First Person Tennis - Recommended


Dec 5, 2007
Just bought this earlier and gave it a spin. It's a really good tennis game for VR. If you like tennis or even use to play casually I highly recommend picking this up. It has an interesting movement teleport and an option to kind of run, but I only tried it with teleport and it works great IMHO. I can't seem to serve to save my life though especially now that I hit my ceiling and left a mark :eek:. I wish I had higher ceilings ;). So it's side arm serving or diagonal but definitely not the way I use to do it IRL. The controls are really well done as far as I can tell though even in simulation mode it seems a bit more forgiving than IRL for hitting the ball. You can add spin to the ball just like IRL.

Bonus is if you unplug the VR headset you can play it like a regular tennis PC game with a controller in 3rd person mode. :)

It's on sale right now during the Summer sale foe 20% off: