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  1. C

    SSH scripting question

    I found where my problem was. I was using double quotes (") instead of single quotes(') for the ssh command. This caused the client shell to interpret the $username and then pass run it in ssh. I stupidly forgot about this...
  2. C

    SSH scripting question

    I'm trying to set up a script to update the passwd file nightly on a Linux machine for NIS. In order to do this, I have to get the details from a 2nd machine through SSH. I have tried running the following command to no avail: cat /tmp/users.lst | ssh user@server "while read username; do...
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    Wife loves LBP, wants a Wii

    Homebrew is quite fun to play around with. I homebrewed my wii several months ago and it kept me interested for a while, but now I only use it every so often. Unfortunately, I have run into problems trying to play backups, but in most games it's after playing a while; I think it's the HDD I'm...
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    Open box mobos

    i bought an open box mb for my last build and it wound up being defective, but it did include everything i'd recommend getting it brand new though, if you can afford it
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    i've been out of the loop for a while it seems cuz i was in staples the other day and all they had was ddr2 available. made me feel like i'd been living in the the last century since i hadn't heard anything about ddr2 until i went looking for some more ram... hopefully, that won't happen again ;)
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    I have a random question: is anyone out there still using DDR or has everyone moved on? Currently, I'm trying to squeeze the most out of my current setup and planning to jump to 4 gigs, but with the new DDR2/3 RAM sets, DDR is hard to come by. I was just curious to see how many people are...
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    Can you please help me trouble shoot why my new laptop sucks?

    I would have to agree with hyt3k9 about the processor. To me, that looks like the main problem, especially if you are running Vista (which the DX10 indicates). Probably too late to change this however, but you can try cleaning up all the extra installed programs that came with the laptop if...
  8. C

    Windows 7 Beta 1 - Almost there... almost...

    it'll be interesting to see how many people get this if it's open to the public. i've played around with the leaked "alpha" (if you can call it that) version a little and can't wait to get my hands on the beta. should be some interesting stuff to play around with... maybe they'll put something...
  9. C

    4 or 8 gb?

    For most people, 4 GB would be enough. It seems that you'll only notice an advantage with 8 GB if you run VMs or intensive photo/video editing apps. But with Vista, you might notice a slight increase with 8 GB. I would suggest staying with the 4 GB at first, and if you want more power a...
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    Post your Mobile Devices!

    I just recently got the LG VX10000 and it works like a charm for me
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    VM Server in Linux (XP as a VM)

    Unfortunately, VirtualBox doesn't have drag & drop like VM Server does. You can set up folder sharing through VB, but it's not as easy as drag n drop nor as convenient, and I cannot for the life of me get it working in Vista or 7. I use VB mostly because I didn't use some of the more advanced...
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    VM Server in Linux (XP as a VM)

    I'm not sure if you're still looking for advice, but axan's advice is pretty good. that's how i got into virtualization, just jumping in and doing it. just go with the recommended minimums for the OS you're loading and it should run fine. i know i had some trouble getting vmware server...
  13. C

    Anything "wrong" with just keeping my side panel off my case altogether?

    i had to do this for my first build. i only had one fan and it always seemed to overheat unless i had the cover off. only problem i had was dust, but it's still humming along just fine as my file server now, still no side panel (i need to clean it out tho...) :p
  14. C

    New Asus 24s!!!

    dang, if it wasn't the christmas season with people expecting me to buy them gifts, I would totally pick this up... maybe they'll have an after christmas deal or two btw, my school uses that same comp org book that's boosting your monitor... but that monitor looks SWEET!
  15. C

    DNS Server error ?

    This means that your computer does not have a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). It has a host name (we'll call it 'hard') but no domain such as ''. In this case the FQDN would be '', whereas the server is right now set up as only 'hard'. It's really not a big deal...
  16. C

    Random computer freezes

    Darn it all! You hit the money with that one. I had tried the RAM, but didn't think about resetting the CMOS and that seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks a lot, Commended. That helps me out a lot . Any idea what the real problem could have been?
  17. C

    Random computer freezes

    My computer has been behaving strange lately. A couple of months ago, my PSU died, as my computer failed to give any response to me pushing the power button. I just got that replaced with a PSU with similar specs. Now, my computer starts up fine, but it hangs at random points. Whenever it...