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Installed Variety and it seems that it cycles through my wallpaper folder and then just stops dead. When the system reboots it's displaying the default background and says there are no more images. I can find no way to alter this behavior.

You have to tick the boxes where it fetches more backgrounds automatically. And of course you need to allow internet access for it.
I don't want it to fetch backgrounds automatically, I want to chose my own so I guess I won't use it. Oh well.............. :(
Surely there's a way to keep it cycling your own wallpapers B00nie?

I'd try it, but I don't like my wallpapers constantly cycling.
Surely there's a way to keep it cycling your own wallpapers B00nie?

I'd try it, but I don't like my wallpapers constantly cycling.

Variety has plenty of settings to play with in the GUI. The default settings should make it cycle the images perpetually although I've never limited the wallpapers to local images only.
pfft you lot with your fancy programs...

rndwp() { a=(*);fn=( "${a[RANDOM%${#a[@]}]}" ); feh --bg-scale $fn;}; while :; do rndwp && sleep 600; done
pfft you lot with your fancy programs...

rndwp() { a=(*);fn=( "${a[RANDOM%${#a[@]}]}" ); feh --bg-scale $fn;}; while :; do rndwp && sleep 600; done

You could literally type anything there and I would have no idea what it's doing without picking it to pieces. What is it doing? :LOL:
:sneaky: I just like bash :)
It can be split into two parts: declare a bash function, execute this function forever.

RANDOM is one of bash's special variable's (always in capitals). echo $RANDOM and you will see bash print random integers (1 to 32767, ie its a 15bit)
feh is a "fancy program" a 170k image viewer. It however can draw onto the background layer of X. This is the application that actually sets the background picture

bash functions: fancy way of creating a pseudo-command out of a string of commands: name() { A; B; C}; This creates a new "command" called "name" which when executed would chain execute the command A,B,C. The infamous fork bomb is one of these
:(){ :|: & };: declare a bash function called :, execute : and pipe it into : and run in the background ( &). this obviously will then launch another : and pipe it into : which obviously will then launch... : is used because it helps obtusify the function A(){ A|A & };A would do exactly the same

what does my function do? rndwp() named such because "random wallpaper". There are three parts to this each separated by a ;
a=(*) this produces a bash array of every file in the directory where this was executed. a=(/path/to/my/*.jpg) would produce an array of just jpg in the specified path

fn=( "${a[RANDOM%${#a[@]}]}" ) This randomly selects on file from the previously declared array. How?
#a[@] instructs bash to access the a-array as index numbers: so "a" is an array of filenames and #a[@] now lists their index
${...} incapsulates a bash command and returns its value so... ${#a[@]} returns index list
${a[.......]} is actually accessing the array to return a filename & the index is being generated by: RANDOM%${#a[@]} A%B in bash within ${... } is pattern matching & in this instance a random number is being checked against a list of valid indexes. When it matches it returns that number, a random index of the list of filenames
fn=( "...") sets the variable fn to the randomly chosen filename

feh --bg-scale $fn; then uses this random filename "fn" to draw on the X background.

The beauty of bash functions is the scope is contained some once the command is run, the variables do not bleed into the system

FINALLY, a dirty infinite while loop

while :; do rndwp && sleep 600; done Which basically reads... while forever execute the new bash function "rndwp", if it executes successfully (check with the && ), sleep for 10min. repeat
I've recently found an ncurses utility called ncdu which I've found useful. It's an ncurses version of du which makes finding what's taking up space on your drives nice and easy. Seeing as I'm not able to post my own screenshots right now, here's a link to the official site for ncdu with screenshots.

How about great paid for programs rather than free?

You mean in general commercial Linux software, or are you looking for something specific?

There is lots of commercial Linux software, mostly higher end stuff but a few decent low cost things around. (although often the open source stuff is better anyway) (if your into music Bitwig is an alternate Abelton Live... the developers are ex Abelton people its very similer) (an actual commercial tracker that is worth the few bucks it costs if your into writing music) (an autocad alt that has windows linux and mac builds) (Maya nuff said I'm sure) (makers of Houdini and other high end pro GFX stuff... there software (and yes running under Linux 99% of the time) has worked on pretty much every major motion picture for the past decade or so)
MS OneNote

fwiw, Trello is a much better online / phone app todo list if anyone is trying to use OneNote like that. I just access with Firefox in Linux. Just throwing that out there because I use it a lot.
I'm about to necro this one, but it's a long running thread, so I think it is worth it.

I just discovered PDFSam, a suite for manipulating PDF's under linux. It is not quite as sleek as using actual Acrobat, but it can do lots of common things, including rotating pages, splitting, merging, etc.

It appears to be in typical Ubuntu/Mint repositories.

I've been pretty happy with it.
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