Nicehash quicker miner optimization translation into overclocks?


Fully [H]
Jul 12, 2007
I have cards I've been running on nicehash quick miner. they use the QM optimization thing to get more out of them. I want to move away from QM and use the normal miner to get NBMiner running on different coins so I can maximize my BTC profits based on which coin can yield the best results and let nicehash swap between then.

Problem is I don't know how to translate the OC and changes from the QM into overclocking using the NB miner's command line OCs.

Anyone ever done this or maybe can help me out?
I find it is all trial and error. Some coins work better with core overclock, others memory. I have presets on afterburner set for each coin. There are only a few different overall choices you have to make.
i guess the baseline is getting the daggerhashimoto to be the same between QM and non-QM.