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  1. 1337m0dd3r

    280x crashes anytime 3d is used?

    brand new powercolor 280x on a fresh install of windows 7 .... crashes everytime i do anything 3d graphics related... thinking its a bad card?? drivers maybe?
  2. 1337m0dd3r

    what is going wrong here...rusty oc skills.

    PROBLEM SOLVED I AM A MORON ><;;Ok so heres the deal... AMD FX6300 ,Corsair H101i gskill pc12800 Gigabyte 990 fxa ud3, 750watt corsair pro msi hd7850, windows 7 patched for fx. So I'm trying to overclock my processor, I have disabled everything as far as turbomode and all... using the amd...
  3. 1337m0dd3r

    Would this be a waste of time? simple ?

    K.. so I am wanting to upgrade my pc.. but not rip a huge hole in my budget.. so... would it be a waste of money to upgrade to socket 754 ? my second question on this... is I can't find any info this processor anywhere... and this is the one I'm looking at.. so I need some thoughts on this...
  4. 1337m0dd3r

    Project : New Computer desk

    Ok. so first off on this worklog this is just me building a new desk for my computer.. I work with wood all day at my job so I figured I'd build myself a new computer desk since I'm moving out soon and my current desk is attached to the wall... so far I have only come up with a rough design...
  5. 1337m0dd3r

    sempron 3000+ barton worth it?

    My question is rather simple... is it worth it to upgrade to the sempron 3000+ from my xp2800+, I guess more or less I'm wanting to know if I'll be able to get any more out of it then my current one... reason for this question being that it only has a 1.6v core stock.. and I'm wondering if...
  6. 1337m0dd3r

    Is this any good.

    -first off I've read the faqs... I'm just wanting input on my progress so far- Ok so heres what I've got.. 2x512mb of Giel Golden Dragon PC3200 I've got it at 6-3-3-2, 2.7v and its running at 230mhz. is that any good.. it passes memtest with wonders.. so what I'm wondering is if I should...
  7. 1337m0dd3r

    Project Bay Networks Server

    This project is going to be a file server for my house. Specs are : Intel Pentium 4 2ghz 400mhz fsb 512mb pc2100 Intel Board... don't know the model offhand.. shitty one though 250gb Seagate Barracuda 8mb cache Geforce2 mx400 Onto the pics. Here is what I'm going to be using for...
  8. 1337m0dd3r

    Yay for winter extreme cooling!

    I know its been done before... but whatever... heres my ghetto winter cooling.. works rather well too if you ask me.. at least for for that long of a prime....on air. Anyways... heres some pics.. they are rather self-explanitory... the overview of the setup.. powersupply running beneath the...
  9. 1337m0dd3r

    vpu crash again and again.

    Ok.. so my vpu recovery keeps kicking in... when I'm playing dod src.... It's goin on even if I don't have the card oc'd.. so you think that means my cards getting close to dying o something.. its just never happened this bad... I mean I don't get any artifacts... it deff has suffient cooling...
  10. 1337m0dd3r

    excuse the newb question but..

    Umm.. I'm new to the whole dual core thingy and needing to know which motherboard would be the best for running a opteron 165, and a 1800xt videocard... I plan on doing a good bit of overclocking.. and I just don't have a clue what motherboard to go with for 64bit stuff.. any help would be...
  11. 1337m0dd3r

    need help on find a certain case..

    Does anyone have any clue how I would get my hands on a Alcardia XR-1 Black Knight case? only place I can find them is And that just don't help. :confused: :confused: :confused: -edit- Windy pc makes the cases... any case...
  12. 1337m0dd3r

    Question for you guys.

    So whats your opinion on Crossfire.... is it worth the money? Cause I've been thinking about going crossfire rather then sli... but I need somebodys opinion on it...
  13. 1337m0dd3r

    Project: Get off my butt and do it.

    Ok, so this is my first real project in a while... this time I'm actually going to be taking the step and trying my hand at watercooling. All I have ordered so far for this mod is the Lian Li PC - 7b Plus, the black one. All I have so far for pictures in some concept stuff I've come up with...
  14. 1337m0dd3r

    help i can't get the GA-7N400 Pro 2 audio drivers to work

    I really need some help here, the drivers for this motherboarrd just won't work... already tried the drivers from the gigabyte site.. so i unno. its realtek audio ... so anyhelp would be greartly appreciated...
  15. 1337m0dd3r

    Fugly case mod. aka hybrid

    Yes i know this case is pretty f*ckin ugly but I see mod potential in it so what the hell I figured I'd start modding it.. heres pics of what I've gotten done so far more pics to come the mesh I've put in... thats the only mod I have a pic of so far I cut out the grill on the 120 intake on...
  16. 1337m0dd3r

    what do I do!?!nf7s problem

    yea.. so I was savingv my bios settings for my nf7s and my power goes out... now it won't even post anyone have any idea of how to fix this? the bios resset doesn't work. :( any help would be greatly apprieated. specs in sig if you need them... my board is a rev.2
  17. 1337m0dd3r

    family pic divorcvie remove 56k warn

    did this for a friends mom. not the best but whatever before after :p
  18. 1337m0dd3r

    need cs 1.6 help

    k so my video card is stable with every other game, cept 1.6 it doesn't artifact or anything cs 1.6 just crashes....source is fine... hl2 fine, battlefront, ut 2004 fine... I just don't understand it.. my overclock is completely stable...just wondering if anyone had anytips.. and yea I have used...
  19. 1337m0dd3r

    get worse plz?

    K... so once you think you've seen it all in ugly cases... Asus comes and claims the prize for the most hidous case... check it out -->
  20. 1337m0dd3r

    Help, moron needs help...

    Yes I am moron at overclocking... and I'm confused and need some help.. Actually not sure if I should post this here or in the amd proc thread... well anyways. Trying to get a good oc on my proc but it just isn't happening... this is what I have for my specs. thats...
  21. 1337m0dd3r

    Cooler Master Aquagate

    Has anyone checked this out yet.. or know how it works? I thought it was intresting that coolermaster is now producing watercooling stuff... waterblock looks quite decent for a drivebay complete kit... Cooler Master Aquagate