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  1. F

    The last game that gave you a lasting impression?

    Unreal Tournament 2004 It was the last great game which brought so many things together. I was part of a great community that connected multiple times a week. I had multiple LAN parties with it which brought a ton of family members and friends together. Onslaught was a mechanic which...
  2. F

    Oldest gamer I know

    Going by that time frame, the year 1999 when Microsoft bought FASA and KILLED Mechwarrior. They basically turned it from what felt like a simulator to an arcade game. I had played MW 1-3, and I was even tickled when the Voodoo edition came out. I'll never forget that first time I launched a PPC...
  3. F

    The Invincible

    I finished it. Every game you walk in is a walking sim. Anyways, if you love the atomic age era design, ya know that fun time between the 40s and 60s when it was all about rockets and space, you will love the game's visuals. It's pure Atomic Age eye candy. That being said...if you are not kinky...
  4. F

    What are you nerds playing this weekend?

    PC Forbidden West. It’s wild how many things there are to do in it.
  5. F

    Oldest gamer I know

    I’m also admitting I’m half a century old. I’m about 110 hours into PC Forbidden West, and I sometimes question why am I still gaming. Good to see my life choices are still valid. 🤣. I still have my late 70s Atari 2600, and I started PC gaming on my dad’s IBM XT with glorious games like...
  6. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    BANNED. 😉 What display did you end up getting? I’m going to build a new office where the gaming PC is going, and I’ve tapped the idea of selling the FW900 to finally be with a new screen.
  7. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Ha. You get hung up on because they get intimidated and don't want to sound like they have no clue what they are talking about since they don't. So the call "accidentally" drops. If you got a real tech person, even if they heard you say you use it for gaming, they probably wouldn't even mention...
  8. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Probably nothing. It's their way of looking for an easy way out to close the ticket. "User states adapter is being used for gaming - not supported. Case closed." You are 100% right in not giving all the info to commoner tech support. Let them figure it out. No need to provide extra details which...
  9. F

    Horizon Forbidden West

    I'm about 70 hours in, and her face is still not an issue. I mean she looks like some average person I'd walk by in public with neither a OMG how ugly or OMG how beautiful. She simply is. I do need to say Ultra Hard is an absolute PITA. Many hits = DEAD. Most hits are 50%+ damage to me. And...
  10. F

    What are your favorite LAN party games?

    UT2004 Onslaught would be a lot of fun if you are able to get 8 people.
  11. F

    Horizon Forbidden West

    I mean how much money could they possibly lose if they don’t cater to the minority? Really the best is to allow multiple main characters as options. This will pretty much shut everyone up.
  12. F

    Horizon Forbidden West

    I have no clue, but it has made out for some excellent popcorn material. I even try hard to see what others are bitching about during the cut scenes. I stare at her and try to hate her like others, but I just don't see it. All I see is a damn animation for a small sort while. I neither like or...
  13. F

    Horizon Forbidden West

    -Improved the visual quality of dust Was that the strange line that appeared in the dust texture animations?
  14. F

    Horizon Forbidden West

    Exactly this. You can't just go charging in and hope for the best. You have to plan your attack and take advantage of your surroundings. Tag the bots you are attacking to concentrate on them 1 by 1. I grinded a bit for my 3 arrow shot, and I'm trying to max out my silent strikes.
  15. F

    Horizon Forbidden West

    Ultra hard is such a pain in the ass, and I LOVE it. It is what I would expect from fighting big chunky heavy robots with energy weapons. It really requires a lot of stealth I'm only about 31 hours in, and a few hours ago I passed to the main territory. I grinded a bit to get my triple arrows...
  16. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I'm the oddball running 2235 x 1397 @ 83Hz calculated to 375Mhz pixel clock. No flickering and silky smooth when locked to refresh rate. I'm also on the StarTech DP2VGAHD20, and I do have a spare just in case.
  17. F

    No Man's Sky - a procedurally generated sand box space exploration game

    Does it still have horrible pop-in of objects when walking around? This is the main reason I couldn't deal with the game years ago.
  18. F

    Death Stranding 2: On the Beach

    I need to disagree with this statement. So many people call it a walking sim yet I drove most of the game even when I didn't build the highway system. The first map is heavily based on walking, but once the bike is attained, you can take it everywhere. Problem with the first map is you can't...
  19. F

    Death Stranding 2: On the Beach

    Hmm more weapons means better enemies? I went through DS with just using the Bola on the Mules and Terrorists. Looks fantastic.
  20. F

    RoboCop: Rogue City

    Being an 80s kid, I think I’m going to have to buy it. I sure hope my little 10gb in my 3080 can pull the job at almost 1440p considering all the replies here.
  21. F

    Death Stranding 2: On the Beach

    I got 300+ hours in DS. I am definitely looking forward to DS2.
  22. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Have I ever mentioned how beautiful RDR2 looks on the FW? :geek:
  23. F

    What's your opinion on playing first-person shooters on a controller?

    I think it's fine. I just finished RDR2 with keyboard & mouse aim assist off. This game is so ridiculously easy. Zero difficulty anywhere, and then it hit me why: it's a console port. They have to make the game easy for the kids on their consoles and controllers, TV input lag, etc. The problem...
  24. F

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    I’m gonna have to look out for that!
  25. F

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    I only started playing RDR2 in Nov, and I'm fascinated with how it looks. I never played RDR so I can't compare the gameplay, but I'm loving RDR2 so far. Yeah, the NPCs have their quirks, and maybe they could act a bit more realistic, but whatever. I'm really enjoying the countryside without the...
  26. F

    Steam year in review 2023

    I guess I'm joining the slacker club then. :ROFLMAO:
  27. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    That roadmap has me both excited for a FW900 replacement but pretty bummed out at only seeing :9 ratios on it. Why is the industry so anti:10 and higher? I LOVE more vertical. I'm not looking at my screens through Robocop's visor.
  28. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    That phosphor decay slightly bugs me when you are in a dark area with only a few small light sources, but it's an elegant decay rate that softly and quickly goes away. I never see it other wise. Ok, so going by all the comments, the magical OLED screens with 1000mhz refresh and BFI are coming...
  29. F

    F@H 3770k with 3 or 6 GPUs?

    I've decided to stay away from mining boards all together. The power thing you mentioned is now just one more reason to stay away.
  30. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I'm still using the StarTech DP2VGAHD20 I tested back in mid 2020. Currently connected to an EVGA 3080 2235 x 1397 83Hz : 375Mhz pixel clock I even bought a back up. That 395mhz model sure looks tempting!
  31. F

    Dying Light 2

    I so enjoyed the first. What a shame. I was waiting for the game to get properly patched up to finally jump into it, but I guess that will never happen.
  32. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Congrats! Nice big chunker.
  33. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    USB powered. Funny that it never made a difference if I powered up my Delock 87685 (the DPU3000's twin) or not. That seems awefully expensive considering the StarTech DP2VGAHD20 is still sold for $41, and it provides the same performance, in my testing, as the Delock 87685.
  34. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    And who would have guessed people are now spending near $10k for NIB FW900s.
  35. F

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Ok guys. I connected a flux capacitor to a Uhual truck. Who wants to go back to 2005 with me to pick up as many CRTs as possible for reselling today? :woot:
  36. F

    Atomic Heart

    I think the devs finally mentioned somewhere they are now working on it. For a time, there was an urban legend going around that they were paid off by the consoles to not include RT so that it doesn’t look better than the consoles.
  37. F

    F@H 3770k with 3 or 6 GPUs?

    Originally I was thinking of starting out with a bunch of 1050s or 1060s. Then I came across single slot 1660s but discovered they are too rare. Then I kept comparing PPDs vs watts with all cards up to the 4000s, and I felt like I was back at square one lol. A 4060 will eat up about 110w pumping...
  38. F

    F@H 3770k with 3 or 6 GPUs?

    I just came across this tread. Lots of data. Faster cards will want that 3.0. Oh well. I was really hoping to be able to use my old EVGA mb.
  39. F

    21" Sun GDM 5410 FD Trinitron vs. 3x Samsung - Odyssey 50a 27” IPS 165hz in portrait mode @4320x2560 165hz

    Hi. Long term (since mid 2000s) FW900 on the gaming rig user, and I'm also addicted. I was told recognizing you have an addiction is the first step :D . I always try to look for threads like this because of the FW900's finite life even though I sometimes go weeks without using it, its time will...