Recent content by Pretiacruento

  1. P

    Samsung Must Show Cell Phones to Apple

    Wait, what?! Is that even legal?!
  2. P

    Best Car to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

    It's all fun and games... until a tire blows up. Then it's useless. I'm more of a full-size trucks guy, but also a big Mercedes fan... so here's what I'd drive in the event of a zombie apocalypse: A Mercedes-Benz Unimog Brabus U 500 Black Edition... Not the prettiest looking truck...
  3. P

    [H] Photobomb

    Oh well... maybe next time, right? ;D LOL you guys are killing me :D
  4. P

    [H] Photobomb

    I have that kind of memory too... it's a blessing and a curse at the same time! Now, what some of us really want to know is... what happened afterwards you ran into the babe again? Come on... you can tell us ;)
  5. P

    [H] Photobomb

    ...And that's how a new meme was born :D
  6. P

    [H] Photobomb

    Hahaha that's amazing, what are the odds! Steve, is that a trollface you're doing in that pic, or it's just me? :P
  7. P

    Opera 10.63 Is Out

    #5 reporting in! Opera FTW! :D Why all the Opera hate, BTW??
  8. P

    Tech Tools and Tricks That Boost Productivity

    Me too :p I actually have some time to kill, so why not kill it with a little dose of the [H]! :D
  9. P

    51% of Buyers Would Rather Have Netbook over iPad

    Oh I thought you were talking about Windows Phone 7... oh well :p Anyhow, I'd never purchase an iPad...
  10. P

    51% of Buyers Would Rather Have Netbook over iPad

    Excuse me sir, I beg to differ. You obviously haven't heard of the Nokia N900... You REALLY need to check it out! You'll end up throwing away your WinMo phone, I guarantee it ;)
  11. P

    Businesses Start to Embrace Windows 7

    Thank you for that thorough explanation!! It makes so much sense now! :D
  12. P

    Scientist Prove Male Gamers Are Stupid

    I knew "The PlayStation" is bad for kids... Won't somebody please think of the children?! :rolleyes:
  13. P

    Businesses Start to Embrace Windows 7

    Good question... I haven't asked the IT guys yet, but something tells me they'll stick with Win7 32 bits...
  14. P

    Businesses Start to Embrace Windows 7

    Same here, except most-- scratch that, ALL of the web apps we use here work ONLY on IE6... IE7, IE8 and Firefox are completely out of the question :p I'd be nice if they could port everything to IE9, sorta to "future-proof" the web apps...
  15. P

    Businesses Start to Embrace Windows 7

    Same here. We'll finally get rid of this godawful IE6 and XP SP3 once and for all... :D So, for the looks of it, most companies will take the plunge to Win7! That sounds VERY familiar... I used to work at a large bank corporation who was supposed to deploy Win Vista by the end of Q2, this...