Is there something to look into regarding why User Benchmark results show my memory to be underperforming?


May 11, 2016
I have 2x32GB G.Skill 32-38-38-96 6000 Mhz DDR5 with EXPO enabled. I got UB results of 177% (EXPO 1 profile - Asus optimized) and 180% (EXPO 2 - default EXPO settings), while the average result for my memory is 187%. The UB chart suggests enabling EXPO, but it's already enabled.

UB pass 1:
UB pass 2:

Is there anything I can look at to bring up my score to at least reach the average, without manually changing timings? I plan to manually adjust timings later, but I figure I should be hitting about the average before getting into doing that.
Yeah its not much use.

Just read a few current Intel CPU reviews on the site and then go look at recent AMD CPU reviews. It's hilarious.
Intel gets ~80GB/s multi threaded 40GB/s single threaded with that kit of RAM vs AMD who gets ~65GB/s multi threaded 60GB/s single threaded.
So the website is just saying that anything that is much below 80GB/s multi threaded is under performing and mostly ignoring the latency and single threaded.
Latency is typically the most important factor.

Your system is performing very well including the RAM you just need to know that you have to completely ignore any of the performance ratings and look at the actual numbers then compare them with similar systems if you wish to use UB. By doing this I still find it a useful tool.
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The problem with benchmark sites is you're competing with people that go way above and beyond the norm to produce (a sometimes unrepeatable) score. Sad, but true.
Intel gets ~80GB/s multi threaded 40GB/s single threaded with that kit of RAM vs AMD who gets ~65GB/s multi threaded 60GB/s single threaded.
So the website is just saying that anything that is much below 80GB/s multi threaded is under performing and mostly ignoring the latency and single threaded.
Latency is typically the most important factor.

Your system is performing very well including the RAM you just need to know that you have to completely ignore any of the performance ratings and look at the actual numbers then compare them with similar systems if you wish to use UB. By doing this I still find it a useful tool.
Interesting. Thanks for that information.