How do you roll at a hotel?


You Know Where I Live
Aug 25, 2013
So, post it up! How do you entertain when on the road for work or vacation?

Me... I take my whole rig with me, sans my monitors. I can live with 720p hotel TVs while out for a week or two on work. I tether on my VZW Kyocera Brigadier for gaming/Netflix needs, provided by work.
eat / shower / sleep and then of course cram work in between out having fun :D

sp3 + miniDP converter -> TV if need be... but i honestly just dont have time for that.
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I wish I didn't have time. I'd rather be making more money. Even after a 16 hour shift, I can't just crash afterwards.
Way the hell back when, I used to haul an entire full tower (solid steel) case, 21" CRT, LaserJet 3Si Office Printer, and an old USR TotalSwitch to conventions.

Nowadays, I haul my laptop, tether to my phone and my company ships several smaller laserjet printers (Brother) around with our convention gear. Occasionally I'll bring my Kindle Fire as well.

My balls now thank me for no longer having to vacation down in my socks...
Oppo Find 7 + Asus Transformer Prime tablet.. and something to eat.. that and youtube/stuff from dropbox will do the job... :))
I travel 100% of the year, so I could probably speak volumes about this :D.

I travel my desktop, and 31.5 inch Samsung 4k Monitor. Also have a set of the Bose Comapnion 20's The Chassis is a Silverstone TJ-08E, inside is:
i7 4970k
Gigabyte Z97MX-Gaming X
16GB Ram
Gigabyte 980Ti (Factory OC to 1190 Mhz)
Samsung 840 Evo 500GB
LSI 9260 4i
4 4tb hardrives in Raid 5 on the LSI card (travel a spare to swap in just in case)

In the rare event that I have to fly to other continents, I swap out the 31.5 inch monitor and grab my 22" LED and that goes in one of my hardshell suitcases with a home-brew screen protector. The Tower goes in my carry-on. The rest of the year I just drive tour, and the 31.5" screen goes in the back seat. I used to also travel a projector until recently, but nowadays the hotels have so much shit on the walls or crappy wallpaper, that I only used it maybe 3 times for the whole year.

The only thing I still need to figure out is how to get all of my luggage and my monitor down to the car in 1 trip, but I think I might need different suitcases for that.

I've been doing this for 8 years, and people all the time tell me I'm crazy. But my computer (well at least the desktop) is my life. And the jokes about stealing the hotel TV are just as bad every week.

I actually travel 3 computers, the desktop, the company laptop, and my personal laptop which also can become a tablet.

Edit: The Chassis used to contain a liquid cooled i7 920, but I recently upgraded to the 4790k as a stop gap while waiting for Skylake-E. I think i might go back to my Silverstone Sugo-02 (I think the most recent version is 09?) and then I could use a smaller carry-on. I'm just a little worried about the heat from the 980ti.
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For vacation entertainment, just a windows tablet with me. Then remotely stream from Plex on my home server.

I don't have any mobile work, but I'd probably need at minimum: a laptop with a mouse.
Laptop that doesn't play anything more intensive than Limbo. The PS Vita comes with me. Amazing underrated machine.
Bring my laptop and the ol' Nintendo 3DS, which is where I do most of my mobile gaming.
I used to have a laptop and the small screen killed me. If I wanted to game on work trips I'd probably do a full (SFF) desktop like you guys. I like the use the hotel screen idea.

Right now I usually exercise for an hour or two (may try to jog in a local park or landmark area) grab takeout from the best local restaraunt, by the time I am done there I am tired enough to go to sleep.

I have 8GB, 3258, PSU, HDD and a 970 sitting in my basement. Just need mobo and case. Really really tempted to do that hotel screen and game for an hour or two. :)
When I was working with the febs I spent 2 years on the road, dell 2007wfp and a lianli v2000; overclocked core2 EE with dual GTX 7950 gx2's, at one point I stayed at a ramada inn in Yuma for six months (great hotel rewards at the time on the gov dime) the cleaning staff joked I was a hacker like in the movies and one of the girls nicknamed me Neo, lets just say I showed her the matrix.

man I want to go back :)
I have a Surface Pro 2 that I take with me when I'm in the field.

When we get done flying for the day, I usually have enough other things to do that I don't really have that much time to play games. The Surface does well enough for email, working on the equipment, surfing the web and so forth. It even takes Civilization V like a man, although it can only run Civ V on the battery for like 15 minutes.

There was a time in my life when I totally would have taken my gaming rig with me to the field, but I've grown up enough where I just don't have that much energy to spare anymore.
Most of the time my hotel visits are work related or for a specific purpose. I rarely have time to play games or do much else besides sleep after the day's activities. On the rare occasions I have a little bit of time I use my ASUS G75VW to game on or surf the internet.
If I'm traveling for work, the only time I'm in my hotel room is when I sleep. I do bring an HDMI connector for my phone and laptop so that I can watch a movie if the weather is shit, but other than that, I'm out exploring the local area.
I forgot about this, since I haven't taken it to the field in a while, but for larger projects, we sometimes roll with this beast, affectionately known as Goliath.


That's 80TB of redundant storage with a Core i7-3770S and a GTX680. I've never attempted to play games on it, but I do occasionally draw the short straw and have to have it in my room.
An 8" tablet and my phone. I don't travel often so when I stay at a hotel I'm in the bar or at the party until closing time then far too hammered to worry about a computer.
MSI gs60-2pl is all i need for travel. super thin, more then powerful enough 2 World of warcraft arena seasons ago I got my gladiator win while in a hotel lol
I travel pretty lightweight.

Macbook Air 11" works well enough for me to do standard web stuff, and my phone is stuffed full of Kindle / Audible books and audio books. Makes trips go really smoothly.

If I'm traveling for LAN parties, I have a short 4U guitar amp case that holds two gigabit switches, a 1U server, and a patch panel. LAN party infrastructure in a hardcase. I'll have to take pictures one of these days...
Back in my younger years, with a bunch of friends and techno music. :woot:
I take my phone, clothes, booze and whatever location specific stuff I desire. No tech beyond my phone, since I go places to get away from things and relax.

Next trip is to Dice Tower Con in Orlando (week long board gaming convention)....this means clothes, a case of strongbow or woodchuck (or both), phone, some board games and enough empty luggage space to bring a few new games home.

I'm that guy who uses the hotel laundry machines and just takes a single smallish bag with him. I prefer to travel light.

Currently staying at a hotel. Always bring my Sager NP8672 with me. I7 w/ GTX 980M. More than enough power for anything I want to do.
For me the whole point of vacation or travel is to get out, explore, and have good times. Guess it depends on where these business travels are taking place though. If they are rural areas, then there's no fun there.
8" Windows tablet and foldable Bluetooth keyboard. I thought that this would be great, but it isn't.
I need to get a small BT mouse because you still can't use Windows properly with touch only, even if all apps you use are touch-apps in tablet mode. For instance, you still need to get into the Control Panel for some pretty basic things and that is still designed for mouse only.
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I travel a bunch for events. Dell XPS 13 (2015 version) + Note 5. I keep it light, but the laptop can do everything I need in terms of Adobe Premiere (usable), Photoshop (fine), Lightroom (fine). And even some light gaming (and I mean light).
When I travel I carry a 15" Macbook Pro, and an iPad. The Macbook Pro has several Virtual Machines on it, Windows XP, Windows 7, three Linux VMs (plain Debian, Kali Linux, Backtrack Linux), and an OSX VM. It also depends on what I am traveling for as well. I have a external HD with my media.