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    Clair Obscur: Expedition 33

    Finally, someone besides Atlas decided that turned based JRPG was back on the menu. Looks pretty good.
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    DOOM: The Dark Ages

    Hasn't he basically been bonkers lore wise since the reboot I thought the new lore established he practically had no upper bounds of strength and he could essentially Doomguy his way though anything
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    DOOM: The Dark Ages

    Yeah the concept is fine but I was left thinking Quake 1 or Hexen is closer thematically to whatever they're attempting here But I guess they want the brand recognition
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    DOOM: The Dark Ages

    I mean whatever this is clearly already isn't Eternal It barely looks like Doom, but here we are
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    DOOM: The Dark Ages

    That was not what I expected. Not sure what to think yet
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    Indiana Jones videogame teased by Bethesda

    I hope this is somehow good I unfortunately have my doubts, but I hope it somehow pulls it off
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    Windows 10 users: Get ready to be bugged about creating a Microsoft Account

    It's the OS WebView provider and it's used everywhere I'm pretty sure even the Start menu even uses it on W11.
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    Dragon Age: THE VEILGUARD

    It was peak metagaming to systematically nail any and all tail in every Bioware RPG It's how my party knows I'm the alpha - big dog, big nuts
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    This game looks like it has an immensely satisfying shotgun...
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    MrBeast Ranks as Highest-Paid YouTube Star Ever, Earning an Estimated $54 Million in 2021

    My dude you are higher than the Burj Khalifa
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    I'm a little baffled they picked GzDoom instead of a more modern engine, since I assume they needed massive rewrites anyway to facilitate some of the stuff they do. I'm not even sure it can make the same Ion Fury argument where they wanted that Build engine feel. I think that really comes...
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    Google Chrome’s Plan To Limit Ad Blocking Extensions Kicks Off Next Week

    I found Firefox significantly worse for battery than Brave, unfortunately. I'd love to use Firefox on mobile but it wasn't worth the difference.
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    Did we watch the same thing because it looks super polished It looks like it crushed the exact style it went for
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    Get Ready for "Gamerlicious" Nvidia Control Panel

    oh, so OBS only beat them to this feature by like literally a full year. somehow
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    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    Clearly less realistic than the last character being a literal reincarnation of Odin ... who was actually a member of the same hyper advanced race who literally lived in a city called the Garden of Eden that looked exactly like "the world if" meme, had triple helix DNA which somehow let them...
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    Russia Says It's Assembled a Lithography Machine, Will Make 350nm Chips

    Hopefully I can run Quake 2 at decent frame rates on my next Russian processor
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    AMD Confirms Zen 5 will Get Ryzen 8000 Series Branding, "Navi 3.5" Graphics in 2024Z

    guys multiplying and dividing by really big numbers like 10 is hard because there's a lot of zeros so can someone please walk me though it so I can figure out how this so called "stock splits" thing works I some money from birthday cards and I'd like to turn it into like 1-2 million ideally so...
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    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    but how will I be mad if I can't selectively ignore context to help me complain into an echo chamber
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    Windows 11 24H2 will enable BitLocker encryption for everyone - happens on both clean installs and reinstalls

    Unironically probably makes the ransomware more reliable in its encryption/decryption. Not that it matters much, anyway. If they got that far to enable bitlocker, they already have admin permissions on the machine and you're already completely fucked.
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    3DMark's Time Spy successor, Steel Nomad

    Am I crazy or is this pretty lackluster graphically
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    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    This is why I use a full screen overlay of goatse set to 50% opacity to fight back
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    Nvidia nearly went out of business in 1996 trying to make Sega's Dreamcast GPU — instead, Sega America's CEO offered the company a $5 million lifeline

    obviously the only answer is for nvidia to repay the kindness and to fund dreamcast 2 we have the technology
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    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    So, what exactly is the line here, like where is it drawn immersion wise? Because in Assassin's Creed we have: Literal magic artifacts that they use as a MacGuffin constantly Alternative history involving the crusades and numerous other historical figures - Ben fucking Franklin in one of them...
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    Is there a way to merge Steam's screenshots.vdf from multiple computers into one?

    I already handle that case in your last paragraph. As long as the additional screenshots for a game have unique filenames, they will get merged in and their numbering in the vdf will be fixed appropriately so it continues sequentially. I think this sequential numbering of screenshots in the...
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    Is there a way to merge Steam's screenshots.vdf from multiple computers into one?

    I think I partially misread and may have a flaw in my logic. Of course I randomly thought of it while in bed. I currently merge files and consider screenshot records unique based on filename. The filename itself is a timestamp and you probably won't collide under normal circumstances and I...
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    Black Myth: Wu Kong

    Is there like a clear frame of gameplay in that entire video wtf
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    Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing

    KDE 6 is legit very good. On my 7840u laptop, Linux is a great experience. Last time I tried on my desktop, I constantly had issues with my GTX 1080 and Nvidia drivers somehow managing to fuck my refresh rate up despite anything and everything.
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    Is there a way to merge Steam's screenshots.vdf from multiple computers into one?

    Attached a zip - probably not linking to my Github. Binaries are under ./dist/. Throw whatever files next to the binary, or if you're running from Python, in the current working directory. Name them like this: screenshots1.vdf screenshots2.vdf screenshots3.vdf ... It should (hopefully) barf...
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    Is there a way to merge Steam's screenshots.vdf from multiple computers into one?

    I took a quick stab at this and have a proof of concept. Not guaranteeing it's exactly correct/doesn't miss records yet since I'm too lazy to write tests now, but output seems at least somewhat sane at a glance. I'll post the source and binaries in a bit and you can give it a try.
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    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    ironically this is one of the tamer things in Assassin's Creed you literally fist fight the pope in one of them to uncover that God actually lives in the basement of the fucking Vatican but they're actually a hyper-advanced alien who knows the future that some douchebag in a white sweatshirt is...
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    NetBSD Bans AI-Generated Code

    Yes, they're good at noticing certain things like copy/paste bugs where an unintended variable winds up being referenced or something. Static analyzers can also spot these kinds of bugs, but the latest LLMs are more generic - they can figure that this is likely wrong even in languages with no...
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    Battlefield VII (In Development)

    This was the genius of 2142 They weren't beholden to jets and shit that are utterly impossible to balance. They had the creative freedom to just make fun shit that was perfect gameplay wise. They need that, with the modern gunplay. It doesn't even need to be futuristic. The original BF1...
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    Winamp's source code to be released publicly on September 24

    Jesus that's a throwback, I had no idea was still around, I completely forgot about it I think one of my clan mates got me listening to and I lived off that kind of music for a while. UT 2004, and playing till 5am. It's all coming back.
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    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    ahaha Not that you were exactly subtle in the previous games. The assassin's choices in clothing were kind of the opposite of inconspicuous. By AC3 you were the dipshit with weird fashion sense standing there with like a giant bow, quiver, hatchet, knife, flintlock pistol, and a sword strapped...
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    Nvidia begins developing Arm-based PC chips in challenge to Intel

    We have a production database (well, and dev too) humming along on the AWS ARM chips. They seem to perform very well and are quite aggressively priced. There's actually no real blockers to moving more of our workloads onto ARM hardware really other than we're simply not building ARM containers...
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    Hades II

    I don't think I've seen _that_ much in Hades 2. Charon and a couple others have the placeholder generic "cloaked figure" portrait. And Artemis is kinda shit.
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    Nvidia begins developing Arm-based PC chips in challenge to Intel

    350 raspberry pis in a server rack in your garage
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    Nvidia begins developing Arm-based PC chips in challenge to Intel

    I don't know what that file is even in reference to, nor where it came from in this context. It looks like it's just the expected output for a unit test to verify that the assembler is actually barfing out what's expected. At a glance, it all looks like standard ARM with nothing Apple specific...
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    Nvidia begins developing Arm-based PC chips in challenge to Intel

    They could remove it because they can provide a guarantee that it won't be problematic, as it's already abstracted away from mortals using whatever library that took advantage of it under the covers. As long as it's considered undocumented, a compiler will generally never emit it, even if...