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  1. J

    What is this system worth?

    Apologies if this thread should be in a different sub-forum, and if so, a mod is free to move it accordingly. That being said, take a look at the system in my sig. What do you think it's worth? I may be in a position to cross over to the dark side and get a 27" iMac for Christmas, and I...
  2. J

    worth the trouble to RMA a bad stick of gskill?

    i ordered an 8gb kit (2x4) of ddr3 1600 (gskill ripjaws) from newegg back in april of last year, 4/2/12 to be exact. i stuck it into the system in my sig along with another 4gb kit (2x2) of gskill that was already in the system from the time it was built. both kits have always been run at...
  3. J

    $1,000 max budget - building gaming rig for a friend

    hello all! i'm trying to build a gaming rig for a friend. he has absolutely zero parts to use/re-use as a starting point. he's going to be using the rig primarily for gaming, and he'll be looking to power a 23" display at 1920x1080. he's expressed to me that he doesn't care about...
  4. J

    help with 3d app settings in ccc

    i just upgraded from a 5770 to a 6870. rest of system specs are in my sig. i intend to game at 1920x1080. i haven't gamed much since bfbc2 was still "fresh" so it's been awhile. :p i'm wondering what a good baseline would be as far as what settings to use under 3d application settings in...
  5. J

    best to do full driver uninstall/sweep before new card install?

    i currently have a 5770. i'm about to replace it with a 6870. should i do a full driver uninstall and also run driver sweeper before i install the new card?
  6. J

    problems with permissions on user folders/files

    my os (win7 pro x64 sp1) is on an ssd, and all of my user folders (except for appdata) are on a secondary hdd. i keep getting "acess denied" errors when trying to open folders and files in my user directories. i checked permissions and my user account (an admin account) has ownership...
  7. J

    system hanging when coming out of sleep (crucial m4)

    i just got a 128GB crucial m4 a few days ago. i did a fresh install of win7 pro x64 sp1. my power profile is such that my hard disks are set to never turn off. the whole system, however, is set to go to sleep (s3) after an hour. in my bios i've disabled c3/c6/c7 states as well as c1e...
  8. J

    installing win7 on an ssd

    some googling has led me to this guide: i'm just wondering if there are any other (and better) guides out there, or if i'd be okay following along with the one i've linked. i just ordered a 128 gig...
  9. J

    Budget Upgrade Advice - Trying to be a beggar and a chooser!

    Current system specs are in my sig. My birthday is coming up and my g/f offered to buy me a few PC parts. Woo! So I'm wondering what exactly I should have her get. As far as system use goes, I only do very light gaming (and my monitor is a 1080p 23"), occasional photo editing (nothing...
  10. J

    Any problem with pairing 4GB (2x2) with 8GB (2x4) of DDR3-1600?

    I currently have: CPU: Xeon X3440 @ 3.6GHz Mobo: Gigabyte GA-P55-UD4P RAM: G.Skill 4GB DDR3-1600 (2x2) My birthday is coming up and my g/f is gonna get me some upgrades. First thing I'd like to upgrade is my RAM and I was thinking of getting this 8GB (2x4) kit...
  11. J

    which card to replace my failing 5770?

    i have a 5770 with a failing fan. the dang thing makes more noise than a 747 at times. no really, i swear! i'm not looking to do a ton of pc gaming, so raw performance doesn't matter as much to me. i would, however, like to be able to do some casual gaming with high settings and at...
  12. J

    XFX 5770 - why does the fan get so LOUD when running 2d apps?

    i play a game called subspace, and it's a 2d top-down spaceship shooter. i have an xfx 5770, one of the older/original ones which uses the shroud. whenever i play the game the card gets so loud and it's getting pretty irritating. is there anything i can do to combat this short of getting...
  13. J

    question about NAS and network drive mapping

    i have a netgear readyNAS nv+ running in raid 0. i'm basically using it as a networked external for very basic file storage. in the settings for the NAS, i have power saving features enabled whereby the drives (4 x 250GB) will spin down after 20 minutes of inactivity. this coincides with...
  14. J

    strange issue with plants vs zombies

    i just purchased the pvz goty edition during the halloween steam sale. what a fun game! however, i'm having some trouble. the game keeps glitching. the issue only seems to present itself when there's a lot of action on the screen (i.e. during a final wave of zombies). my screen will go...
  15. J

    flickering is killing my eyes

    i'm posting this is the display sub-forum because i believe i may have narrowed the issue down to my monitor. i have a very old dell 17" lcd, the 1702fp. it maxes out at 1280x1024 and while it can do 75hz the optimum is 60hz. there's this equally old 2d spaceship game i still play (called...
  16. J

    choppy 1080p playback with some media players, but not others?

    whilst trying out several different media players, i've found that 1080p playback is choppy in some instances, and in other instances it's just fine. i've used media player classic home cinema, vlc and just regular windows media player. the first two gave me choppy playback. the last did not...
  17. J

    Bluetooth or RF? - Need wireless kb/mouse to be used with HTPC

    i actually don't have a dedicated HTPC, so my desktop doubles as one. i have a radeon hd 5770 connected to a 50" plasma via hdmi. the problem is, the tv is in another room and my pc monitor can't do 1920x1080 so i can't just clone the displays. the only way i've been able to get a full screen...
  18. J

    where to purchase a fan adapter/duct to be used as a spacer?

    i have a 120mm fan installed in the side of my cooler master 690. there's a honeycomb-ish grill cut into the side of the case. regardless of fan speed, the noise is just terrible. at first i thought it was vibration transfer from the fan to the case wall, so i bought one of those rubber...
  19. J

    two fans - approx 2 inches apart - different speeds - going to create extra noise?

    so i got around to adding a second fan on my hyper 212+. i have two scythe slipstream pwms on the heatsink. they're rated for up to 1300rpm with a max cfm of 74.25. my heatsink is oriented east/west in my cm 690. this puts the puller fan pretty close to and aligned (although not exactly)...
  20. J

    what's a QUALITY pwm splitter cable?

    so i wanted to run two slipstream pwms in a push/pull on my hyper 212+. i bought the fans and a gelid pwm splittler cable off of performance-pcs. the fans are just dandy, as expected, however the cable is a hunk of crap. one of the connectors was missing a pin straight out of the packaging...
  21. J

    issue with icon pinned to taskbar in win7 - it keeps resetting to a cached version

    i'm using an "application shortcut" via chrome. i logged into my gmail account and then set up the shortcut through the chrome menu system. this put an icon on my desktop and it used the gmail fav icon that the browser displays. this icon is fugly. it's way too low res for use on my taskbar...
  22. J

    current multiplayer fps games - what would you recommend?

    i guess i basically "came of age" with multiplayer fps games via counter-strike and team fortress classic. i just started playing some cs source and some team fortress 2 (after years of not touching either) in the past few weeks. i've been out of the loop gaming wise for sooooo long now, i'm...
  23. J

    xfx 5770 - getting 2d glitching/artifacting - advice?

    i play this old game called subspace quite a bit. it's a top-down 2d spaceship mmo. i'm experiencing a lot of glitching/artifacting. the whole screen seems to judder randomly, and i'll also see patches of green or red flickering. i've begun to notice the same problem when i'm on a 2d menu of...
  24. J

    hsf orientation in cm 690 - east/west or north/south?

    i've got a cm hyper 212+ push/pull in a cm 690. right now it's oriented east/west. i added a 120mm intake in my 5.25 drive bays and the heatsink lines up with that and a 120mm exhaust in the back of the case. so, there's basically a straight line of airflow going through the fins. after...
  25. J

    OC cpu higher and leave ram underclocked? or set ram to rated speed with less cpu OC?

    just out of curiosity, which would be the better option? first option is to run a bclk of 180. cpu multi of 20 and mem multi of 8. this will give me 3.6GHz on my xeon x3440 and will put my memory at 1440MHz, below its rated speed. second option is to run a bclk of 160. cpu multi of 20...
  26. J

    updating my bios, should i bother?

    running a gigabyte p55-ud4p with the F3 bios. i see the latest version is F6. should i bother updating my bios? is it worth messing with if i'm not having any troubles now? i know a lot of people are in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" camp. on the other hand, some folks like to...
  27. J

    LinX 0.6.4 is not working for me. What gives?

    i fire up linx. set it to use all available memory. it's set to 64-bit mode and 8 threads. i'm trying to do 20 runs. i hit start and the elapsed time starts counting and the bar flashes. however, according to realtemp and task manager, my cpu usage is not going up at all. my temps are...
  28. J

    xeon x3440 overclocking results!

    so far i've hit a stable 3.61GHz with my xeon x3440. (190 bclk, 19x multiplier) a picture is worth a thousand words, though. :) so what do you think of the temps? 20 passes of ITB at a stress level of high and i managed to average 61.75C across all four cores. i certainly could've...
  29. J

    running ddr3-1600 at 1488, should i tighten the timings?

    i've got 4 gigs of g.skill ddr3-1600 (2x2gb). g.skill specs give 9-9-9-24 timings. i've manually set these timings in my bios. the thing is, even after a 1GHz overclock of my cpu (xeon x3440), i'm only pushing the ram to 1488MHz (with a 2:8 ratio). should i leave my timings alone? or will...
  30. J

    scythe kama bay or just zip tie a 120mm slipstream?

    i've got a cooler master 690. i want to add a 120mm fan into my 5.25 bays for extra intake. i've got four open bays. i can either get the scythe kama bay, or just ghetto mod a slipstream with zip ties. i know the kama bay will look better, of course, but i was wondering if it might also...
  31. J

    does coil whine ever get any better? (decrease over time that is)

    just got a new system built using a corsair 650tx psu. first time i booted up i heard this peculiar squealing noise. sounded very much like an electronic noise, almost like the noise you get coming over speakers due to interference from a cell phone. i was a little freaked, to say the...
  32. J

    action center in win7 pro x64 - delayed loading at startup?

    i have my notification area trimmed down to four icons. there's volume, network, action center and mse. when i first boot my machine, the action center flag doesn't show up for quite some time. all the other icons pop up one, two three, bang bang bang. but there is definitely a delay before...
  33. J

    if you would be so kind, help a novice overclock a xeon x3440

    first off, here are my system specs. xeon x3440 cooler master hyper 212+ (with a single scythe pwm pushing) gigabyte p55-ud4p (F3 bios revision) 4gb g.skill ddr3 1600 second, please bear with me. i'm a novice overclocker, and on top of that, i'm way out of the loop with the latest...
  34. J

    xmp profiles and overclocking - a question

    first off, here are my system specs. xeon x3440 cooler master hyper 212+ gigabyte p55-ud4p 4gb g.skill ddr3 1600 presently, my memory is running at 1333MHz. i understand this to be because of a limitation involving the memory controller having a max multiplier of 10 and my BLCK being...
  35. J

    The YABHT Build - She's finally finished!

    first off, my apologies for not having pics to put up just yet. i have taken a ton, but i haven't had the time to process the raw images off my camera. i promise i'll get them up tomorrow. no excuses! second, i want to say thanks again to everyone who offered advice and contributed to the...
  36. J

    dog chewed on io shield, help!

    i suppose i deserve this for leaving the door open to the room where i was putting together my build, but anyway, my dog managed to get hold of my io shield and she gnawed on it pretty good. it still fits into my case and over the connectors on my mobo, but it looks god awful. i'm trying to...
  37. J

    best way to measure cpu and heatsink flatness (without a specific instrument that is)

    i'm gearing up to put together a build with a xeon x3440 and a cooler master hyper 212+. i've been reading up on lapping, and it seems that many people are reporting marginal gains. couple this with the fact that i'm only planning on some mild overclocking, and i thought it would be best to...
  38. J

    Cooler Master 690 - Can the blue led on the front fan be turned off?

    thread title says it all, so... -nt-
  39. J

    when can we expect to see the next dell outlet coupons?

    trying to find a system for my mother, and i could really use a 15 or 20% off coupon for the dell outlet. they seem to come around about once a month. so where's this month's?
  40. J

    cooling suggestions and some fan questions

    i just ordered the parts for a new build today. i'm going to have: Xeon X3440 CPU Cooler Master Hyper 212+ HSF Gigabyte GA-P55-UD4P G.Skill 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3 1600 XFX Radeon HD 5770 Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB SATA HDD Corsair 650TX 650 Watt PSU Cooler Master 690 Case the...