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  1. techie81

    WoW: 10th expansion; The War Within

    Trailer was a culmination of old trailers (which are awesome) and some woke bs. Hard pass.
  2. techie81

    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

  3. techie81

    Adobe's new TOS grants them unrestricted access to all of your projects

    Yep, lots of people like this recently with similar situations. Sick of people normalizing getting screwed because "they have nothing to hide or its just the way it is so get used to it".
  4. techie81

    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    Corporate doublespeak something something, it's better for users because of reasons. I don't think Windows has added features I have really needed since Windows XP, maybe Windows 7? Just more telemetry and spyware.
  5. techie81

    Microsoft blocks workaround that enabled users to create local accounts as part of the OOBE installer.

    Didn't you know that you are supposed to get an upgraded version of windows SO YOU CAN WORKAROUND ITS BS?
  6. techie81

    Twitch terminates all members of its Safety Advisory Council

    "spread of misinformation" lmaooooooooo byeeeeeeeeee
  7. techie81

    Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC (evaluation) is released!!

    I just installed this in a VM, yeah nice and clean. Would an actual physical system run ok on this version, i.e. gaming, drivers, etc.?
  8. techie81

    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    No, Microsoft doesn't mean well and this has been evident through the years of doing the opposite of what consumers need/want.
  9. techie81

    EA app has finally been released for macOS

    The 5 people gaming on MacOS can rejoice!
  10. techie81

    3DMark's Time Spy successor, Steel Nomad

    I got a 4092 on a 3080, not sure if thats good lol
  11. techie81

    Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing

    I will say it again, software that you have paid for should not have any ads (and telemetry) in it. Zero. I wouldn't have an issue if it displayed ads if it were not activated.
  12. techie81

    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    Seriously, why can't they sell this to consumers (even at a higher than normal price)?? I would pay for a key that didn't have all the junk in it.
  13. techie81

    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    You don't, that's the problem.
  14. techie81

    Hardware Nexus: ASUS Scammed Us

    ASUS RMA has been outed MANY times on here and other places over the last decade or so. I refuse to buy anymore of their products. It's a damn shame because some of their hardware is really good. I think after HN caught them about a year ago, they promised they would get better but have...
  15. techie81

    Two years after launch Windows 11 adoption is still waaaay behind Windows 10

    Funny enough, I still see him posting on the Windows 11 subreddit defending everything MS is doing. smh
  16. techie81

    Two years after launch Windows 11 adoption is still waaaay behind Windows 10

    How dare you question Microsoft! You have committed OS treason and this forum will not have any of it. It's your fault for not accepting crappy programming quality, data collection and ads. Get with the program, slave. /s Windows is literally a meme at this point programmed by people who care...
  17. techie81

    Two years after launch Windows 11 adoption is still waaaay behind Windows 10

    You are literally using a version of windows 11 that has all the crap removed that people are complaining about. That's why you don't understand the hate. A product that you have paid for shouldn't have ads ANYWHERE.
  18. techie81

    So after this BTC halving, should I invest a ton of money or what?

    This is what every single Crypto noob says, expecting 5000% overnight returns. All I can tell you is that I am long on BTC and ETH. BTC is a collectors item and will be worth big bucks at some point in the future but no one knows when that will be. Also, stop comparing the stock market to...
  19. techie81

    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    In before MS white knights come in here and tell you that Windows 11 is perfect and there aren't ads for them - YOU ARE the problem. Seriously though, Windows 10 was the last version of windows that I will have used. If only MS cared more about innovation and less about ad revenue.
  20. techie81

    Microcenter is coming back to the Bay Area!!!

    I am very excited as I live in the North Bay. I am willing to drive out to Santa Clara and make a day of it. Hopefully will be stopping by there later this year to build a new machine. 😎
  21. techie81

    Musk suggests 3 months freeze for new free-tier users

    I'll go out on a limb and say Musk is pretty smart and knows what he's doing.
  22. techie81

    Musk suggests 3 months freeze for new free-tier users

    SPAM is taking over the world, I don't have a problem with it.
  23. techie81

    Manor Lords - Early Access Release - 4/26/24

    Genuinely excited for Manor lords, especially after the complete fail that CS2 turned out to be.
  24. techie81

    [DEAD] 7900X3D $391.49 @ Amazon

    I have a 5900X and have been contemplating the switch to AM5 but the motherboards really turned me off. Lots of people reporting issues with them. Figure I would just wait until the next release since my machine is chugging along fine (for now).
  25. techie81

    Windows 11 Pro - $29.97

    Exactly, you are the product.
  26. techie81

    Windows 11 Pro - $29.97

    People still buy Windows? I'm sorry, paying $1 is too much (especially for a non-genuine retail copy). You are paying for literal spyware (Yes, I use windows).
  27. techie81

    Nvidia install update - error during installation

    I would download DDU, clean, and reinstall drivers.
  28. techie81

    Possible Scam?

    Just going to say it, if you have to post "is this a scam"? It usually is.
  29. techie81

    Cities Skylines 2

    It looks like they've made some performance increases but still not quite there yet. I'm still waiting for a decent sale.
  30. techie81

    Microsoft Lays Off 1,900 Activision Blizzard And Xbox Employees

    Exactly, quality over quantity.
  31. techie81

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    Agreed, I had a lot of issues with AMD drivers in the not so distant past. They did end up fixing most of them but it took about 9 months.
  32. techie81

    NVIDIA rumored to be preparing GeForce RTX 4080/4070 SUPER cards

    For the games that I play and at the resolution I have them set for, the 3080 is better or equal to. Pretty pathetic.
  33. techie81

    NVIDIA rumored to be preparing GeForce RTX 4080/4070 SUPER cards

    Annnnd my 3080 is still faster, sigh.
  34. techie81

    Pixel 7 / Pixel 7 Pro / Pixel 7a

    My wife has the 6A and I have the 7, no issues to report here. Love our phones.
  35. techie81

    Intel APO testing, 12th & 13th gen get the shaft Looks like they may have changed their mind after all. Would be awesome to see this come to the 12 series.