Recent content by Rand

  1. R

    I'm curious what you ended up doing regarding this thread...

    I'm curious what you ended up doing regarding this thread: I'm about to have the same issue and I'm sorta pissed no one replied to your questions because I haven't found any reliable info regarding the mixing of EARS and EADS drives yet.
  2. R

    O 5800, 5800, Wherefor Art Thou 5800?

    Sapphire 5850 in stock:
  3. R

    Aquafina + Water Wetter?

    Soft water (as in water with very few minerals in it) sucks for bathing because it takes forever to wash the soap off, and generally tastes like shit. Just thought i'd share that. ;)
  4. R

    Aquafina + Water Wetter?