Pop goes the x1050


Apr 16, 2018
Seasonic x1050 finally died and seems to have taken the Asrock z390 phantom gaming 9 with her. All I can get out of it with a new PSU is blue flashing RGBs (the last color I set in polychrome)on the MB and the troubleshooting readout is flashing in concert with the RGBs. I've never seen anything like it. It doesn't respond to the power button. Clear cmos/pulling the battery does nothing. I'm going to swap out the rest of the parts into a MSI z370 MB later tonight and keep my fingers crossed that nothing else is damaged.

At some point I'll pop her open and take some pics for those interested. I have no idea how to go about repairing the old girl unfortunately.
Seasonic x1050 finally died and seems to have taken the Asrock z390 phantom gaming 9 with her. All I can get out of it with a new PSU is blue flashing RGBs (the last color I set in polychrome)on the MB and the troubleshooting readout is flashing in concert with the RGBs. I've never seen anything like it. It doesn't respond to the power button. Clear cmos/pulling the battery does nothing. I'm going to swap out the rest of the parts into a MSI z370 MB later tonight and keep my fingers crossed that nothing else is damaged.

At some point I'll pop her open and take some pics for those interested. I have no idea how to go about repairing the old girl unfortunately.
If it managed to destroy other components in the machine, then I probably wouldn't try to repair it either.
I generally don't feel comfortable fixing things that plug into walls, but if the damage extended downstream then it'll be difficult to judge what (on the PSU) went kaput.
To me, it's different than a simple capacitor change for improved stability.
Maybe the people as Seasonic will offer something to make it right, dunno.
If it managed to destroy other components in the machine, then I probably wouldn't try to repair it either.
I generally don't feel comfortable fixing things that plug into walls, but if the damage extended downstream then it'll be difficult to judge what (on the PSU) went kaput.
To me, it's different than a simple capacitor change for improved stability.
Maybe the people as Seasonic will offer something to make it right, dunno.
I hear ya, messing with the innards of power supplies isn't something that I am comfortable with at all. I may pull the fan out and toss the rest :( after I carefully take some pics for our local pros to check out.
Sadly the warranty is no longer valid either. I bought it 2-2012 according to Newegg.
Well, its looking like the MB and i7 8086k are dead, haven't been able to check the SSD or mem yet. Can't get a video signal from the onboard or either of two GPUs. The only other CPU I have to test with is underwater of course. Going to be a pita either way i go.
Well, nothing good to report unfortunately. The PSU, MB and CPU are deader than doornails. Memory, GPU and SSD are fine thankfully. I've never had a power supply kill itself and take out other components in 25 years of building rigs. It really bums me out for the old girl to go out like this 😭 I built a ton of rigs around it.

Of course it happens to the system I sold to my next door neighbor, so it makes me look like a friggin dipshit (rig is complete overkill for her but it was all I had lying around). At least it didn't happen after I hooked it up for her. Will have to grab a used i5 8600k and she will be gtg.

No more using 10yo PSUs for me. Just because they still test and run fine isn't going to cut it anymore. I will try to grab some pics of the x1050s guts later today. Altho I don't expect to find anything unusual tbh. It doesn't smell burnt and isn't giving off any other funny smells.

As promised pic... I can't find anything out of the ordinary.

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