Help Finding Older Version of Cisco Lab Manuals for CCNP IP Switch, IP Route, and TShoot than Version 6 or 7 and definitly the latest being version 8

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May 22, 2010
I need help finding an older versions of Cisco's Lab Manual for CCNP IP Route, CCNP IP Switch, and Tshoot than version 6 or 7 and definitely version 8 being the latest because the University that I am trying to go back to was still expecting students to use the older 12.2.25 IP Base version of iOS for it's 1901 routers, 3560, and 3560v2 switches, which I just couldn't get the commands from even version 6 of the lab manual to work even if I used the full commands instead of shortened commands as it might have something to do with version 6 of IP Route, IP Switch, and Tshoot being written for at least IOS version 12.2.46 SE IP Services or Lan Base for IP Switch if not IP Route and Tshoot. As for version 7 of the Lab Manual written for IP Route that would be IOS version 15.4 IP Base, for IP Switch it would be 15.0.2 SE6 IP Service for the distribution layer as well as Lan Base for the Access Layer, and TShoot is probably just the requirements for Version 7 of IP Route and IP Switch combined. I know this goes way back, but if Version 5 of Cisco's lab manuals doesn't cover IOS 12.2.25 IP Base then what does and where can I find it because my browser makes me almost infinitely scroll now until it says click to show more, which doesn't work though regardless if I only have 16 GB of ECC Memory in my Mac Pro 2012 that can support up to 128 GB of ECC memory according to Sisoft Sandra in the Windows 7 side of the Windows partition I had on the original 1 TB hard drive that came with the computer and if it actually can support up to 192 GB of ECC memory according to a third party Mac Support sight that I can't remember the name of. The only other thing that helped was that the instructors gave command references during the skill final and one of my fellow students gave me a link to the master syllabus for CCNP IP Route, but not the master syllabus for CCNP IP Switch and CCNP TShoot that I still need.
and you don't not know what a period or sentence structure is...
good luck with whatever you're trying to pull off.
Apparently you don't know what sentence structure is either by starting a sentence with and. It's not that difficult understand what I wrote, but you make it hard on purpose just to piss me off. It's obvious that I'm trying to pass my classes at this University and that I would like to know where to buy older lab manuals for CCNP IP Route, IP Switch, and TShoot than version 6 or 7 of the CCNP Lab Manuals for this that cover IOS 12.2.25 IP Base. I don't need you to expect me to be an English majoror by trying to be the grammer police either. It's like you expect me to go to the writing center for tutoring everytime I want to post a thread you jerk and I just can't do that because it's not payed for unless I'm registered for classes and it has something to do with an assignment for those classes.
I've never heard of a university offering a class, but not offering the material (books etc) needed for it. If your class is on such antiquated hardware and IOS, then you're not learning much that will be applicable in the real world after uni, and you are wasting your time/money. The IOS version you're using went end of life in 2011. I don't feel like looking, but I'm pretty sure 1901s and 3560s haven't even been purchasable or supported for at least a handful of years as well.

However, I suspect the issue is a problem with the student, not the class or books. IOS hasn't changed that much that a basic routing and switching class's commands would be problematic.
I've never heard of a university offering a class, but not offering the material (books etc) needed for it. If your class is on such antiquated hardware and IOS, then you're not learning much that will be applicable in the real world after uni, and you are wasting your time/money. The IOS version you're using went end of life in 2011. I don't feel like looking, but I'm pretty sure 1901s and 3560s haven't even been purchasable or supported for at least a handful of years as well.

However, I suspect the issue is a problem with the student, not the class or books. IOS hasn't changed that much that a basic routing and switching class's commands would be problematic.
The school does not offer the lab manual with the class. The IOS version may have went end of life in 2011 and so what if 1901 routers and 3560 switches haven't been purchaseable or supported for a handful of years according to you because I know I could still find 3560 switches on Amazon at least. Also, the head of facualty for this major said it best, which was that if we bought new equipment then Cisco would probably still come out with something new. Another thing I wouldn't dare invest in Cisco's new Catalyst 9000 series switches or Nexus for myself as those both consume more than 1000 watts for the 1U models and sure those are supposed to be better, but they consume to much power for me to keep my equipments total load under 1500 watts for each of the two 1500 watt UPS's that I'm using to power my Access Layer and Distribution Layer. Don't tell me you think that's how much power they actually consume because I have the datasheets for all the old and new stuff even Meraki, which only the MX85 Meraki Routers consume less than the 80 watts each that the Catalyst 1921's that I have at 55 watts instead. However, I doubt I can afford Meraki. I'm in a situation where I have to do it on real equipment to because Cisco blacklisted me out of the old packet tracer 6.x and I can't get the Cisco Networking Academy to respond to my messages asking for a password reset to packet tracer 7.x, so don't tell me you suspect the problem is with the student instead of the class or books. Another thing is that the instructor kept telling us that CCNP commands didn't work in packet tracer. Don't tell me to use GNS or Eve-NG because as for GNS even if a switch can be emulated in GNS now the kernel and initrd still have to be carved out the binary image, but also a virtual machine using at least Ubuntu has to be created for the IOU (IOS On UNIX) unless purchased from Cisco. I never heard of Eve-NG until recently and I couldn't figure out how to make it work yet. IOS commands have changed too because I know that at least address families were added, even if you can get older versions of IOS to work without these.
I thought this was an AI or bot, but nope, their previous threads are legendary.
This could very well become one of them.

I need help finding an older versions of Cisco's Lab Manual for CCNP IP Route, CCNP IP Switch, and Tshoot than version 6 or 7 and definitely version 8 being the latest because the University that I am trying to go back to was still expecting students to use the older 12.2.25 IP Base version of iOS for it's 1901 routers, 3560, and 3560v2 switches, which I just couldn't get the commands from even version 6 of the lab manual to work even if I used the full commands instead of shortened commands as it might have something to do with version 6 of IP Route, IP Switch, and Tshoot being written for at least IOS version 12.2.46 SE IP Services or Lan Base for IP Switch if not IP Route and Tshoot. As for version 7 of the Lab Manual written for IP Route that would be IOS version 15.4 IP Base, for IP Switch it would be 15.0.2 SE6 IP Service for the distribution layer as well as Lan Base for the Access Layer, and TShoot is probably just the requirements for Version 7 of IP Route and IP Switch combined. I know this goes way back, but if Version 5 of Cisco's lab manuals doesn't cover IOS 12.2.25 IP Base then what does and where can I find it because my browser makes me almost infinitely scroll now until it says click to show more, which doesn't work though regardless if I only have 16 GB of ECC Memory in my Mac Pro 2012 that can support up to 128 GB of ECC memory according to Sisoft Sandra in the Windows 7 side of the Windows partition I had on the original 1 TB hard drive that came with the computer and if it actually can support up to 192 GB of ECC memory according to a third party Mac Support sight that I can't remember the name of. The only other thing that helped was that the instructors gave command references during the skill final and one of my fellow students gave me a link to the master syllabus for CCNP IP Route, but not the master syllabus for CCNP IP Switch and CCNP TShoot that I still need.
From the above thread mentioned you were in your senior year of a bachelor degree, and that was back in 2020.
There is no way you are taking classes that only teach software and hardware from over a decade ago without providing the resources to do so, and hopefully are not still in your senior year nearly three years later...

You need to speak with your professor about the resources for the class they are teaching, assuming any of this is even real.
Also, if a single website overloads your Mac Pro with 16GB RAM by scrolling down it, you are doing something very wrong - actually, the worst thing is still using Windows 7 with an active Internet connection.
I thought this was an AI or bot, but nope, their previous threads are legendary.
This could very well become one of them.

From the above thread mentioned you were in your senior year of a bachelor degree, and that was back in 2020.
There is no way you are taking classes that only teach software and hardware from over a decade ago without providing the resources to do so, and hopefully are not still in your senior year nearly three years later...

You need to speak with your professor about the resources for the class they are teaching, assuming any of this is even real.
Also, if a single website overloads your Mac Pro with 16GB RAM by scrolling down it, you are doing something very wrong - actually, the worst thing is still using Windows 7 with an active Internet connection.
Yes I'm still a fifth year senior or beyond because things still haven't worked out yet.

I'm not doing anything wrong with my Mac Pro with only 16 GB of ECC RAM and I'm not just scrolling down either or using Windows 7. I'm using Mac OS X High Sierra because I still haven't been able to afford a new video card that can support metal and as I said I tried to click show more results and it didn't work, so there. I only mentioned Windows 7 because that's how I ran Sisoft Sandra on my Mac Pro 2012 from the original 1 TB hard drive in the Windows partition, which now I'm using four 2 TB SSHD's, but the four SSHD's aren't in RAID 5 yet to give me 6 TB of hard drive space out of the 8 TB where the last drive would or last 2 TB would be a quarter from each drive because Apple got rid of RAID Utility and it looks like RAID Assistant until the File menu in Disk Utility might not even support RAID 5 as I haven't tried to redo my installation of Mac OS X High Sierra again yet.
Yes I'm still a fifth year senior or beyond because things still haven't worked out yet.
Considering how you have just ignored my advice, and others' advice in the previous threads, I can't imagine why. :whistle:
Totally everyone else's fault and not your own, I'm sure.

I'm not doing anything wrong with my Mac Pro with only 16 GB of ECC RAM and I'm not just scrolling down either or using Windows 7. I'm using Mac OS X High Sierra because I still haven't been able to afford a new video card that can support metal and as I said I tried to click show more results and it didn't work, so there. I only mentioned Windows 7 because that's how I ran Sisoft Sandra on my Mac Pro 2012 from the original 1 TB hard drive in the Windows partition, which now I'm using four 2 TB SSHD's, but the four SSHD's aren't in RAID 5 yet to give me 6 TB of hard drive space out of the 8 TB where the last drive would or last 2 TB would be a quarter from each drive because Apple got rid of RAID Utility and it looks like RAID Assistant until the File menu in Disk Utility might not even support RAID 5 as I haven't tried to redo my installation of Mac OS X High Sierra again yet.
I see you are still using SSHDs instead of SSDs, most likely since you stated multiple times in the last thread that SSD's are slower. 😂
Good luck with all of that, and the degree, and selling that $4k+ server from 2013 that you bought in 2018.
It's not that difficult understand what I wrote, but you make it hard on purpose just to piss me off.
No, you write in huge meandering text blocks with no paragraphs and tons of run on sentences. You ignore everyone's teachings and advice here and I'm guessing real life.

No one's trying to annoy you, in fact it seems to be quite the opposite of that. You've been given good advice in the past. Now you seem to be annoyed because you're stubborn.

It's little wonder you're still a senior after all this time. Stop blaming everything and everyone but yourself and improve!

P. S. You still got that e-waste server? I bet if you call Junk Luggers it'll only cost a few hundred bucks to get rid of. Get an ssd or two while you're at it!
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Yes I'm still a fifth year senior or beyond because things still haven't worked out yet.

Which degree is this: #4 or #5 ... I've lost track.
I recall from some of your post history that you have 3 Associate Degrees in Computer Networking
What college is handing out these degrees? Just curious.. asking for a friend
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