Cable question


Nov 30, 2006
Hey all, I am building an itx system, going from am4 to am5. The cables on my new Cooler Master 850 fits fine but the ribbon type cables are to short for any cable management. Was wondering if using cables from my Super Flower 850 would work on the Cooler Master psu?
If not what cables would work..

What are the specific model numbers of each PSU? The odds of the two sets being interchangeable is very low, but there might be a cablemod kit available.
I'm going to say no, the pinouts are almost always different between manufacturers. They can even be different within the same manufacturer on different models.

BUT, if the connectors are the same on the PSU end, you can just convert them. You'll need a PCIe de-pin tool to pull the wires out of the plug and re-arrange them. You'll also need a multimeter and a chart of the SATA power plug pinout so you can tone the wires out and get them in the correct place. You can usually back probe the SATA connector directly to get continuity.

Just remember to mark them in case you decide to go back to the other PSU, so that you re-pin them back to the old configuration.
I'm not going to risk it and cheapen out, I will order some replacement Cable Mods for this unit... Thanks all:)