Tsumi's latest activity

  • Tsumi
    It might be because you only look at the high end and consumer lines, but AMD does have non-X as well as G, F, HX, and more. The non-X parts have lower clocks and TDP than their X counterparts.
  • Tsumi
    I'm going 7800X3D now because I picked up one from Amazon during the brief moment it was $320. Ivy-Bridge-E/X79 is really long in the tooth now.
  • Tsumi
    I use Bitwarden and pay for their premium family plan. I just found out about their emergency contacts feature, which allows other Bitwarden accounts to access your account in case you are unable to. Thought it was a cool and nifty feature.
  • Tsumi
    I consider them both to be workstation because the pricing is so far removed from consumer pricing. HEDT would be like in the X58 and X79 days where getting into the platform was only $200-400 more. Getting into TRX50 is at least $1200 more.
  • Tsumi
    HEDT is dead and doesn't have any sign of coming back soon. You're either consumer or workstation. Multi-GPU has been dead for years now, so of course motherboard manufacturers are going to cater to what benefits the majority of consumers. You...
  • Tsumi
    Tsumi replied to the thread tx750w time for upgrade.
    So basically, you're once again uselessly trolling. Blocked.
  • Tsumi
    Tsumi replied to the thread tx750w time for upgrade.
    Then what was your point? What are you trying to prove? It's like you're throwing mud at a wall and hoping something will stick that supports your decision.
  • Tsumi
    Tsumi replied to the thread tx750w time for upgrade.
    So what if he recorded 3 hours of footage? All of the important information can be compiled into graphs and charts which can be looked over in less than 5 minutes. I pulled the MAG 550 results from a Vietnamese review site that had the...
  • Tsumi
    Tsumi replied to the thread tx750w time for upgrade.
    The MSI MPG and MEG lines are good. The MAG line aren't quite as good, especially the bronze models. The single review that I found has the 550 model outputting 30 mV of ripple at max load. By comparison, the MPG 1000w outputs 10 mV of ripple at...
  • Tsumi
    You failed at the very first premise. 10 hundreds is a thousand, not 100 hundreds. After we reached the thousands, humanity decided it would be easier to name denominations every 10^3. Thousands is the first, millions is the second (10^6)...
  • Tsumi
    Review embargoes would have to end first. These are just preliminary marketing announcements. The vcache on both CCDs has been discussed ad nauseam in this thread and other threads.
  • Tsumi
    Tsumi replied to the thread Ryzen 5700X3D for $200.
    The caveat to that testing is it was all done in CPU-limited scenarios to highlight differences between the CPUs. Once you get into a GPU bound situation (most first and third person games at high resolutions), the differences hardly matter. It...
  • Tsumi
    The worst people on this planet, bar none, are the self-righteous. Self-righteousness is the vehicle humans use to be annoying on the internet right up to the power of self-righteousness being the justification for some of the bloodiest periods...
  • Tsumi
    Tsumi replied to the thread Ryzen 5700X3D for $200.
    I doubt you will see any improvement over your 5900x.
  • Tsumi
    You're both saying the same thing but with different perspectives. You're looking at the potential demand side while the other is looking at it from a business operations standpoint.
  • Tsumi
    Tsumi replied to the thread Ryzen 5700X3D for $200.
    Depends primarily on the games you play. High resolution FPS and RPGs wouldn't be worth it. Low resolution and chasing maximum framerates or a lot of sim and RTS games, then yes, there probably will be a noticeable benefit.
  • Tsumi
    To add to this, there are fixed costs with having an additional SKU that is physically different from the others, an additional assembly line being the main one, and then logistical costs associated with storing, marketing, and distribution of...
  • Tsumi
    Tsumi replied to the thread tx750w time for upgrade.
    Alright, thanks for confirming you are a hard headed fool that believes you know better than the experts and aren't worth communicating with. And that you're gullible enough to blindly believe fancy marketing.
  • Tsumi
    Tsumi replied to the thread tx750w time for upgrade.
    You basically said so right there. A new low tier PSU is not better than an old high tier PSU. PSUs are not like CPUs and GPUs where process nodes guarantee improvements. There has been no breakthrough in standard capacitor material that created...
  • Tsumi
    Tsumi replied to the thread tx750w time for upgrade.
    No one is disputing power needs. Our collective issue with you is your ludicrous claim that there is no discernible difference between PSUs of different tiers.