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  1. D

    Tesla Model Y Production Starts November 2019

    Dyson, yes the vacuum guy, is investing nearly $3B to build an electric car to compete with the model 3. It is due in 2020 but we all know how likely that will be.
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    Rian Johnson Says “No” to “Knights of the Old Republic” for New Star Wars Trilogy

    This would be badass. run these as spinoffs like the upcoming Solo flick. I remember reading a collection of short stories years ago about all the bounty hunters that were summoned by Vader to hunt for Solo and it was awesome.
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    Post Your Workstations 2017

    I love the setup and the creativity. you should post this in the mancave subforum. What country are you in?
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    Kinesis Freestyle Edge

    I've got their old Freestyle two split board that I just brought out of storage after a few years. Love the design but would really prefer the mechanical keys. Looks like November availability for those that missed out on KS.
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    Alien Custom PC Build

    This is one of the most impressive mods I've seen on [H] in a long time.
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    tenkay desk

    I built a fixed standing desk several years ago because I had concerns about the stability of the adjustable height desks. I've got a similar setup - PLP with a 4th monitor on top along with speakers and I feared the wobble effect. I'd like do a similar build although I lack your woodworking...
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    tenkay desk

    incredible work! This has been such an enjoyable build log to follow. How is the stability with the desk in it's highest position?
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    Water cooling gear - Sold as a lot

    Sale pending.
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    Water cooling gear - Sold as a lot

    celwin - no interest in splitting up. I simply don't have the time to make multiple trips to ship this stuff out.
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    Water cooling gear - Sold as a lot

    Fellow members of the [H]orde I've got a bunch of old water cooling gear that I need to offload. All of this gear is well used, needs to be cleaned but is all fully functional except for one of the mcp 655 pumps (noted below). I'm selling all of this as a lot as I don't have the time or desire...
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    DIY Concrete Keyboard

    he could at least have gone to the trouble to make it look good. Add some design to the concrete, color, anything. As it is it looks like shit.
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    Project: Military Tech - A fundraising project in support of veterans

    These are some of my favorite types of mods. Cobble together a bunch of old and repurposed items and turn them into a masterpiece. Good luck with the mod and picking up some new sponsors as well.
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    [H]ard Forum Storage Showoff Thread

    Nothing like the kitchen countertop for building and testing.
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    Need new receiver, got recommendations?

    I have a similar speaker setup (same center but I'm cheap and used monitor 30's for the L/R and surrounds). I bought the Pioneer VSK-1130 earlier this year and it has worked really well. $599 retail but you can get it for under $450 on sale.
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    Price Of Solar Declining To Unprecedented Lows

    What happens when the manufacturer and/or retailer go out of business? The warranty means nothing.
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    [H]ard Forum Storage Showoff Thread

    Duplicate 128TB fileservers is not considered "baby" in my book.
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    tenkay desk

    It's tough to beat the "square" knight from Adventure on Atari for pure graphics absurdity. I remember playing Xxaxon on my friends Colicovision which I always thought was cool. Nothing compared to the NES though and Super Mario when it came out. That was a true game changer for me.
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    tenkay desk

    I figured you were busy but good to hear about the planned updates hopefully coming in the fall. It was really interesting watching the build process for the desk. Are you still planning to use electric height adjustable legs to make it a sit/stand desk? That's a nice vintage console...
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    tenkay desk

    What's the latest on the desk jamsomito?
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    The [H] Post Pictures of your ManCave

    It may be a WIP but you win the prize for the first man cave with a hockey goal. I like it.
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    The [H] Post Pictures of your ManCave

    Chocnut - where's the actual mancave?
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    Looking for best HTPC for space and airflow

    I know you are coming from an old Siverstone case but I just bought the Grandia GD08B for a combo HTPC/mediaserver build. SILVERSTONE Black Aluminum / Steel Grandia Series SST-GD08B ATX Media Center / HTPC Case - 3 fan mounts on the bottom, one on the left, 2 on the right and mounts...
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    Electric Vehicle Sales Fall Far Short Of White House Goal

    This is spot on and applies to literally everything the government sticks their nose into.
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    Building a home....

    Spend some time on the AVS forums. There is so much useful info on there when planning a dedicated media or theater space. It's a bit overwhelming at first but it is well worth the investment in time to make sure you do things right the first time.
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    Will Technology Progress Enough To Save Us From The Dying Sun?

    Ahhh yes think of all the glorious and utopian things we could do without money, that evil, ill begotten filth of the earth. Screw people and their money! It's not important anyways! We will fight global warming without money! And poverty, we will fight that without money. And smog, who...
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    Another Kickstarter Disaster: The Coolest Cooler

    Its not just limited to the beach. Camping, tailgates, really any outdoor gathering where food, drink and music is needed. I'm an original backer and I'm furious with how the entire campaign has been handled. Ryan Grepper, the founder, appears to be a used car salesman of the highest order...
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    How Quadro Put “The Martian” on the Red Planet

    Lol. I was just going off what I remember from the book and movie which I believe uses 11 minutes each way for communication with Watney. Really cool number you but up there though. I had no idea the orbits varied that much. Hopefully we'll have made it to Mars before 2290 but if not it...
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    How Quadro Put “The Martian” on the Red Planet

    I stand corrected. You sure? I thought it was closer to 10-11 min.
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I don't remember where it's posted, probably the workstation thread, but he has video of it in action.
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    How Quadro Put “The Martian” on the Red Planet

    Well, not quite light years. Light seconds, yes.
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    Dude Makes High Tech Replica Of Thor's Hammer

    Guys with too much time on their hands make some of the coolest stuff on earth.
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Just remove the giant bottle of soy sauce and you'll be fine.
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    Electric Vehicle Owners Turning Against Each Other

    Let em go at it. Maybe thin the herd a bit and do us all a favor.
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    tenkay desk

    You now have a name for this project - The Dong Desk.
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    What is the Chewbacca santa hat thing between the center and left monitor?
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    The Tesla-Killer Porsche Has To Build

    Tesla Model 3 I'm not sure they can pull it off put Musk is definitely aiming for the mainstream. and the GT3 is definitely not the only Porsche worth spending money on.
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    Snapchat Makes Money Disappear

    I think the Nasdaq reference is more about the prior dotcom bubble that took down the Nasdaq since most of the tech companies at that time were listed exclusively on that index.
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    Snapchat Makes Money Disappear

    I don't know why news like this about a company like Snapchat surprises anyone. We are clearly in another bubble though this time its an "app" bubble. When it bursts it will be just as painful as the dotcom bust. I don't care how popular your app is with any demographic. If you have no means...