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  1. C

    Need a name for bussiness Thoughts??

    So my partner and I are ready to start our biz, only thing is we have worked everything out but the name. There are a few that we are thinking about. Anyway A brief rundown: We will be building custom computers that will have custom cooling, (I cant get to indepth) but we will be building...
  2. C

    Steam Error: Registry already in use????

    Alright to start off I have read and done all the suggestions on the steam forums about the error I am recieving: "Steam.exe (Main Exception): The registry is in use by another process, timeout expired" I have gone here and done everything listed and looked through the steam forums...
  3. C

    Steam Error Since New Install Win7 64bit in Raid 0

    Alright to start off I have read and done all the suggestions on the steam forums about the error I am recieving: "Steam.exe (Main Exception): The registry is in use by another process, timeout expired" I have gone here and done everything listed and looked through the steam forums...
  4. C

    Windows 7 & Utorrent Kills Wireless Keyboard & Mouse

    I recently purchased an i7 920 , GA-X58-UDR3 & 6 gigs DDR3. Installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and everything works great! Only problem I am having is when I am using Utorrent (Recent Version) or downloading something I loose Full function of my keyboard. It misses key strokes and sometimes...
  5. C

    Cant login When adding SATA Hard Drive.

    Specs: MSI K8N Neo2 Platnum 2gig Mushkin XP Redline PC4000 @ 250 FSB 3-3-3-8 BFG 6800 Ultra OC 120 gig Maxtor IDE / 133 AMD64 3200+ @ 2.5ghz Anyway, I just got a 250gig Maxtor SATA HD. I want to ADD it to my system as a second hard drive. I downloaded my mobo drivers for SATA and...
  6. C

    Running SATA and IDE Hard Drives. Need Help!

    Well, I have my OS and games on my IDE hard drive, but I just bought a sata HD 250 Gig maxtor. I want to use it as my second HD. For some reason when it goes to the login screen to boot into windows it wont show the login screen. Its just black. When I disconnect the SATA HD it boots fine...
  7. C

    300gig Sata 16meg registering 120gig in windows (HELP)

    I have a A8N32-SLI / opti 170 I bought a 300 gig SATAII HD and it only shows up as 120 gig, in bois it says its 300 gig. And my only option is DISABLE / AUTO for LARGE/LBA mode .. What can I do, is their a driver fix for windows?
  8. C

    Opti 170 & A8N32-SLI Deluxe CPU Temps (HELP)

    I recently purchased a Opti 170 X2 for this A8N32-SLI Deluxe. I have the latest BOIS for it, and I am reading temps @ idle 49c / 55c with load! Everything Stock. I have reseated the heatsink 2 times now. And I am outa ideas, could it be the thermal paste i am useing? Cheap silver stuff...
  9. C

    AMD64 3200+ to FX57

    Well I got this Mushkin ram, pretty good I got 260fsb 1:1 off the hop with my AMD64 3200+. But for some reason I cant seem to get past 265 FSB >< I did it before, but I have burned it in for a couple of days now @ 2.6 Ghz. Anyone Else have any success with these sticks of ram? Not that I am...
  10. C

    Asus Motherboard Owners Please Read

    I have a HP Pavilion 720n, AMD XP 3200 (2.2Ghz) 512 pc2700 & BFG 6800 OC 128 256bit AGP. I have recently Benchmarked my comp with 3Dmark03 with my new Card (BFG 6800OC) and recived a very low score of 6400 - 6911!!! I have tried different Drivers and Settings. Not much change. I phoned...
  11. C

    6800 OC Low Benchmark Solutions - Post here

    i have read a few fourms concerning the many users haveing trouble acheving decent benchmarks in 3DMark03 / 05. I am one of many who are having a tuff time trying to figure this situation out. I want to ask the [H]ard Community to help all who are suffering the hurt in the pocket book and on...
  12. C

    Pavilion & BFG 6800OC Benchmark

    I have a HP Pavilion 720n which has the A7V8X-LE Mobo, 512 DDR 2700 maxtor 120 gig 7200RMP. I recently purchased my BFG 6800OC and unlocked all 16X6X pipes. I could only bench a 6700 on 3Dmark03!!!! Why is this? I know it is bottlenecking becuase of the pc2700, but would it make that much...