Search results

  1. D

    Can Apple installed wallpaper be deleted?

    Sadly that only works for wallpaper you installed, not wallpaper Apple installed via updates. :(
  2. D

    Does Amazon sell New Pixels or are they all used?

    They are clearly selling used phones and not advertising them as such. They're also selling locked phones advertised as unlocked. One buyer even complained that Amazon sold him a phone that was stolen. Seems like Amazon is a bad place to buy a phone. :(
  3. D

    The Post Your Old/Retro Builds Thread

  4. D

    How much RAM you got?

    Hmmm, didn't know they did that. Mine are in an enclosed case, I have to take the side panel to see them. What a waste. :p
  5. D

    How much RAM you got?

    Yea, but it gets tiresome after awhile. and the throbbing drives me nuts.
  6. D

    How much RAM you got?

    Mine came with the memory. Don't think I'd pay $30 just for the LED's.
  7. D

    Need some help with Plex on Linux please

    That did it. You have to click somewhere within the thumbnail section for keyboard scroll to work. If you click on a thumbnail the move starts playing so you want to click between or under or above a thumbnail. Many thanks. (y) Also should mention that you can't tab into the thumbnail...
  8. D

    Need some help with Plex on Linux please

    Yes, Plex works in browsers but has the scroll issue. Going to look for "TV Mode". EDIT: Can't find "TV Mode". I found "Optimize for TV but that's not it. :(
  9. D

    Need some help with Plex on Linux please

    I have Plex Server installed on my media server which is running Windows. As far as I can tell, all is well with it. I can access it from and client web browser but There's a problem. I need to be able to scroll using the up and down arrow keys. but apparently this is an alien concept to Plex...
  10. D

    Linux Suggestion

    For recovering Windows addicts, Mint Cinnamon is as good as it gets.
  11. D

    Windows XP and Windows 11 on one computer

    Windows 7 had XP Mode. Not sure if it works on 10 and/or 11 but worth investigating.
  12. D

    Network time is grayed out

    Yep, that was the problem. I have no idea how it got uninstalled. Actually Nobu was right also. it was installing systemd-timesyncd is what got it working. I had to also set ntp to cloudflare ntp server via the cli.
  13. D

    Network time is grayed out

    Finally success. Thanks guys. (y)
  14. D

    Network time is grayed out

    Feel like i'm pissing in the wind. :(
  15. D

    Network time is grayed out

    In trying to troubleshoot this problem I managed to kill my internet connection and had to use Timeshift to get it back. :( Below are a couple of screen shots that might provide a clue as to what the problem may be. TIA for any assistance you may offer. :)
  16. D

    How do you access a vlan from a computer that's not part of the vlan?

    Thanks. Just ordered one. What the heck, it was cheap.
  17. D

    How do you access a vlan from a computer that's not part of the vlan?

    Just looked at a Watchbox M300 on eBay. 75w power consumption was a turnoff. :(
  18. D

    How do you access a vlan from a computer that's not part of the vlan?

    Last one I looked at required a boat load of subscriptions to get the goodies. was totally turned off by it. maybe I'll take another look. Can you recommend one?
  19. D

    How do you access a vlan from a computer that's not part of the vlan?

    Yes sir. Controlling which device has access to the Internet and which do not and blocking devices from accessing local resources yet allowing them Internet access are the two holy grails of networking for me. I hope to learn and understand both before I leave this Earthly plane.
  20. D

    How do you access a vlan from a computer that's not part of the vlan?

    Yea, they're on a different subnet. I'll check out iptables, thanks.
  21. D

    How do you access a vlan from a computer that's not part of the vlan?

    Thank you C&P for future reference. Ultimately I'd like to learn how to isolate a VLAN from the internet but allow it to access the lan. I have this sorta set up for my ip cams using a second NIC and a separate subnet for the cams. I can do this very easily in Windows but for some reason...
  22. D

    How do you access a vlan from a computer that's not part of the vlan?

    Googled this question and all I got was irrelevant bullshit as usual. :(
  23. D

    Share your pfSense / OPNsense builds

    Sounds like overkill for an OPNSense box. What's your use case for 10G and 960G mirrored SSD's?
  24. D

    Linux Suggestion

    Been using Mint Cinnamon for years. Tried all the others and always came back to Mint. It just works and does all I need an OS to do.
  25. D

    Does Linux remember previous network share connections?

    Yea, I vaguely remember using fstab some time back and ran into serious issues when the share was no longer available. For my purposes, the connection to the share has to be dynamic, manual connect is OK if the details are stored but Linux pitching a fit when a share disappears is totally...
  26. D

    Does Linux remember previous network share connections?

    I'm using the Connect to Server command in Nemo to connect to mainly Windows shares and it works well but even tho I check the remember password box it doesn't seem to remember anything. Is there a way to establish connections and have them remembered? Like Remmina does so from then on it's just...
  27. D

    Pictures Of Your Dually Rigs!

    Yea, it's not going anywhere. It's all decked out and even includes a SM IPMI Daughter Card which works flawlessly. It's performance is acceptable but it's a power hog.
  28. D

    Can Apple installed wallpaper be deleted?

    Don't bother responding to my threads anymore. You're the one that's trolling.Good bye.
  29. D

    Can Apple installed wallpaper be deleted?

    Says absolutely nothing about whether they can be deleted or not. Please read the thread title.
  30. D

    Can Apple installed wallpaper be deleted?

    Yea, I did this and came with endless tons of bullshit that had nothing to do with the question. But if you'd like to provide a link I'd be most grateful. Also I'd like to add, just in case you missed it, APPLE INSTALLED WALLPAPER. Just so I'm clear to you, I know full well how to delete...
  31. D

    Can Apple installed wallpaper be deleted?

    Thank you.
  32. D

    Dual monitors problem

    Thank you sir. I shall explore Remapper.
  33. D

    Kernel confusion

    Amen to this.
  34. D

    Kernel confusion

    I'm on Mint 21.3 also but feel it's best to keep the kernel up to date, Now that I know you can have more than one kernel installed with only the latest active, hopefully I won't be confused in the future....unless I forget. :confused:
  35. D

    Kernel confusion

    I posted the question over at the Mint forum and they said that I'm on 6.5 but I still have 5.15 installed but it'snot being used, 6.5 is. I can remove 5.15 and it will no longer show in my updates list. Sys Info says 6.5, even after installing 5.15. Switching back to Windows would be the...
  36. D

    Kernel confusion

    Linux Mint Cinnamon. A couple of days ago it updated the kernel to 6.5.0-15-generic. today there's a kernel update to 5.15.0-92.102. Looks like a downgrade to me. Anybody know what's going on? Should I stick with what I have or install the "update" ? :confused: Google sucks worse and worse...
  37. D

    Dual monitors problem

    I ended up using a second workspace for a second monitor, It's not ideal and it has it's own issues like if I have a web page open on the second workspace and click on a link in the first workspace it will switch to the second workspace and open the website on the browser instance already open...