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  1. KCarpenter12

    Better wifi

    😂😂 sorry I never responded to this thread… it’s hard to tell in the photo… but right in front of that shed is an inground pool… the right side of this shed now has an addition, closing in the white fence…. So this is my 32x14 pool bar and kitchen… two TV’s in the bar area and 1 in the kitchen...
  2. KCarpenter12

    PC Suggestions

    What’s a good small PC to use for Linux? I don’t need a lot of horse power. I have been using a raspberry pi which is usually great… but I want a little more power than that.
  3. KCarpenter12

    External card with own processor

    Do they make an external video card that has its own processing? I’m not really familiar with video cards… I’m looking for one with 3 HDMI outputs but I don’t think my laptop has the power to process 3 external monitors in addition to the 2 monitors it already pushes (docked laptop)
  4. KCarpenter12

    Better wifi

    I need to be able to stream to 3 TV’s out in that shed to the left…. It’s about 100 feet from the router inside the house…. I took this picture standing right over the top of the router. Right now there is an echo dot out there that has trouble connecting sometimes so I know I’m going to have...
  5. KCarpenter12


    Getting from the capture card to the server. I don’t know much about this… I want to upload a live feed to a server, then allow people to pull the live steam using like HLS or RTMP
  6. KCarpenter12


    I didn’t know where to ask this question…. Maybe here?? Lol🤷‍♂️ I want to capture live video using a capture card and upload it for live streaming using HLS. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  7. KCarpenter12

    Best wireless ap/router for Gigabit internet

    I’m looking to upgrade our internet speeds and wondering what wireless router or AP would be best for streaming? I want to be able to stream 5-6 TV’s at the same time… I also want to be able to have multiple SSID’s and be able to prioritize anything connected to specific SSID’s. Thanks!
  8. KCarpenter12

    Check internet connection...

    It will not be for sale, and it will have a web interface and it will write to a log file on a remote server.
  9. KCarpenter12

    Check internet connection...

    Well... this is the reason for the application lol... if you have input, I’m absolutely interested.
  10. KCarpenter12

    Check internet connection...

    I’m not sure what you mean?
  11. KCarpenter12

    Check internet connection...

    Thanks for the information! It all Makes perfect sense and actually kind of the way I’m leaning to proceed. It will actually be a set top box that is plug and play based on Linux ARM.
  12. KCarpenter12

    Check internet connection...

    I’m working on an application that checks if your internet connection is up and running or if it has temporarily dropped. what do you think the best method for checking is? Should I check several protocols like http, ftp, etc??? Will just a ping suffice? im open to any recommendations! Thanks.
  13. KCarpenter12

    View raw Bluetooth data

    I don’t see this app in the App Store.
  14. KCarpenter12

    View raw Bluetooth data

    Is there an iOS app that will let me connect to a Bluetooth device and read all the live data being pushed from the device to the host?
  15. KCarpenter12

    Can anyone help me access my home pc (for testing mainly right now) when I am out and about on my iPhone ?

    I used to use Plex to stream video from my home network... but then everything went in the cloud and everything is streamable... so I took it down a couple years ago
  16. KCarpenter12

    Printing over VPN

    There are some NAT settings and the advanced routing page like I posted above.. that’s all I see.
  17. KCarpenter12

    Printing over VPN

    Thanks for the reply! This is the advanced routing page. Can I use *’s? I’m not sure what to add here.... the local network is 192.168.0.x and the VPN network is 10.8.0.x
  18. KCarpenter12

    Basic question.... Disable LAN access for one computer but allow internet access?

    That’s why I asked if it was wired or wireless... with wireless it’s easiest to just enable the guest network
  19. KCarpenter12

    Printing over VPN

    Hello. I just installed a new wireless router from TP-Link. The router software has a VPN server built in and I'm able to connect to my home network using OpenVPN. Once connected, it gives me a local network IP, 10.0.0.X. My home network gives out 192.168.0.X addresses. Is there any way I...
  20. KCarpenter12

    Recommend TV tuner card?

    As long as your go through the cable box first, you can get any channel you want with a capture card right?
  21. KCarpenter12

    Microsoft Surface and Surface Pro What do you guys think? Alternatives?

    I have a Surface Book setup with the docking station and two monitors... such a nice laptop and the integration with the dock station is seamless... I highly recommend it...
  22. KCarpenter12

    Build me a new computer to run point of sale and security system.

    I strongly suggest that you don’t run POS and security on the same box.
  23. KCarpenter12

    Old man killed 4 laptops in 6 years

    I’m thinking he’s having heat issues
  24. KCarpenter12

    Looking for a printer...

    Hey, I’m looking for a printer that can print 11x17 and black and white only.... it seems like the b&w printers are more expensive than the color ones? I don’t need anything fancy... just a basic 11x17 printer without scanning or faxing... Seems impossible to find a basic printer these...
  25. KCarpenter12

    Setting Up Solitaire Box For Elderly (advice appreciated)

    Let us know how you make out...
  26. KCarpenter12

    Setting Up Solitaire Box For Elderly (advice appreciated)

    By using the USB port on the back of the tv to power the Pi, it should power up with the tv.
  27. KCarpenter12

    Setting Up Solitaire Box For Elderly (advice appreciated)

    I also recommend a wireless handheld mouse so they can use the main TV in the house... just switch the input over to HDMI2 and start playing
  28. KCarpenter12

    Setting Up Solitaire Box For Elderly (advice appreciated)

    Very simple... first you’ll need a raspberry pi, a power cord, hdmi cable, SD card and a USB mouse. Also a TV to plug into... download rasbian OS image on windows and use Win32 disk imager to put it on the SD card, download Solitaire and a couple quick edits to load the game on boot and you’re...
  29. KCarpenter12

    Batch file downloader??

    How is the page formatted? Can you send me a link?
  30. KCarpenter12

    Another VPN Question

    No options for that on my Linksys E2500
  31. KCarpenter12

    Another VPN Question

    I want to be able to connect to my remote network through a VPN so I can access the printer and a network folder. Are there any simple VPN servers out there? Where I can just add a username/password to a database? I don't want to be installing certificates or any of that jazz on every machine...
  32. KCarpenter12

    Internet Radio Server?

    Just buy a hardware appliance that will connect to ice/shout cast and you're good to go.
  33. KCarpenter12

    Mobile printing

    hello all! What is the best, for its price, mobile printer? I need a printer in my vehicle for printing invoices and estimates from my iPad. All the good mobile printers seem really expensive.... I don't need all the extra features.... Just printing. It can even be black and white! Lol...
  34. KCarpenter12

    Hard time installing OS

    So it seems to be booting fine now. I went into BIOS and reset defaults....Not sure what it changed, but it's working now. Thanks for all the help everybody!
  35. KCarpenter12

    Hard time installing OS

    I'm not sure how to set BIOS back to defaults...
  36. KCarpenter12

    Hard time installing OS

    I am going back and forth between CentOS, Ubuntu and now Knoppix Live.....Also trying with CD and USB
  37. KCarpenter12

    Hard time installing OS

    This is what happens... just goes blank...
  38. KCarpenter12

    Hard time installing OS

    I just removed the RAID configuration.....Still the same...