Question for the Hive regarding Secret Labs

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Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 14, 2004
So i did some research after being fed up with this undersized, poor quality amd overpriced gaming chair made by Dowinx. I settled on Secret Labs Titan 2022 and placed an order. Today I get this message in the mail (see below) and then see below my response. My question is , am I just being a dick after a long hard day like my wife claims or am i within my rights to respond this way?

The message that i recieved:
"Hi there,
As a result of the ongoing pandemic, we've introduced additional sanitization processes for all our products before they leave our production facility. Unfortunately, after the fact, during an additional check of the chairs, we discovered that there was slightly more sanitizer used for a particular batch - this one. We've noticed this leaving residue on some chairs and we are reaching out because you might notice it on yours.

Not to worry, the residue can be wiped off easily with wet wipes, or a simple damp cloth and will not compromise the quality and comfort of your chair. If you face any difficulties with the removal of the residue, please let us know by replying to this email. Our support specialists will be in touch shortly, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused."

" We're excited to have you receive your chair soon and we’re sure that you’ll be enjoying hours of comfort on it! Please feel free to reach out if you have any queries and our support team will be happy to assist."

My response : "Thanks for the heads up however I do not believe that after spending nearly 500 dollars on a chair, I should have to spend 20 minutes cleaning it for you. I must admit, I am not feeling very good about my purchase at the moment or is this a joke? Please ship me a bottle of your care solution to ensure that I am using the correct product. After all , if I am to pay you for the priveledge of working for you, you guys should at least provide the proper tools."
Instead of providing cleaning product, I'd go after a hefty discount.
"We took some extra steps we absolutely didn't have to in order help prevent COVID spread. Apologies in advance if we got a little sloppy with the cleaning product on yours, but is should come right off. Please let us know if there are unforeseen issues."

"Screw you, pay me."

That about sum up the thread so far?
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You are just being a dick. Oh god i have to wipe down a overpriced chair cause some minimal wage dude used too my sanitizer. I get it if it damaged cause of it sure complain otherwise get over it.
Well as luck would have it, the chair arrived without the issue. I emailed them apologizing for being a dick and explained that i was having a flash back based on the purchase of my last chair. I just finished assembling it.
As someone with neck and back issues, the firmness is ideal. This thing is very high quality and worth every penny . I have Herman Miller at work . It is not quite that but its dam near close.
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