Search results

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    Upcoming hard scifi space flight sim - Planet Prospector
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    Anyone using Bitlocker to encrypt extenral drives?

    instead of using Veracrypt, I'm going to use Microsoft Bitlocker to encrypt the next external hard drive I get. I haven't used bitlocker before but based on what i've read about it it seems like it will do what I need it to. I would probably use the password option since I'll be building a new...
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    "Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties?"

    I am copying files from an encrypted external drive onto another encrypted external drive as back up. I am getting this notice on a lot of my files. It wouldn't be a problem but that I noticed in some cases, the files don't open or they behave oddly like a video being a blank white screen when...
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    Angels Fall First I know folks on H tend to favor the triple A big studio games over indie games. But has anyone played this?It looks pretty good good although it's been around in early access for almost a decade which is kind of crazy. Surprised i'm...
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    some Battlemge specs 12gb doesn't seem like much, hope these are low end models
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    Recommend a Program that can remove video and export files as mp3s

    I've come across some great remixes of music on YouTube, but they all have video. I have saved these video files to my computer and I would like to export them as mp3s with only the audio so I can put them on my old ipod. Can anyone recommend a program that can do this?
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    Remnant Protocol- space combat strategy game Sounds like this could be awesome. More indication that smaller studios are making much more interesting games than AAA studios.
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    Is it worth buying CC Cleaner Pro?

    Trying the demo wondering if anyone here finds it useful enough to buy the pro version
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    Easy Red 2 Looks really fun, very oidituve reviews. Graphics aren't super but it looks worth playing and closer to the spirit of BF1942 than anything else.
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    Terminator Dark Fate

    Anyone playing this? Gotten good reviews.
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    Mist survival Anyone playing this EA one dev game? Watched some gameplay and it looks promising. I like the fact it's single player.
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    30tb hdd for consumers this year

    About time!
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    What's the best way to optimize windows after a few years when your pc is slowing down

    I don't want to do a complete reinstall and lose my c drive data. But I would like to optimize my system and clean my windows install since my computer has been getting morene more sluggish. I installed it about four years ago windows 10 then 11. Very slow boot up for example. Thanks
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    Cepheus Protocol Looks promising. Indie games seem a lot fresher and more creative than AAA games these days.
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    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    If you were buying a card for gaming at 4K resolution. Which one of these would you choose I think their prices are similar and to my limited knowledge. It seems like the advantage the 4080 has is 4K gaming and the advantage 7900 has is more V Ram and possibly faster rasterized performance. As...
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    For Disco Elysium and Steampunk fans: Sovereign Syndicate Releases in a few days And not early access
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    True STALKER Just downloaded it but haven't given it a try yet looks promising
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    Executive Assault 2 Has anybody tried this? It looks like an interesting r t s/f p s space game hybrid
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    Best app for detecting and deleting duplicate files?

    Can anyone recommend a good app for detecting and deleting duplicate files on a drive? This is for Windows. Thanks.
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    Microsd card not being recognized by my Android tablet

    Recently I bought a 1.5 TB.Sandisk microSD card which has been working great with my Samsung Galaxy S7 tablet. I've got about 1.2tb of data on it. I use encryption. I added a little bit more data to it recently, taking it out of the tablet to hook it up to my computer. For some reason now when...
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    Laptop shuts off overnight/after a few hours even when performing tasks

    I have an Alienware Area 51 laptop and Windows 11. The laptop battery was getting old and bulging so I removed it and am using the laptop plugged directly into the power I have my windows power settings set to never shut the laptop down or put it in Standby when it is plugged in. But I notice...
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    Is it possible to view the history of a drive's activity in windows

    I just had a subfolder with multiple subfolders inside of it vanish from one of my drives. It was several hundred gigs in size and I did not delete it. Thankfully the data was backed up but I have no clue why it's gone. It was a subfolder inside a parent folder. And there are 4 or 5 other...
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    Inconsistent usb transfer behavior between laptop and samsung tablet

    I'm not sure what's going on here: I'm experiencing very inconsistent u s b file transfer behavior between my samsung galaxy tab seven plus and my laptop, mostly transferring files from my Windoes laptop to the encrypted SD card on my tablet. Sometimes I can transfer files from my laptop to my...
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    Anybody else looking forward to the Battlemage release?

    I am waiting on these to release early next year to build my new system Since I am hoping they will be a viable card 4k gaming at high settings in current games. From what I have read about them they sound promising. Anyone else planning to buy one of these?
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    Nuclear Option: Near future casual/realistic hybrid combat flight sim Looks promising, got good player reviews
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    How to find a game I removed by mistake from my Steam wishlist

    I removed a game by mistake from my steam wish list and I can't remember the name of the game. I did it a few days ago. And I'm trying to figure out how I can get it back. Or at least look at some sort of history of my activities regarding My Wish list so I could see which game it was that I...
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    Interregnum Chronicles False Prophet Looks promising based on Splattercats demo game play vid
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    Building a gaming PC: Wait for black friday sales or just buy parts now?

    I am planning to build a gaming and photo editing rig either later this year or early next year and was wondering if it's worth waiting until there are Black Friday sales If it's likely that there will be good deals to be had on parts. The goal is to build a system that will play 4K current...
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    Lamplighters league Out next week
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    Outbreak island

    Getting a STALKER vibe from this
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    HAMR drives later ths year Very much looking forward to greater sorage sizes in the 40 TB range I am still not seeing any release dates or prices though. So I have no idea how much these things will cost. Even if they're too...
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    Urban Strife

    Looks promising
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    Question about Steam or Windows settings for gaming when you habe 2 monitors

    I am noticing that more and more games do not lock the mouse cursor to the primary monitor that I am gaming on and instead when I drag the cursor to the right, it moves it out of the game window on that monitor and on to my second monitor this is a real pain in the butt, and some games do not...
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    Is there a way to permanently increase the size of image thumbnails in Win 11?

    I've googled this topic and everything I find is just info on how to select the different preset thumbnail preview sizes in windows. I would like to if possible double that size and have it be permanent so I don't have to keep selecting it every time I open a folder.
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    Steam back library marathon

    Has anyone else done one of these, where you stop buying new games and instead resolve to play your back catalogue of games in your steam library? Seeing as my computer is rapidly becoming too old to play new titles at 4k with acceptable frames I am instead going back and starting at letter A in...
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    First solo gaming build later this year...

    Going to take a crack at building my own computer by myself for the first time later this year probably around holidays so I can build it on vacation. The goal here is to be able to game at 4K max or close to max graphics settings over 60 frames per second, ideally 120 to match the refresh rate...
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    Recommendation wanted for a good backlit ergonomic keyboard

    I use the curved Microsoft natural keyboard and like it a lot but I'm thinking. I'd like to get a keyboard that's backlit for when I game at night. Can anyone make any recommendations? Thanks
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    Miasma Chronicles

    Looks promising. Out in a few weeks. I enjoyed Mutant Year Zero.
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    Auto aim and first person shooters when using a controller

    I've usually played first person shooters using a mouse and keyboard but since I have replaced my ancient broken controller with the microsoft elite 2 I have tried playing a first person shooter using one .In this case the game dying light. I have turned auto aim on for both melee and ranged...