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  1. F

    Yellowing with LCD

    I think I just lucked out. I was getting ready to tear the thing apart but after struggling with the bezel I figured I'd plug it one last time, a lo and behold, it worked perfectly. The jostling must have done something to it.
  2. F

    LG L246W

    Does anyone have some tips for disassembly? The bezel seems to be a pain to get off.
  3. F

    Yellowing with LCD

    It's not just the arc actually, the problem is that all light greyish colors have a yellow tint to them. See how #C3D0D9 is shown as yellowish when it should be greyish blue? This video shows which colors are effected...
  4. F

    Yellowing with LCD

    I have an LG L246WP that has been flawless for almost four years but recently it started turning some colors yellow. I've tried two different video cards, digital and analog connections, and a laptop and it's there with all of them. I'm guessing it's toast but it would be nice if I could save...
  5. F

    $1000 upgrade

    I disagree. His 500W will be fine for the 5870.
  6. F

    Non-TN display list

    Does NEC have a 24" IPS display at the moment?
  7. F

    Non-TN display list

    My goal was to list approximate prices for each display - I got the pricing info from Google Products. Anyways, it looks like the $200 price that was being shown was actually for the 2333SW instead of the F2380. It sells for $260 in Canada at a few stores...
  8. F

    Non-TN display list

    I'm probably missing a few and some of the specs might be wrong so reply if you have something to add or correct. This list is only for monitors that are currently available and can be purchased new. 22" Dell 2209WA.....................1680x1050........E-IPS.......$200 23" Samsung...
  9. F

    Vostro13-celeron or c2solo?

    According to they're basically identical in performance, at least with their benchmark.
  10. F

    Default service menu settings for LG L246WP-BN?

    Gain: 175,217,220 Offset: 108,108,107
  11. F

    Bad Shenzen Netbooks Tell them you're interested in buying a couple thousand of them but before doing so you want to evaluate the quality of a single unit.
  12. F

    Would a Q6600 @ 3.0 GHZ hold back a GTX 280

    It looks like I'll be holding on to the 260 then.
  13. F

    Issue with GTX 260 OC, (Image offset)

    Are you sure you're doing it right? I have the same monitor with the same card (GTX 260) with the same issue when using the standard driver. Though I have an older driver installed right now, adding those two lines fixed it for me.
  14. F

    Would a Q6600 @ 3.0 GHZ hold back a GTX 280

    1920x1200 by the way.
  15. F

    Would a Q6600 @ 3.0 GHZ hold back a GTX 280

    I currently have a superclocked GTX 260 (192) and I'm thinking of picking up a used GTX 280 - would the CPU be a bottleneck? RAM is 4GB 800 MHz DDR2.
  16. F

    Issue with GTX 260 OC, (Image offset)

    Uninstall the driver and do this:
  17. F

    Help with Javascript!

    I'll write something up if I have some free time tomorrow.
  18. F

    Help with Javascript!

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function clicked(name) { if (name == '1') { document.Theform.corsair2.checked...
  19. F

    Load <div>'s content from remote site

    To me, "remote site" would mean just that.
  20. F

    Help with Javascript!

    Not the best way to do it, but this will do what you want. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function clicked(name)...
  21. F

    Help with Javascript!

    You have a bunch of issues. First of all, 'document.Theform.corsair.checked == false' won't do anything since the names you assigned are corsair1 and corsair2, not corsair. Secondly, the javascript doesn't get triggered when you check or uncheck boxes, it only runs when the page gets loaded.
  22. F

    Load <div>'s content from remote site

    That only works on your own domain, you can't access other sites. It would be a huge security issue if you could.
  23. F

    Load <div>'s content from remote site

    The browser won't allow you to access different domains. Your only option is to use flash and have a crossdomain.xml file on the target site that specifies access for your domain. That is, unless you want your server to do.
  24. F

    Retro racing

  25. F

    Is squealing common to all new laptops?

    Here's the thing, I absolutely can't stand constant noise coming from a laptop. Every single Intel based Dell laptop I've tried since the core 2 duo came out has had a very high pitched squeal coming from the CPU area. This squealing, along with constant fan noise has prompted me to return...
  26. F

    Temporary issue with GTX 260

    It's not overclocked by me, but it's an EVGA SSC card. I'm using a driver from February since I needed to modify a file so that It will work properly with my monitor. I never bothered to figure out how to change the newer versions. I guess that's something to look into if this keeps happening...
  27. F

    Temporary issue with GTX 260

    I launched Bioshock and the first sign of trouble was that the cursor was unresponsive. After alt-tabbing a few times I managed to get it working again but when I started playing everything but the health bar went tie dye on me. The video card driver soon crashed and I was left with 4 bit color...
  28. F

    Philips 240PW9EB - $381.81

    Pretty good deal if you're looking for a cheap 24" IPS monitor.
  29. F

    Top 10 laptop gaming gpu's
  30. F

    Dell Vostro 1220

    Well, I just ordered one so it looks like I'll find out first hand.
  31. F

    Dell Vostro 1220

    Anyone out there own one of these? How are the keyboard and screen?
  32. F

    1920x1200 displays

    G2400WD V2400W
  33. F

    Faded edges on LG L246WP?

    I bought it at a FutureShop in Vancouver. I had to do 2 exchanges until I found one that I liked (the second one had a different problem).
  34. F

    Faded edges on LG L246WP?

    Same issue I had almost two years ago with this monitor. Nothing you can do about it but exchange it.
  35. F

    Powering an SBC with a battery

    And how would you set it up? Wouldn't you need a voltage regulator or some other similar device?
  36. F

    Powering an SBC with a battery

    This would be the SBC. I need it to be portable by the way.
  37. F

    Powering an SBC with a battery

    What would be the easiest way to have an SBC powered by a battery? It would need to last at least 1 hour.
  38. F

    Temperature of Atom CPU

    Considering I disconnected the fan, I think it's reasonable.