Samsung TV backlight dimming with PC


Limp Gawd
Dec 18, 2006
I have an 8 year old Samsung TV. The PC and TV box are linked to a Denon receiver, which is then hooked up to the Samsung.
While on TV input, everything seems ok.
However, when on PC input, the backlight randomly turns can still see an image, but barely...its almost black. Any kind of input like volume change seems to bring it back up again, at least for a little while. This doesnt happen all the time though. I could be on for a movie and all is ok.
Could be just on desktop when it happens, but often while kids watching youtube on Chrome. Again, not all the time, but often enough to get complaints.
I have reset the TV and redid all settings. ECO stuff is all turned off. The PC HDMI is using a pin 19 bypass adapter. I have a nVidia 970 in it.
I guess the next thing is to hook up the PC to the TV directly and test it out for a while. Short of that, wondering if cable, GPU or software related.
Could it be t he backlight going out? Excuse for new tv, which I dont want right now.
Any other ideas? Any known issues or fixes?
Yeah will trouble shoot this weekend. Has not happened again since that post so a little tricky to troubleshoot.