Adding a new drive - read only?


Fully [H]
Aug 3, 2004
Hey everyone,

Garuda linux here (arc based)

I have been reinstalling various versions of Garuda to land on one I like so lots of redoing things.

When i gparted my 2nd and 3rd SSD's in the system, It only mounts it with read only permissions with root as the owner.

Is this something I will always have to change if I add / redo a drive, is set permissions using chmod or something to give the logged in (my main user) rw access to the newly added drives?
So found doing just

sudo chown $USER:$USER /directory (that is the mount point for the drive) does the trick for now, presume that just needs to be done any time a new drive is added.
Well rebooted and permissions are gone :( as well as some folders I had made on the drives which I had mounted...
Are you talking about a removable drive or a fixed one? If it's a fixed drive
Well rebooted and permissions are gone :( as well as some folders I had made on the drives which I had mounted...
You need to add the mount to fstab to have it survive the reboot. The folders didn't go anywhere, your links are just broken until you mount it back.
Yes, you need to use fstab to setup the drive (needed for fixed drives, usb sticks should work without fstab).

Also, be sure to set the mount point under media inside fstab. So:


Then mount the drive (you can do this in the Drives app in Ubuntu or with the command line) which will create that mount point. But it might be owned by root, so go in that folder and chown it to your user account.

That will fix it.
Ya, been trying to use fstab but it either stops my system from booting and goes into emerg. mode, or just wont connect and boots (under mint) example

This works fine

sudo mount -t nfs4 /mnt/Share

no issues there

I put it in fstab /mnt/Share default 0 0

system hangs and boot back into emrg mode under Arc based linux versions.

I have tried with various tags including nfsvers=4 , timeout settings et cetera in the tags along with list of others and all fail...

I read over almost every thread I could find on Arc linux and Mint linux (tried with both) and seems either people report it is a bug that appears, or just doesn't work or some weird combo of tags instead of default worked, spent the better half of a day trying all sorts of variations but none seemed to want to work

This was on mint 20 and Garuda Linux.

CrimsonKnight13 will check the links and see if those methods work.

I took the new drives and mounted them under /home/myuser/mtn/mydrive and then did the $USER:$USER to give my user all permissions on the drives, that at least solved that permissionsproblem (using the drive for KVM VM's) just working on the fstab....

I guess i just find it weird that setting up a new drive dumps all the permissions under the root user, vs the user you are logged in under, even though you do have to elevate to partition under console or KDE partition manager.
Need to add the mount point to the USERS group, iirc, or something like that. Pretty sure this is covered in the more detailed Arch install guide (not the quick start guide), and maybe elsewhere on the wiki (probably in the fstab page).

Edit: not the USERS group, and I can't find it. But, well, you can set it to any group, and add users you want to have access to that group, and make sure group members have rw permissions with chmod. Or as said above, you can set ownership to a single user != ROOT.
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Try it with the Drives app. That works on Ubuntu, might be in Mint also. It will create an fstab entry for you with sensible defaults.
Ya, been trying to use fstab but it either stops my system from booting and goes into emerg. mode, or just wont connect and boots (under mint) example

This works fine

sudo mount -t nfs4 /mnt/Share

no issues there

I put it in fstab /mnt/Share default 0 0

system hangs and boot back into emrg mode under Arc based linux versions.

I have tried with various tags including nfsvers=4 , timeout settings et cetera in the tags along with list of others and all fail...

I read over almost every thread I could find on Arc linux and Mint linux (tried with both) and seems either people report it is a bug that appears, or just doesn't work or some weird combo of tags instead of default worked, spent the better half of a day trying all sorts of variations but none seemed to want to work

This was on mint 20 and Garuda Linux.

CrimsonKnight13 will check the links and see if those methods work.

I took the new drives and mounted them under /home/myuser/mtn/mydrive and then did the $USER:$USER to give my user all permissions on the drives, that at least solved that permissionsproblem (using the drive for KVM VM's) just working on the fstab....

I guess i just find it weird that setting up a new drive dumps all the permissions under the root user, vs the user you are logged in under, even though you do have to elevate to partition under console or KDE partition manager.
Your fstab should read /mnt/Share nfs defaults 0 0
and if it still hangs, change the mount order so your network has time to initialize (last number 2 instead of 0).
Appreciated the help, will give that a try,

I just realised I did mix up this post as well with local drives and a network drive I was working to get mounted! :)