Emachine (Dont say it) Boot Problem


Nov 7, 2003
I am working a client machine which is a evil emachine.

When I plug it in the cpu fan and power supply fan turn very very slow, as if in stand by mode. There is a high pitch sound coming from the motherboard. When I press the power button the fan spin faster. But there is no beeps, which I know there should be beeps. I have replaced the power supply, ram, and cpu. Nothing works, I just want to make sure it is the motherboard that has fried.

Let me know what you guys or gals think.
Well if you've replaced everything else, it would be a motherboard issue. Use the e-machine like it was designed: Throw it away when it breaks :p
Try replacing the CMOS battery. When the voltage falls below 3.0 volts motherboards can do strange things and cause problems such as no post. Also try using pulling out the motherboard and starting it with nothing attached except for a known good PSU.
I thought Emachienes use properity power supplies... Wouldnt a standard one blow up the mobo?
Nope, no proprietary PSUs for them, that was older Dells. Also, from various sources i've been hearing that e-machines is cleaning up their act and basically using off the shelf parts for their newer boxes. Anyone have any idea what brand PSUs the newest e-machines are shipping with?