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  1. Chris_B

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    980ti strix sli, crap pic
  2. Chris_B

    AMD Expected to Announce Ryzen 5000XT CPUs at Computex

    Yup, was looking at upgrading to am5 when it came out, seen the pricing and went nope. 5900x still fine for my uses.
  3. Chris_B

    AMD Expected to Announce Ryzen 5000XT CPUs at Computex

    For people to AM4 still seems to be a very popular platform.
  4. Chris_B

    Remembering the Nvidia GeForce 256 – the first PC gaming GPU

    They were cheesy but funny, but cost a lot as well which didn't help.
  5. Chris_B

    NVIDIA to Only Launch the Flagship GeForce RTX 5090 in 2024, Rest of the Series in 2025

    A refillable AIO would be nice for a change, vs the current aio's that are sealed.
  6. Chris_B

    Remembering the Nvidia GeForce 256 – the first PC gaming GPU

    Well; whatever. It was near 30 years ago regardless. :D
  7. Chris_B

    Remembering the Nvidia GeForce 256 – the first PC gaming GPU

    Original voodoo was late 95, I recall seeing the term gpu around 98. But i do know it was long before nvidia released their geforce 256. I even recall ati try to float the term VPU for visual processing unit shortly after the 256 appeared but that was short lived.
  8. Chris_B

    Remembering the Nvidia GeForce 256 – the first PC gaming GPU

    Yes but the article states that: "Not only did the 1st-gen Nvidia GeForce 256 introduce us to its now famous GeForce gaming graphics brand, but it also brought the term ‘GPU’ to the gaming PC with it." Which is utter crap as the term was in use before the 256 made an appearance. Not getting...
  9. Chris_B

    Remembering the Nvidia GeForce 256 – the first PC gaming GPU

    The term 'gpu' was floating about long before the geforce, nvidia didn't introduce it at all. That's like apple laying claim to the term 'mhz myth' back when they were doing little vids showing how the p4 long pipeline affected its performance, that was a term long before apple latched on to...
  10. Chris_B

    The Greatest GPU of All Time

    I take it lil Burkey wasn't around for the 8800 series?
  11. Chris_B

    Used 4090 on ebay pulling hard?

    You gather right, it's happened on asus cards and even the odd FE card.
  12. Chris_B

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    The current lack of a 7950 doesn't necessarily mean rdna 3 can't scale to 3ghz.
  13. Chris_B

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    AMD claimed rdna3 was good for up to 3ghz so a 7950 was basically expected to show up around this point but never did. Seen a few posts on forums from around summer last year with expectations for it to pop up around January, but nothing to date. :cautious:
  14. Chris_B

    Radeon RX 7900 GRE Review

    So has the reference card got a lower power limit or clocks? That's the one i was looking at as i like the reference design. Ed: apparently it runs at a lower power target.
  15. Chris_B

    You can now buy the Radeon 7900 GRE

    Might pick one up depending on the UK price, its at a really weird price point where you can get a 7800xt for a bit less, or a bit more depending, and its not as if the GRE much faster, a few % at most, which some of the oc 7800's are at, or better.
  16. Chris_B

    Get Ready for "Gamerlicious" Nvidia Control Panel

    Bit of a change from the xp-esque one that's been hanging around for the better part of 20 years now. Worth a try at some point i suppose.
  17. Chris_B

    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    Reading old reviews the nostalgia flows, looking at how comparatively small the old cards were 20+ years ago coupled with the bare bones cooling with tiny fans and heatsinks, vs the 10+ LB goliaths we have today with multiple slots being needed, multiple power connections needed etc.
  18. Chris_B

    The Apple Vision Pro goes on sale in the US on February 2 for $3,499

    Yeah, think I'll pass on paying $3500 to look like 1980's Randy Savage.
  19. Chris_B

    RDNA 5 speculation

    So more bollocks then more then likely. :oops:
  20. Chris_B

    Oh Samsung, you had one chance to redeem yourself......Tech cuts guy's TV to void warranty and Reddit removes video from the post.

    How is it he happened to have a camera secretly recording? Is this a known thing with tv repairs with repair people damaging the tv to get-out of warranty?
  21. Chris_B

    3Dfx Rampage testing (2013)

    Ahh, the days of slot1\a cpu's in their own little cartridge type system. :cry:
  22. Chris_B

    NVIDIA rumored to be preparing GeForce RTX 4080/4070 SUPER cards

    At the time intel had basically written amd off as a competitor, the company was almost bankrupt during that period. NVidia are in a similar type of position in the sense they think they're basically untouchable considering the RT uplift they have over amd which is quite substantial. Time will...
  23. Chris_B

    NVIDIA rumored to be preparing GeForce RTX 4080/4070 SUPER cards

    It could happen, NVidia are in the same place intel were not all that long ago, basically with a virtual monopoly, on top of the world. AMD came out with Ryzen which was a kick in the balls for intel to say the least, nothing to say they cant do it in the gpu space.
  24. Chris_B

    NVIDIA rumored to be preparing GeForce RTX 4080/4070 SUPER cards

    That's been a "rumour" since around August\Sept last year.
  25. Chris_B

    NVIDIA rumored to be preparing GeForce RTX 4080/4070 SUPER cards

    Why don't they go with ultra again? That has its roots back in the Geforce 2 line. Super sounds almost childish.
  26. Chris_B

    AMD vs nVidia Colors - Concrete proof of differences

    I used to notice differences years ago between amd and nvidia, i switched from an nvidia card to an amd card around the release of Team Fortress 2 and found the amd card more colourful. But not really noticed it too much in games the last few years despite owning amd and nvidia cards at...
  27. Chris_B

    $4000 RTX 4090

    Looks nice but fuck that for that price.
  28. Chris_B

    AMD To Unveil Next Major Products At Gamescom 2023, Radeon RX 7800 XT & 7700 XT Expected

    Both companies have fucked around this gen, maybe the public backlash they've endured will make them play it straighter for the next gen, doubting it.
  29. Chris_B

    AMD To Unveil Next Major Products At Gamescom 2023, Radeon RX 7800 XT & 7700 XT Expected

    Maybe not, but the intention was there. Then their reasoning about '2 cards with the same name being confusing' was also a massive cop out. The 30 series had 10 gig cards, and 12 gig cards with the same name, coupled with LHR versions, yet somehow there was no confusion there. Suddenly...
  30. Chris_B

    AMD To Unveil Next Major Products At Gamescom 2023, Radeon RX 7800 XT & 7700 XT Expected

    It's not like NVidia are entirely innocent either, that whole 2 4080's bullshit that people immediately seen through for example. Dunno wtf they were snorting in the boardroom when they came up with that one.
  31. Chris_B

    AMD To Unveil Next Major Products At Gamescom 2023, Radeon RX 7800 XT & 7700 XT Expected

    Pretty dumb naming scheme then it has to be said. That's like saying the 7900xt isn't the replacement for the 6900xt and shouldn't be compared to it. Is that amd basically admitting that everything this gen was shifted up a tier, hence 7900xt is really 7800xt (before this new one came out)...
  32. Chris_B

    John Linneman (Digital Foundry) "What I can say, because it was on DF Direct, is that I've personally spoken with three devs that implemented DLSS

    It surprised me HD-DVD didn't win. Simply for the reasons that everyone knew what DVD was, and for a few years by that point consumers had been beaten over the head with the phrase "High Definition". Seemed a no brainer, but Sony shenanigans won the day. :eek:
  33. Chris_B

    Gamers Nexus vs LinusTechTips: Smackdown

    Lot of shite.
  34. Chris_B

    RDNA 4 Speculation — no "Nvidia Killer" this time, unlike RDNA 2

    It's generally what people that go by word of mouth believe, AMD inherited the 'bad driver' thing when they bought ATI, back in the day (20+ years ago) their drivers could be dodgy, but apparently people still like to hold onto the myth that that situation somehow hasn't improved in a few decades..
  35. Chris_B

    RDNA 4 Speculation — no "Nvidia Killer" this time, unlike RDNA 2

    Horrendous software support? Is this 2002 or have I missed something? It really is funny how many people still believe the 'bad driver' bs that hasn't been a factor in years. Both nvidia and amd have the occasional dodgy driver set, yet when its an amd driver there's uproar. Remember that...
  36. Chris_B

    RDNA 4 Speculation — no "Nvidia Killer" this time, unlike RDNA 2

    And do you have "internal access" to know this or just firing off twitter rumours ? Ive seen this "nvidia killer" caper in other releases as well and it never turns out that way, just seems to be supposed leakers firing off bs to fuel the hype train.
  37. Chris_B

    More Pictures of NVIDIA's Cinder Block-sized RTX 4090 Ti

    Do we need planning permission to install this fucker? Is a vertical mount gonna potentially tip the case over? :eek:
  38. Chris_B

    More Pictures of NVIDIA's Cinder Block-sized RTX 4090 Ti

    To the shock of nobody :LOL: