Recent content by legcramp

  1. legcramp

    So after this BTC halving, should I invest a ton of money or what?

    Okay, just keep watching, bet you didn't buy that dip. Oh yeah, buy AMC calls expiring in 2025/2026 and retire.
  2. legcramp

    So after this BTC halving, should I invest a ton of money or what?

    I think I made the better choice DCAing everything into coins like Solana the last 2-3 years instead of the S&P500.
  3. legcramp

    So after this BTC halving, should I invest a ton of money or what?

    Don't think the bottom is in.... one more flush before we rocket.
  4. legcramp

    So after this BTC halving, should I invest a ton of money or what?

    Your bank account and just have it sit there and do nothing! My bank account has enough to pay bills every month / food and the rest goes you know where =) Gonna retire this bullrun not making the same mistake as the last one!
  5. legcramp

    So after this BTC halving, should I invest a ton of money or what?

    Just quoting you because instead of getting your entry in now since you're already sitting on the sidelines.. you're going "I told you so" because the sheeps got fear mongered into giving the big boys a discount.. Gonna bump this up to see how you feel in a few months. It sucks some people are...
  6. legcramp

    So after this BTC halving, should I invest a ton of money or what?

    Happy Hopping BTC is about to get an additional 10% shave in an hour or two, you gonna buy or watch?
  7. legcramp

    So after this BTC halving, should I invest a ton of money or what?

    Buy some Coinye West (COINYE) and thank me later. It's on the BASE network. ;)
  8. legcramp

    So after this BTC halving, should I invest a ton of money or what?

    I literally gave you a graph with pretty colors and boxes where you can take profit. When you see BTC hit 80k-100k area and everything is going crazy and you're still thinking about it, it'll be the bear market again for another 3 years before you know it.
  9. legcramp

    So after this BTC halving, should I invest a ton of money or what?

    LAST BULL RUN: THIS UPCOMING BULL RUN If you want bigger gains (10x-30x PLUS, go alt-coin instead), keep it simple stupid! Things are just getting spicy. BTC literally runs up every four years right before November.
  10. legcramp

    We got any DayZ fans in here?

    Haven't played it but sounds similar to Rust.
  11. legcramp

    Secret Lab Magnus Pro XL... buy it

    I converted my Ikea Galant extended corner desk into a stand-up desk that I got used over a decade ago.. best desk ever =)
  12. legcramp

    Want to buy 12TB+ Hard drives

    Just passing on the link, I am sure it'll be perfectly fine with that 5-year warranty.
  13. legcramp

    Want to buy 12TB+ Hard drives