Hot Pixel

Mr. Baz

Aug 17, 2001
I have one single hot pixel I noticed in some delayed exposure shots I just recently took. How do I get rid of this one hot pixel?

btw: it's a Canon Rebel Digital EOS-300D
how old is the camera? is it still within its return policey period?

if so, return it and get another one. IMO, dead or hot pixels is bullshit. especially when you're spending $1,000+ for one. I had to go through for 300Ds before I found one that didnt have any hot pixels when doing my dead pixel tests.

I just went through that same BS on my 10D. luckily my local camera shop has them in stock so I returned the defective one to Circuit City and spent an extra $150 at the local shop instead.

was it worth $150 extra? hell yes it was just for the pure fact that I could go through all their 10Ds that they had in stock until I could find one that could pass my 10 second, ISO 400 dead pixel test. it only took me going through two 10Ds before I found one that passed my test.
WTF, now it's gone. In 3 out of the 5 pictures I took the other day, I have one bright green pixel slightly off to the left from the center of the picture. I can't really tell in the other two.

Today I did some testing with taking a picture of something relatively bright (my computer monitor with white background) and then put the lens cap on and took a pitch black picture, and then took a picture of something random in the house in very low light.

I can't spot any hot pixel anywhere. I've read where this is how you can fix hot pixels but didn't think it would actually work.