MSI 4080 Ventus at Amazon


Oct 16, 2006
So Im looking at this particular card, it has a $90 off coupon bringing the price to $1100. I was just looking for opinions on the card itself, and price. It's not the OC Ventus, but I don't think a 30mhz OC is a big deal.

MSI Ventus
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Only 1 left so you better decide soon. Still trying to figure out the actual question in this thread?
Fwiw, I've read some posts (not here) of ppl buying this card - pos've reviews - ppl say no coil whine - some ppl have 'hacked' the Suprim bios or something on it? I wouldn't do that - but, one guy claimed it was fine. The Ventus might be the 'low end' MSI model but maybe the 4080 is just good - meaning, it has an overkill cooler on most cards and it's an efficient card anyway?