video games. Or socks.
Sad there are children who are ill in this story but the parents are barking up the wrong tree.
I completely understand that they're worried and scared and looking for something convenient to blame their unfortunate situation on...but it's not the cell tower.

I'm also curious as to what doctor said definitively that the cancer was 100% caused by the environment. That's a pretty bold statement and I'd like to hear how that statement is justified. Until such time, I find the statement to be highly suspect.

The video has some bits from the doctor in it. Honestly a statement like "caused by the environment" is just a random BS statement.

To me that reads "It comes from somewhere outside"
Sucks what's happening to the kids. But 1 tower, in 1 town, across a country of 350 million people just happens to be the only one in the entire country that causes cancer within months of exposure? Doubtful.

On a plus note, at least they aren't blaming vaccines and putting the lives of other children directly at risk.
lol yet there's 0 cases of people getting cancer at my childhood high school which has had a cell tower next to the football field since 1997.. go figure.. and before anyone says.. yes but these are children.. there was a K-8th grade and a middle school on the other side of the field until they moved the k-8th grade school sometime after i finished high school to another neighborhood because the high school needed more class rooms, middle school is still there.

Sad there are children who are ill in this story but the parents are barking up the wrong tree.
I completely understand that they're worried and scared and looking for something convenient to blame their unfortunate situation on...but it's not the cell tower.

I'm also curious as to what doctor said definitively that the cancer was 100% caused by the environment. That's a pretty bold statement and I'd like to hear how that statement is justified. Until such time, I find the statement to be highly suspect.

EDIT: I bet all students eat McDonald's. Maybe McDonald's caused it. Or video games. Or socks.

i mean saying it was environmentally caused is about as vague as it gets.. basically it wasn't genetic so anything from air to bat shit could be the cause really.
When I went to check the source here I was surprised to see CBS instead of infowars. Wow - ignorance abounds - spread by info-taiment organizations.
They should really make those parents look like asses and move the cell tower just to prove them wrong.

That'd show em.
The video has some bits from the doctor in it. Honestly a statement like "caused by the environment" is just a random BS statement.

To me that reads "It comes from somewhere outside"
I didn't hear or see any doctor in the video nor was there a direct quote from a doctor in the article. I saw an 'electromagnetic specialist' and a couple of parents in the video. Did I miss something?
I didn't hear or see any doctor in the video nor was there a direct quote from a doctor in the article. I saw an 'electromagnetic specialist' and a couple of parents in the video. Did I miss something?

Yeah my bad, you're right - No Dr. just the "electromagnetic specialist"
Given that it's the San Joaquin Valley I'd suspect some sort of pesticide exposure before anything else...

more likely the cause, or excessive consumption of mercury is another one although i'm surprised i never had issues with that given how much catfish and stripper i ate from the delta when i lived in stockton.
It could also be coincidence, although it is concerning and needs to be investigated. They had something similar happen in my region, it stopped after they discovered and removed some buried steel barrels of 1950's-era pesticides that was upstream from a small creek where the kids would make dams and stuff.
Disclosure: didn't RTFA. However...

I can say, if kids at my kid's school started developing cancer at unusual rates, I'd have him out of there as soon as I found out about it. These parents are lashing out at something - probably anything- that is presented to them as dangerous to their kids. My bet is, it's less an agenda than genuine concern.
lol yet there's 0 cases of people getting cancer at my childhood high school which has had a cell tower next to the football field since 1997.. go figure.. and before anyone says.. yes but these are children.. there was a K-8th grade and a middle school on the other side of the field until they moved the k-8th grade school sometime after i finished high school to another neighborhood because the high school needed more class rooms, middle school is still there.

i mean saying it was environmentally caused is about as vague as it gets.. basically it wasn't genetic so anything from air to bat shit could be the cause really.
That bad shit is not to be ruled out.
I bet there's some radon gas come ling from the concrete in the building or something like that. At least that would make sense.

4 kids in a row seems highly suspect, but any cellphone tower seems like a highlymu likey cause.
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Disclosure: didn't RTFA. However...

I can say, if kids at my kid's school started developing cancer at unusual rates, I'd have him out of there as soon as I found out about it. These parents are lashing out at something - probably anything- that is presented to them as dangerous to their kids. My bet is, it's less an agenda than genuine concern.
Yeah, regardless of the cause, I'd go broke paying for private school before I'd send my kids to that school.
"stupid tower!"

New Jersey has/had one of the highest cancer rates in the Nation and people blamed everything except that which had the highest probability of being the cause .... Three Mile Island melt down. I was a kid back then but still remember my mom saying she has to throw out the milk in the fridge. Particulates spewed forth out of the cooling stacks and settled on ... the grass the cows were eating.

"stupid cows!"
Disclosure: didn't RTFA. However...

I can say, if kids at my kid's school started developing cancer at unusual rates, I'd have him out of there as soon as I found out about it. These parents are lashing out at something - probably anything- that is presented to them as dangerous to their kids. My bet is, it's less an agenda than genuine concern.

Is it an unusual rate?
Have you ever been to Ripon? It’s a farm town with a bunch of soccer fields built in a farm runoff basin. Add in some dodgy industrial sites and farm chemical processing. It is a cesspool of carcinogens...blaming the cell tower is almost comical.
On a plus note, at least they aren't blaming vaccines and putting the lives of other children directly at risk.
That's next when they remove the tower and found out it wasn't the cause.
Repair tech: "So it turns out that cell tower isn't even powered and active. It's just a metal structure."

Parents: "BUT STILL!!!"

I am a teacher in CA and we have a massive cell tower with microwave repeaters 3g, 4g and Wi-Max on our campus. We have 2000 students..... for the 10 years I have been there it has been there. 0 known cases of cancer.

Though it does destroy my drone FPV video and RC link when I fly up near it......
The Luddites are scared of their own shadows--rejecting everything from proven vaccines for their kids to cell phones to diet sodas. Very sad to see the morass of superstition and fear taking root, spawned by nothing except ignorance or else a willful rejection of proven fact. Parts of California seem to be headed back into the dark ages.
My bet is the tower combined aluminium and aborted babis, v1-v40 in the vaccines are the pefect combination. 4b paid out so far for vaccines, 1-10000 to 1-32 on 20 years for autism. Might evenbe linked to maasive ammounts of glyso being fed to children curtisy of our corrupt FDA and politicians.
I bet there's some radon gas come ling from the concrete in the building or something like that. At least that would make sense.

4 kids in a row seems highly suspect, but any cellphone tower seems like a highlymu likey cause.

What do you mean "in a row"? As opposed to what? All at the same time? I think the latter would be more suspect.

You need to do statistical analysis of the number of cases in 3 years, versus population size, compared to national average, to see if anything is out of the ordinary, not just react with your gut.
Until they have scientifically provable and reproducible evidence, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Equal amount of evidence that "God" gave them cancer.
Have you ever been to Ripon? It’s a farm town with a bunch of soccer fields built in a farm runoff basin. Add in some dodgy industrial sites and farm chemical processing. It is a cesspool of carcinogens...blaming the cell tower is almost comical.

This cancer was caused by farm water runoff... that stuff is no joke. Field workers cover themselves from head to toe in clothes to protect themselves from exposure to these chemicals even during the middle of summer when its 110F.

These kids are getting cancer because they are playing in the creeks and puddles around town... which at this point is all farm-water runoff... and farm pesticides are some nasty stuff. I think these kids would be safer playing in an oil field, or an asbestos field, both of which occur naturally and are very close to where I live and kids used to play among this stuff all the time (natural asbestos looks like a fluffy snowfield), yet I have never heard of any younger children being diagnosed like this with cancer. Oh I forgot to mention the old Mercury mine way back up in the hills seeping into the groundwater... but then again the serpentine soil in this area makes the groundwater undrinkable because of everything in it naturally, so you don't drink it unfiltered. Most of the people that die from cancer around here are old farts that have been chain smoking for 50+ years.

Its like all the idiots back in the 90's that were blaming all the air pollution in the Valley on local agriculture and Fresno's traffic, when in reality it was all the pollution from San Francisco and Los Angeles blowing into the Valley and getting stuck here... 20 years later air quality has improved drastically because of tighter restrictions on cars and industrial air pollution in the 2 massive cities that contain most of the population for this state. Still didn't stop people from suing farmers in the valley and imposing all kinds of regulations. At one point they were looking into putting catalytic converters into a cows ass to contain the methane. They are just looking for someone with money to blame so they can sue them.

I am just waiting for the whole "Valley Fever Epidemic" to break out... Its literally a naturally occurring fungus in the soil that becomes lodged in your lungs, and in most people it does nothing for their entire life. If you live in this area, you likely have it but are not reacting to it. Its literally nothing, but it scares the bejesus out of people because in some cases it causes nasty stuff like pneumonia, and meningitis which will kill you if left untreated.

Flee from the San Joaquin Valley... there are poisons, cancers, and fungus oh my!
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