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  1. auntjemima

    Chat message

  2. auntjemima

    Chat message

    Not sure why it didn't send last time.
  3. auntjemima

    Chat message

    Nuts belong in butts, nowhere else.
  4. auntjemima

    Chat message

    Hey losers.
  5. auntjemima

    Cannot edit metadata for .mp3 audio files under Win7

    Random guess here, but the ones you can edit, were they originally updated in a different music app so windows can now edit them?
  6. auntjemima

    what is the more overrated cryptocurrency in your opinion?

    That's a good point. All this talk and for what? END THE FED! lol
  7. auntjemima

    what is the more overrated cryptocurrency in your opinion?

    The question wasn't "Do you hate cryptocurrency with no valid reason for it?". They asked which is overhyped. Definitely Doge or Shib.
  8. auntjemima

    Any good games with offline bots?

    Still quake 3.
  9. auntjemima

    KDE neon mkinitcpio replacement

    Thanks, my friend. I ran it already but I had not seen any real "hooks" I was looking for. Then I realised I didn;t run it verbose. Thanks again!
  10. auntjemima

    KDE neon mkinitcpio replacement

    Good evening! I am using KDE Neon 6 and I am trying to do some GPU passthrough with a video tutorial. It tells me to run.. sudo mkinitcpio -p linux However my install says that is not installed. When I try and install it it says "Unable to locate package mkinitcpio". I see dracut is used for...
  11. auntjemima

    Windows 10 users: Get ready to be bugged about creating a Microsoft Account

    I'm trying this on a laptop with both Intel and a 4070. So I should be good to leave Linux on the Intel card and send the Nvidia one to the VM.
  12. auntjemima

    Windows 10 users: Get ready to be bugged about creating a Microsoft Account

    Omg, I hate you. This entire time I have been trying to get games to run in Linux and it's nothing but a hassle and never once considered a VM.. I'm such a fucking idiot.
  13. auntjemima

    XGI Volari Duo V8 Ultra AGP 256MB GPU Retro

    Love your posts!
  14. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    That's weird, sorry I can't help, but I ran it on Mint and KDE Neon plasma 6 and they both ran fine. I had issues otherwise, but not graphically.
  15. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    I've been using Wayland on my 4070 for a while. What issues are you having?
  16. auntjemima

    Google’s Pixel 8 and 8 Pro can now be located even with a dead battery

    Why does it have to be so specific at all? Why a specific use-case to get people behind it How about I just want my phone to be OFF when I turn it off? Seems reasonable to me.
  17. auntjemima

    Google’s Pixel 8 and 8 Pro can now be located even with a dead battery

    I am curious about something specific. I read the article ,but I feel like maybe I missed something. It powers a Bluetooth chip... Not wifi. So if I do "find my device", I would technically have to do so via bt. How?
  18. auntjemima

    Google’s Pixel 8 and 8 Pro can now be located even with a dead battery

    My issue is that it can be tracked if I decide to power it off. I've powered it off for a reason. It's not convenient.
  19. auntjemima

    Google’s Pixel 8 and 8 Pro can now be located even with a dead battery Absolutely wild that they think this is a "convenient feature". A bit sketchy to me.
  20. auntjemima

    xz-utils backdoored

    This exact reason? Oddly specific.
  21. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    I appreciate the help, I really do. I've already done all of those steps myself. I am a technician by trade and solving problems is something I love doing. Likely why I tried a dozen ways to install it without success. By default soda is selected, but after trying all these options (game, app...
  22. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    I did. It has the same result. I tried it under all suggested configurations here.
  23. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    So, to finish this off once and for all... on KDE Neon 6 I am unable to install It doesnt matter the way. I have tried Lutris, but that comes with Wine32 problems. Tried bottles and steam as suggested, neither make it past 45% before failing. All give me the same result...
  24. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    Have any icon package suggestions? I stuck with one of the provided 3 themes. Whatever the middle one was, the black one. I am not that crazy into downloading themes these days.
  25. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    It's just an external USBC nvme drive that I have 200gb free on for trying Linux ISOs. If I find one I like I'll probably stick to it, but who knows ;)
  26. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    I need to try bottles, but I'm going to reinstall KDE first. I haven't installed much so far but I did a TON of changes to try and get wine to install. I'm not going to try and undo all of that, unless there is a way to reset the Distro without reinstalling?
  27. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    I'll be honest, I tried apt after this entire fiasco and it just worked. So I must be losing it. Weird. Still, is there a reason why I can run apt update but I have to run pkcon update instead of apt upgrade? What could be the purpose of this..
  28. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    Nah fam, wine-staging doesn't work. Wine-devel doesn't work. Winehq-devel doesn't work. Winehq-staging doesn't work. I'll just have to follow the steps listed by Mazz. Not sure what they changed with libpoppler, but it's causing nothing but issues with wine.
  29. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    Good god. While it's super annoying that I need to install things 1400 ways, I love that I'm learning so much from this thread. I am pretty annoyed that I've run into a distro that won't allow me to properly install software via the terminal.
  30. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    Thanks! Had no idea. Wild world out there.
  31. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    Honestly, didn't know battle net or wow were on steam. I'll give it a go I guess. I keep hearing proton but I don't know what that is, so I guess I have some research to do.
  32. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    Well, my KDE install was super awesome and looked amazing and I was surprised at how polished it was. Until I tried to install through Lutris. I tried as a stand alone, snap and flatpak. When installing it would hang at a screen telling me it was creating some Wine dependencies (or...
  33. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    I think it's a weird feeling for people to not need to google programs to download and just use their software center.
  34. auntjemima

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    If anything, that pile of apps in your floating dock is a testament to the amount of apps that work within Linux, many of them familiar windows programs.