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  1. G

    Scientists Find New Hurdles in Accessing Old Data from Archaic Media

    I still have my disk notcher. Used it on hundreds of 5¼s in my C64 days. Unfortunately, I've found that the floppy disks don't handle the highs and lows of garage storage. I put the system together a few years ago and my 1541 drive head was too far misaligned for me to get it to work. I bought a...
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    If Siri Starred In A Movie

    I saw this movie in the 80's:
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    The Transistor Turns 65 Today

    And thus began the age of better looking televisions and crappier sounding guitar amps ;)
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    "It's clear he's not going to learn his lesson until his life is completely destroyed and he's...

    "It's clear he's not going to learn his lesson until his life is completely destroyed and he's sucking dick in a dirty alley to support his steroid abuse." I almost never laugh at what I read online- after being drenched with pathetic attempts of humor all over the net, but this line nearly...
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    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Trailer

    I couldn't find this earlier...
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    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Trailer

    Is it wrong that I was hoping to see one of the horses blow up?
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    Should You Warn Employees You're Geo-Tracking Them?

    If its company property, then I don’t feel the employee necessarily has the right to know. Ten years ago while working as a dock foreman for a shipping company, we received our first 2 phones with GPS. We handed them out to the 2 tractor-trailer drivers that had the most problems in delivering...
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    High School Hackers Face Expulsion

    Watch the 1st 15 minutes of the movie "Wargames" from 1983. I blame the school for being so lazy with their security.
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    Offline Consoles Devour $1.24 Billion of Electricity Annually

    Why can't the console manufacturers just make a converter that DOESN'T USE ELECTRICITY WHEN IT'S OFF??? My pc doesn't use any power while it's off - surely we have the technology to fix wall-warts and save those trillions, right?
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    Rebates To Cut Price of $60 LED Bulb

    I've replaced almost all of my (non-dimming) bulbs with CFLs. At first the savings were pretty nice. But here in the south, Duke Energy has upped their rates TWICE in the last two years, so those savings were temporary from my starting point. By the time that LED's are cheaper, the energy rates...
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    Atari Challenges You to a New Pong Game

    IMO the new Pong game was released in 1977 (just not as an app). It was COMBAT. Playing Tank-Pong with shells that bounced off walls or flying the biplanes with guided bullets - that was a killer game back in the day! Make an app for that.
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    Researchers Create Single-Atom Transistor

    That's wonderful and cool and all, and I don't mean to trivialize the accomplishment, but where could they go from here? We find smaller, faster, and cooler (less heat-producing) ways of processing every couple of months, right? The only lighter element in the same class as phosphorus is...
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    Anonymous Vows to Shut Down Internet — Maybe

    Well, then on March 30th, I'm blowing up the sun.
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    US Air Force Eyeing 18K iPads

    Exactly - Look up the term 'hardened' when it come to electronics and you'll find out why milspec items cost so much more. Electronic devices have to be protected from interference (and interfering with) other systems, and it does not come cheap. This is often why the technology in...
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    The 9 Oddest Tech Job Interview Questions of 2011

    There are 30 prisoners in a straight line facing a wall. Everybody is wearing either a black or white hat. The prisoners can only see the colors of the hats in front of them but not of the prisoners behind them. Now each prisoner has to guess the color of the hat on his own head. Guess wrong and...
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    Explosion At Apple Supplier Injures 57 Workers

    The urge to bash Apple here is overwhelming. But it's been a long time coming - I've been anti-Apple since the days of C-64 vs Apple IIe :) That being said - I think they've always made GOOD products, and many were revolutionary. This Chistmas I have caved (in my 'No Apple products under MY...
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    Creative Gift Wrapping of the Day

    At first I thought this was TWO individual games. Since Portal 2's big change from the first iteration is the ability to play in two-player co-op mode, which requires two full versions of the game - it would make sense to buy two copies (like if this was for two brothers). But after looking...
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    Mammoths May Be Roaming the World in Five Years

    Well if it comes back with the voice of Ray Romano I'll be first to shoot it.
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    We Are All Suckers When It Comes To Social Networks

    Are you quoting Joshua from Wargames? +1
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    Huge Military Blimp Getting Ready To Fly and Spy

    (dialing on a phone) "Yeah.. Hello? Airplanes??? Yeah, this is Blimps... You win."
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    God Particle 'May Not Exist' Say Hadron Collider Scientists

    Dude - I've been selling Higgs Bosons on eBay for months now. Every time somebody opens the box - bam! Schrödinger's cat jumps out.
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    The Totally Awesome Directron Drawing!

    I love AMD because they keep CPU prices from being over-inflated! Best performance for the $$$!