Search results

  1. K

    Steam: how many hours?

    TF2 - 5090
  2. K

    Post Your Workstations 2017

    that is awesome, great work
  3. K

    Looking for a good web hosting company ?

    big thumbs up for some of the suggestions, definitely checking out two of them!
  4. K

    Suggestions for home phone service over internet

    i havent had a landline in years, but RFOneWatt's idea is great
  5. K

    Anyone ever get bored of their case?

    Very board, just very lazy...thought about making a couple different cases. probably will just do nothing. I really should post pictures of it, cause it was an amazing(ly cheap) case 15 years ago.
  6. K

    Project: mITX SFF custom case

    still great work!
  7. K

    "ROG Carbine" Scratchbuild DCMM

    That is great! Crushed my internet...but totally worth it.
  8. K

    Fractal Meshify C (TG+airflow)

    reading everything on this page, and looking at a good chunk of the review on this video, i expected the case to be a bit more expensive than that. Awesome case, thanks for the heads up!
  9. K

    tenkay desk

    looks great man, i remember checking this out like a year ago and thinking, damn thats going to be bad ass.
  10. K

    Small business needs a new logo

    i second that logo design is very hard. I have been trying to learn inkscape to recreate and redesign stuff on my own. This guy has some tutorials (how I found him), but also has a halfway decent portfolio. Youtube channel: Website...
  11. K

    Looking for some advice on hardware

    So, as the title read, I am looking on some advice. I have not been built myself a new computer for a while as my rig (as seen below in my signature) has been holding pretty well. I have only gotten new ram and a new (used) video card over the last several years that I got very cheap (not listed...
  12. K


    i like it. what is it made of?
  13. K

    Caselabs SM-8 Modded.

    beastly, very nice
  14. K

    My handmade aluminium chassis project

    great. love the fabrication
  15. K

    [Project Log] "Parvum|Beast" - Semi Sponsored Build

    I like it. great work.
  16. K

    Game Of Thrones Mod

    wow, like this a lot. great work
  17. K

    Swansea ICT ASUS Corsair Apple G5 Project Log

    i have an apple case that i am working on too, but havent touched it in a while. good luck with your build!
  18. K

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    looks good so far!
  19. K

    Proj3ct Cut3 Furb [Custom Case /scratchbuild]

    impressive updates, congrats on the sponsor!
  20. K

    [Project] L3pipe

    very nice work!
  21. K

    HeretEK-An EK Vulture build

    great work so far! cant wait to see the progress
  22. K


    excellent, love the way its coming out.
  23. K

    Project Thief - CaseLabs TX10-D Dual Workstation/Gaming Build - Gulftown and SB-E

    that is insane. great work. love the new pics.
  24. K

    Project Venus by Elmy

    nice work! that many fans!
  25. K

    | LUMO |

    the color contrast is awesome, thanks for making me clean up my own drool
  26. K

    Watercooled PC Desk Mod with Built In Car Audio System

    Love it. Any problems with speakers like those that close to pc hardware? Those speakers can be fairly strong electromagnets.
  27. K

    Project: Stuttgart

    Nice. Love the wood case! The brass handles are mandatory. You said you are painting them? Black or other? Either way awesome update man. Good luck with the build.
  28. K

    Gauging interest in build-your-own case kits

    Very cool idea. Kind of niche market but that is what we are. Tough but interesting.
  29. K

    [Project] L3p D3sk

    nice to see this still up!
  30. K

    Cooler Master HAF 912 "RESURREKTION" Case Mod

    very nice, congrats!
  31. K

    Thor D3sk V2 (Remodd 2014)

    I really, really like this idea.
  32. K

    Proj3ct Cut3 Furb [Custom Case /scratchbuild]

    This is fantastic!
  33. K

    Mike Tyson plays Mike Tyson's Punchout

    seroiusly, amazing. wish i saw this sooner.
  34. K

    Freemium isn't Free

    Ties into how I feel about it. I play TF2, fairly frequently. I got it when I originally bought the orange box. Since it went F2P, I found that I would throw a few bucks here and there at it (extra accounts, keys for trading, etc.) but it was rather infrequent. I more or less did it because I...
  35. K

    Why Aren't Professional Gamers Cool like Professional Athletes?

    Yeah, really. Professional gamers and athletes are people. The stats for crime/other problems will be relatively comperable between athletes, gamers, and the rest of society. They are just subsets of society. All prone to the same flaws (generally speaking).
  36. K

    Why Aren't Professional Gamers Cool like Professional Athletes?

    Some rather interesting perspectives here. In some regards, there is a higher turnover rate amongst professional gamers and games. Making it harder to get to know and remember names (pseudonyms, avatars, etc.). One year's top player might not come back to the same game (unlikely but possible)...
  37. K

    Ratpadz - shipping is still FREE!

    no, site is back up. just the price is $25 again. Didn't proceed to check out to see if it drops the price though.
  38. K

    Video Card Blowout - 7990 - 6990 - 570 - 285 - 4890 - 8800

    possibly interested in the 4890, will PM shortly
  39. K

    FS: USB GPS Receiver, OBDII Reader, Creative X-Mod External Sound Card, cheap Nettop

    does the nettop run on a 12v powersupply? i was looking at the device that "powers on" the laptop, but does it come with anything that allows it to be powered on/charged? with all of the modding, can it run on a AC power source? i kind of want a carputer myself...but time and money are always a...