Recent content by cjcox

  1. cjcox

    Best HDD for a NVR?

    I'd find ones that offer long warranties, aren't SMR (or any other stacked/sliced/mixed whatever) and have low rpm.
  2. cjcox

    Paypal Sold Domain Back to Elon Musk

    Jensen (to Elon): Ha! In 1000 years, your brain isn't going to be guiding life like mine!
  3. cjcox

    Just scored a Pair of Silver 100s - any good?

    Looked in my garage.. and behold... I got nuthin.
  4. cjcox

    Just scored a Pair of Silver 100s - any good?

    Well, depending, weather can wreak havoc even on "the best". And these to rank up there amongst the best. So hopefully they are in good shape. Don't know how much "the score" was for, but these are normally pretty high end.
  5. cjcox

    Looking for a Web browser base email client

    Outside of the "few biggie" providers, many of the smaller independents use a Roundcube UI (well, many do anyhow). So, up to you if you want to go,, etc. or go independent. For example, I have an old Dreamhost shared web hosting account, and they use Roundcube (pretty...
  6. cjcox

    AMD Expected to Announce Ryzen 5000XT CPUs at Computex

    Shoot, there's a whole 128MB of DDR in that. Can't wait for the XTX version.
  7. cjcox

    Russia Says It's Assembled a Lithography Machine, Will Make 350nm Chips

    Russia's internal f00f and fdiv divisions say otherwise. Change is coming.
  8. cjcox

    Why does MacOS cost less in support in businesses than Windows

    Somewhat getting us back to "ontopic", when it comes to "old"... Mac hw tends to retain value better than generic Windows PCs. Like, significantly better. At least, that's my observation.
  9. cjcox

    Why does MacOS cost less in support in businesses than Windows

    Every year, usually around Christmas, you could renew your contract and get the latest flaship for 1 penny. I would buy phones for the whole household at that time. It was a different era.
  10. cjcox

    Why does MacOS cost less in support in businesses than Windows

    Phone without "connection" isn't really a phone. Now, I suppose there were people jumping from contract to contract and incurring switching penalties and the like, but I figure, I came out on top with regards to total out of pocket.
  11. cjcox

    Why does MacOS cost less in support in businesses than Windows

    Way offtopic, but I do miss my days of extending my 2yr phone contract and getting the latest and greatest flagship phone for a penny. There was a time when I practically never paid for a phone, and it was for the "good phones".
  12. cjcox

    current best air coolers

    I wonder now that "thermonuclear" 12th+ gen is constrained, that maybe air cooling will become a bigger thing??
  13. cjcox

    Why does MacOS cost less in support in businesses than Windows

    I get it, you think I'm lying. That's on you really though. I mean, the question was asked, and, though not to your expectations, I answered it. When you cuss out people or slam them without knowledge, what is that called? I watched as the costs rose 10x, then 20x, etc. With that said, I...
  14. cjcox

    Why does MacOS cost less in support in businesses than Windows

    Just saying. My guess is most have never had an all Mac shop, so you're used to "whatever" with regards to operational expense. I lived "the migration". I've seen the result.
  15. cjcox

    Why does MacOS cost less in support in businesses than Windows

    I'm talking operational expense per employee, amount spent per month. Has zero to do with machine cost, which, while bigger on the Apple side, it's not that big of a difference (nothing in the high multiplier difference anyhow, especially not over the past 5 years or so).