Recent content by pazhman

  1. P

    does anyone here have a "white" FREDRIK?

    Great desk no regrets here. Empty_Quarter where did you get that table top?
  2. P

    Which Steam games do you regret buying and why?

    Doom collection yesterday. Fuckin' Doom 3 settings won't save at all, tried autoexec.cfg and all that shit still nothing. 640x480 ultra settings no AA? no thanks.
  3. P

    Project "Threat Level Midnight"

    Samuel you are such an idiot. You are the worst assistant ever, and you're disgusting, Dwigt. oh btw looks badass so far.
  4. P

    Black Ops....who coded THAT network trash ?!?!?

    haven't finished one game on ps3 yet.
  5. P

    Corsair HS1 Gaming Headset Give-Away - 5 Sets!!!

    I'm still using stereo headphones from my iPod.
  6. P

    Funniest Game Tag/ Name

    KwitChoBichin. Something like that.
  7. P

    Dead Rising 2 Case: Zero XBLA

    Fucking load times are insane.
  8. P

    Ratpadz XT $25 w/Free Shipping

    Mine kept warping so I bent it really really hard on a table and it hasn't warped since. This was like over a year ago.
  9. P

    Post your pc screen shots!

    No stylish stuff because I don't know how to set it up :confused:
  10. P

    Alien Swarm

    Game is awesome! Played all night last night. I always scream GET IN SO I CAN WELD THE FUCKING DOOR!
  11. P

    Post Pics of your chair

    Thinking of a Raynor Ergohuman, what do you guys got?
  12. P

    PS3 Firmware 3.40 Online (PSN+ Support)

    Nothing good as a bonus right now, I guess I'll wait to see what new stuff they will give out for plus members. And remember to turn off auto renewal, if you don't want to keep charging after 3 months.
  13. P

    Original Perfect Dark on 360 He does it a little fast, but if you pause every now and then you can catch up.
  14. P

    Nintendo 3DS = F*** YEAH!

    Nintendo does it again. All new ideas. I was skeptical of 3DS but I'm sold now. I mean no glasses for 3D?! :eek:
  15. P

    Duke Nukem is back.... kinda.

    Then what Duke Nukem game is good if that is the worst? I can't play those Duke FPS games they make me cringe. This game is def pickup because it awsaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhm.