Recent content by heelix

  1. H

    CEB power supply? This was the board I was looking at. The thing that tripped me up was the 2x24 pin main power connectors it listed. All of my previous threadrippers were standard ATX, so digging through the spec...
  2. H

    CEB power supply?

    Question on the power supplies needed for the sTR5 threadripper boards. Is this a new power supply format, or is this just two ATX power supplies. First time starting to dig into the new generation of kit and I'll be honest - first time I've dealt with a CEB form factor. Figured one of you...
  3. H

    Seems like I will need a new water pump soon. Recommendations?

    I've got a D5 that has been running since 2017 - that has been a solid, trouble free rig. The only thing on the loops are the CPU... though had the zombie apocalypses prices may be over, who knows. Appreciate the input.
  4. H

    Seems like I will need a new water pump soon. Recommendations?

    Old Thermaltake Pacific is making noise and I see bits of cruft in the fluid. Suspect I either have a cleaning or replacement in my future. What are folks using these days for a high flow, quiet water pump? Will be dealing with about 350W or so, assuming they ever get around to releasing the...
  5. H

    Did Nvidia's 30x0 launch diminish likelihood you will wait for AMD big Navi?

    I'll snap up the first (decent) 3080 I can find. When AMD launches - and if they have availability - I'll likely pick up first available in that performance range.
  6. H

    Dumb question - shutoff if a water pump fails?

    Centos 8 on both. Had not thought of doing that. Figured someone must have some sort of kill switch if water flow stopped.
  7. H

    Dumb question - shutoff if a water pump fails?

    So I added a 3900x to the mix and the old 1950x just does not crank out enough heat to tax the 480 cooler. Thinking to do 2 CPUs, one pump. Any recommendations on how to power down one box if the other shuts down?
  8. H

    HOT ! Various 1TB NVMe with coveted E12 Controller $135 aprox retail

    Ah man... The ram I had in my shopping card jumped by $30 too. Wonder how long this blip will last. Seems a shame to leave a chassis empty.
  9. H

    OLOy 32GB (2 x 16GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 3200 $99.99

    Anyone know if this will do quad channel?
  10. H

    Any of you with an AMD GPU and Centos Stream 8.0 (or 7.7)?

    AMD updated their drivers to 19.50 and Centos bumped the build up to 1911. This works: sudo yum update -y (reboot) sudo yum install -y kernel-headers-`uname -r` kernel-devel-`uname -r` sudo dnf -y install --nogpgcheck
  11. H

    HOT ! Various 1TB NVMe with coveted E12 Controller $135 aprox retail

    Damn it. Just getting ready to build out the next box. Was there an event (or increased collusion) that is driving up these drive prices?
  12. H

    Any of you with an AMD GPU and Centos Stream 8.0 (or 7.7)?

    I tried a bunch of stuff. Using Centos 8, the video works, but steam won't log in/connect. Using Centos 8 Streams, not so much. Steam works with Centos Streams and the video drivers, until a reboot, then the video drivers cause it to bounce back to a login prompt each access.. Looks like the...
  13. H

    So if a person needed a 4-6G'ish HDD, what is the raptor of the current gen?

    On the AMD side of the house for this box. TR4/w a 1905x
  14. H

    Any of you with an AMD GPU and Centos Stream 8.0 (or 7.7)?

    I thought I had this licked. Was gifted a small stack of AMD RX580's and was trying to set up AMD's driver. On a stock Centos 8 Streams install on a 1950x. (Box does double duty for work... so yes, I do run the free RHEL OS rather than some versions) sudo yum update -y (reboot) sudo yum...