Is it worth it to upgrade?


Jan 18, 2006
I am running an Asus X570P MB, 64 gig of DDR4, the usual NVMEs and SSDs, a 3070, and a 5900X. No OC going on, mostly single player gaming and some office work. Is there any compelling gain to upgrade to 7x? I know about 5800X 3D, and a better video card, but do I really get anything if I upgrade to next gen or would I get just as much bang by buying a 4080 or a 4090?
gpu now, wait for 8000 series for a more significant boost in perf, and to let the kinks get worked out.
4080 or 4090 both are about the same in terms of performance per dollar. You would pay about 33% more money for a 4090 over a 4080 but you would gain 33% more performance in return roughly speaking. Get a GPU first and you can run it with a 5900x for a while. I personally ran my 4090 with a 5800x since November last year and only recently upgraded to a 7800X3D at launch. 5800x/5900x are enough to drive a 4090 at 4K unless you run into poorly CPU optimized games which honestly seems to be the theme as of late (The Callisto Protocol, Witcher 3 Next Gen, Hogwart's Legacy, TLOU Part 1, Jedi Survivor, etc.)
Unless you're a content creator editing lots of videos I don't think it's worth it to upgrade to the 7000 series. Keep in mind you will need a new motherboard and DDR5 ram. It would be more beneficial to upgrade your current GPU.
If you're not running into any performance issues with what you're playing and the resolution you're running you don't need to buy anything. A platform upgrade will be a significant cost and if it's not needed it's effectively a waste of money. Upgrading the GPU is probably a waste of money no matter what with current prices and if there are no performance issues it's doubly a waste of money.
To me, moving to a 7800x3d was worth it, but that was because I already had a 4090.

Going to a 4090 would be the best upgrade (and still expensive) that would show the biggest gains in games. 5800x3d feel like I lost something over my 5900x, basically the ability to have anything really running in background as I game else I would notice hitching which wasn't present in the 5900x for the same game/bg task.
Didn't you just upgrade to the 5900x only recently back in November...and if I recall you were questioning even going that route, as you game on 4k???

Seems like you just "look" for reasons to upgrade... so don't take this the wrong way.

Gotta stay off Reddit and the YouTube tech videos bro...or you'll constantly upgrade for no benefits.

If you want it though...just buy don't need to gather validation from [H] .. 😁

But I believe kirby had the best advice from that previous thread- higher refresh 4k monitor and better GPU than your 3070.