Third x79 ASUS deluxe motherboard with bad audio


Feb 15, 2005
Many years ago now I had the first Asus x79 deluxe that went bad and then their next version that was also called the deluxe was swapped out for the one I have now and it lasted many years but in December I got a brand new setup and this was to be an extra gaming computer for my friend to use when he comes over to play. It's been set up the way it is now for eight or nine months but the other day it just started making noise in the speakers and not playing any audio. The USB 3 ports seem to be acting up but I'm not sure as the problem is only in VMs I run on the computer. But it was no longer playing audio and you'd hear popping and buzzing and whining when using a USB 3 drive.

I'd like to just get a new motherboard but they're so expensive. A new x79 board if you can find one is like three or four hundred dollars. I could get a contemporary CPU and motherboard cheaper but then it also have to replace the DDR3 RAM and it seems kind of wasteful.

I went ahead and got a $50 sound blaster card and it is playing sound but if the volume's high enough I can again hear static and noise when the USB 3 drive is being used.

I don't suppose there's a easy capacitor to replace or something?