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  1. S

    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    okay so I fixed it. I retrieved all of my data off of that one drive atleast. And instead of sending it to a professional shop costing me $1,000's probably $2,000+ it only cost me $75.83 total, a huge difference, owed to perseverance. Last question on this fact-finding journey - I have this...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    So I ran a 2nd test and some versions of DMDE won't let the user activate R/W by click box on the destination drive for copying sectors from device to device. When you click in the RW box it won't stay clicked, and that is for 3 Mac versions of DMDE ( (2020) / (2022) /...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    I don't have a spare $1 or $2 or $3k large to drop on a professional data recovery shop, I don't have that kind of money. So if I can troubleshoot it myself and figure it out maybe I can either fix it myself or pars out parts to regular computer shop to do a simple BIOS chip swap and that could...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    I actually don't know how much used data is on those old drives if there is a way to check? I may have less than 4 TB's maybe even 3 TB's total so then wouldn't my 2 x 2 TB's be enough space for the full clone? Couldn't I theoretically write the 2 old disk images to the replacement enclosure...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    Grebuloner "Playing around with some of these techniques on disposable drives to learn how to do it and not worry if you aren't successful is one thing, but to attempt it on critical stuff for a first outing is risking unrecoverable disaster." ...that is what I have been doing today, I have...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    After reading alot of stuff and watching lots of YouTube videos these past few days, I'm thinking that this is a burnt out voltage diode on the either the PCB attached to the external drive casing or the PCB in the housing enclosure itself or both because this was a water-damaged short somewhere...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    If I bought a SATA Hot-Swap Docking Station (if they come set up for RAID 0 drives, I don't know?) would the drives sync up and work or would they not because the RAID configuration may be stored in the PCB of the old housing - the WD MyBook Studio Edition II housing that it came with? Also if...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    So I have taken the PCB off the drive casing and the other side looks good besides in 1 spot which I have circled. Not sure what those metal contacts are for?, but they are the only area that looks darkened or burnt or corroded besides the screw mounts. The other dark areas you may see in the...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    I never use that WD Dashboard but I will now if I can get to that point. well I'm not sure how it was set up because I bought the drive used and I don't know if RAID 0 was its manufacturer default setting, but I think so because it said 6 TB for disk info when they are 2X 3TB drives. Yeah, I...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    Upon closer inspection I see that one of these PCB's has a darker discoloration on some of the metal mounting points on the PCB. I took side-by-side pics of them here. So I'm guessing that one of these boards had the water affect it more than the other and maybe has shorted out causing this...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    "The tools these outfits have"... can I buy or download these tools myself? "3.5" drives use a bit of power, can the port even supply enough wattage for spin up" yeah I was thinking about this to because the drive is quite heavy, it's not the normal small platter that goes into a PC bay so I...
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    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    what kind of stuff can bypass and force a drive to run? the external mounted logic board swap I could do at home myself, I'm hoping it is only just that. I don't want to get into the sealed drive and start messing with the platter. About the GParted, will that program force the drive to power up...
  13. S

    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    yeah they are not spinning now on any power-up attempts. how much do you think this will cost me if I went the data recovery service? I'll have to study up on that process to see what they do, is there any other possible approach to do myself?
  14. S

    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    Hello, this is my 1st post and the reason why I joined. I have a water-damaged hard drive 6TB that had water on-or-in it for 1 day and then I dried it out. I see no water corrosion damage anywhere on the drive itself or the internal control board in the chassis or housing. This hard drive would...