Looking For Line Drawing Software


Mar 15, 2006
I'm trying to make a logo for a business and need something that can draw shapes, but also need a degree of precision. Certain lines need to be exact ratios in length to others for what I have planed. What would be ideal for me is a program in which you type in the exact length (or length relative to something else) then shape them up, rather than stretch them yourself. Is there a program that easily does this?
I'm not sure if it can do everything you want but you could check out InkScape, it's a vector-based drawing tool.
Adobe Illustrator is a vector drawing tool, perfect for what you need and it can do tons more. Photoshop will also work, but its not really like Illustrator. Photoshop is more for image editing, Illustrator is more for image and art creation... its for illustrating i guess lol. They can be pricey, but im not going to question how you obtain them if you choose to.
illustrator is the best option for doing logos, and thats what most of the industry uses
I've had both but Inkscape is by far my preference, not including price cause Illustrator isn't that expensive if you actually use it.

Between the two, you have what you need for logos. If you're more comfortable knocking something out in a raster program then do so and trace to vector after. For organic or artistic shapes, raster sketching is just faster. For precision and scaling, vector is it.